Sunday, April 28, 2024

OneUs K-Pop Concert

 1 April 2024 - 28 April 2024

Hello there! It's kind of weird writing only once a month now. Let me start with the biggest thing that happened this month, which was me attending the OneUs K-pop concert! So in preparation, I went shopping at DI to find an outfit. Whitney came down for a few days from Utah, and we got to hang out and go shopping. She helped pick out the skirt, which went great with the rest of the outfit. I went with Courtlyn (from my YSA ward) and her friend Elise. They got to visit Korea last year together. It was my first Kpop concert and was a fun experience, though I am glad I brought earplugs because toward the middle/end, my right ear started hurting, so I was able to add a little barrier of protection but could still hear well. A year ago, my right ear drum got burst from girls screaming loudly, so now I'm very cautious and protective of my ear! It was fun and a bit surreal to see the group live. They knew a few English phrases, but they spoke mostly Korean, and it was so cool because it sounds so similar to what I hear in K-dramas, and I was able to understand a few words here or there. They had a translator. The best part was feeling more connected and bonded to my friends I went with. I don't know that concerts are really my thing, but I'm always down for new experiences!

Early this month, I got to go out to dinner with my MFT friend Ashley, and we had a great time talking. I was able to share things and worries and concerns with her and it was so helpful for her to listen and reflect back to me, and I realized some things that were so helpful and relieving. I also got to go out to dinner with my coworker therapist Kari, and she spoke with me about different counseling options and places. Also, I attend a monthly EFT consult group, and I mentioned in the group that I was looking for a second site, and another lady there reached out with her information. I ended up interviewing with her and everything just fell into place. I didn't expect it to go so well or so easily, but everything just really clicked. The site I'll be working at is literally a 2 minute drive from my house, the building next door to my orthodontics place! They are taking really great care of me so far, and I'm excited to start getting to see lots of couples! Now I'll be at CLEAR Counseling 2.5 to 3 days a week, and then at this new place for 2 days, maybe building up to 3. 

After attending the concert, a girl on FaceBook reached out. We were in the same ward in Utah but didn't really know each other well, but were FB friends, but she moved down here 6 months ago and she was also at the concert that night, so we just started chatting a ton and became really great friends! I've gotten to hang out with her twice now, and it's fun to talk and obsess together! She's a great listener and has also taught me a lot about the K-world! We also met up at the stake Luau and hung that night, which I was grateful for because there were not many people there from my ward!

Also, my gym friend Hanna came over with her husband because he wanted to meet my dad and look around at the houses we built. While dad took him on a tour, Hanna spent the 2 hours helping me study Korean! The time really flew by, and I was able to share a Korean Book of Mormon with her! I shared that it was my favorite book, and I was wanting to learn how to read it in Korean, and I got her a copy too! It has prophets speaking in it and brings me closer to Jesus Christ. She seemed pleased and happy! Of course, we had to take pictures together with the Korean finger hearts! Later that evening, we went to Syndey Langford's wedding reception. 

I also had a prompting to stop by with a care package to my ministering sister Therese, because I knew she had been feeling poorly at church. I picked some citrus, got vitamins, gum, a note, some water bottles, then made a surprise drop-by. She was super happy, and they invited me in, and Courtlyn showed me her room (she got new decor) and then I talked with the two of them and convinced them to do the ward lip synch battle with me! And to go on the ward hike. Earlier in the day, mom had asked me if I wanted to go to her ward's volleyball that night at 9pm, which I turned down, thinking "why would she even ask me, she knows I wouldn't want to!" But then that night, Therese asked me about volleyball because she has missed playing, and I was able to pass on the info to her, and she went that night and played! So God orchestrated that whole thing with promptings. So cool! But during the visit, they both showed me the kpop dances they already knew, which was fun to watch, and then Courtlyn showed me pictures from her trip to Korea, which really made me excited to go! So cool! They both mentioned how that really made their day and was so fun. I am so grateful for promptings!

Well, those are the highlights from the month! I have been feeling better on my hormone support supplement, which has been so relieving. Thank goodness for getting checked up at the doctor, though it has cost quite a bit so far this year! Medical is so expensive!! But worth it if I actually feel better!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Wedding photos finally arrived!

We still have leftover food from the wedding. We invited the Burnhams over for dinner and games!

My Kpop concert outfit fit the vibe perfectly!

Me with Courtlyn and Elise before heading over to the OneUs Kpop concert!

OneUs posted this photo on their account. A $100 to whoever finds me in the photo! HA kidding... I know vaguely where I'm seated and don't think I'm visible :( well, plus it's super blurry.

Gracelyn was not happy about be grabbing her for a quick photo. She just loves to run around outside.

My gym friend Hanna came over and we studied Korean for 2 hours, and I shared a Korean Book of Mormon with her!

Me and Val at Sydney Langford's wedding reception.

Me and my new friend Delaney at the multi-stake Luau event!