6 January - 23 February 2025
So much has happened since I last wrote, which is probably why I skipped doing the end of January/beginning of February (aka my birthday weekend), but here I am to give you a quick catch-up on life these past two months. Which, spoiler alert, has been marvelous!
To start with, I began working as a temple ordinance worker on January 11th, and I have been loving serving in the Gilbert temple each Saturday morning. It has brought joy and an increase of the Spirit into my life, plus I love feeling the belonging that comes from joining a shift. I spent a lot of January trying to figure out why my stomach was hurting so much even when I ate "safe" foods, and I consulted with my doctor, who recommended I take this liquid compound that helps soothe people's stomachs when they present with IBS symptoms. I took that for about 3 weeks, and I didn't have any stomach pain during that time or right after (and the only stomach pain I've experienced since was when I ate too much sugar... thanks birthday and then Valentines. The holidays really get you!).
I'm fortunate to say that work is going well. I am still building up a caseload, but it is increasing week by week! I'm so grateful to say there is no drama or stress on that end for me. And of course, at the end of January, I had my birthday. I went out to lunch with mom to Cup Bop, a Korean fast food chain. Then for dinner, we met up with Valerie, Symantha, and Grandpa Jim for dinner at Chiles (Symantha picked) and then went home and had cake and opened presents. Mom made me a lemon raspberry cake with cream cheese frosting. Delish! In fact, I ate too much and then had a stomachache for the rest of the night. But what was incredible was that it did not ruin my birthday (as my dad jokingly said, "Way to ruin your birthday). I just accepted that I overate, that this pain was a natural consequence of that and a message from my body, and I laid down and listened to an audiobook until I felt better and could get ready for bed.
I also purchased tickets to visit South Korea! I'll be going for two weeks at the end of March, and I signed up for a tour through Noona's Noonchi, which combines mental health with K-dramas. I'm so excited to be going! I felt so good about it when pondering if I should go. It'll be my first time traveling abroad by myself, but I'm not feeling scared (though perhaps some nerves may come when I'm dropped off at the airport... but we shall see). I met up with three different friends who have all lived in or visited Korea to talk, and they gave me some helpful tips. Plus, they're always the best of company! I also had a K-Drama evening with a girl from church, and we were able to chat and connect, which I really enjoyed.
I've been attending YSA events, doing my calling, obtaining further training in mental health, loving on my family (spending time with my niece is one of my favorite things. She is SO cute and we all love obsessing about her), and living my best life. No complaints. I am just filled with so much gratitude as I write this today, because I feel at peace. It's been a long journey to arrive here, but every step was necessary. I am in the best place I've ever been mentally, and I've been focusing on my health and improving my diet and just overall, trying to take the best care of myself so I can better love and serve others. I also had a cool experience serving in the temple last Saturday. I was blessed to help in initiatories with a lady in a wheelchair who hadn't been in a while, and there was such a special spirit there. I have the best sisters in the world, the best family, and am blessed to be in such incredible work environments and meeting incredible clients, seeing their growth and progress.
Much love,
Emily Burnham
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