Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Utah YSA Conference

15 July - 6 August 2024

This past weekend, I attended the Utah YSA Conference in Salt Lake City. I flew up on Thursday evening, stayed at Lucy's apartment in Provo, then traveled up with her for the conference over the weekend. It was absolutely exhausting, but also so worth it! We made incredible memories together, heard and saw incredible things, and received lots of inspiration. It was also the most exhausted I've felt in a while, which is to be expected. The first night, arrived at the airport around midnight, then when I got to Lucy's apartment in Heritage Halls, I had to sleep on the couch in the living room, which was not very comfortable. By the time I fell asleep, it was after 2am. We had to wake up at 6am to get ready and go to the front runner. Fortunately, God placed people in our path to help us out. There was a guy on the train who was also attending the conference and was very familiar with public transportation, so he was very helpful. The Salt Palace is HUGE and there were around 10 thousand YSA in attendance. It was so easy to feel overwhelmed and experience instant FOMO, because there was no way you'd be able to do everything that was available over the course of the two days. Lucy and I got to be part of breaking two world records, the biggest speed dating event and the most contributions to a birthday card. They had a HUGE card for President Nelson's 100th birthday next month, and people could submit something online, then when we went to sign it, we would add 5 other people's messages as well. What was difficult about the conference was that I wasn't at my best physically because of lack of sleep, not having food for breakfast or lunch the second day, etc, so it started to wear down on me, but God would place miracles or people in our path. Even when things didn't turn out the way I wanted, like I missed a class I wanted to go to or we missed the front runner on the way home (more about that later), something good or cool always came from it. We were able to help someone that needed it or have an inspired conversation or meet a cool person. After the first day, we got to attend the concert that night. Rachel Platten (most known for "Fight Song") did a fabulous job performing. She talked about her own mental health journey, and I could really tell that she put her heart and soul into singing and that her songs were very meaningful to her. They were very touching and I may have cried at least 3 times. They also had these LED wristbands that were programmed to light up (we couldn't control them) and it was so cool because they would light up in synchrony to different rhythms and in that moment I definitely felt connected to everyone, part of something bigger. It was SO INCREDIBLE to experience. I also got to meet up with Whitney and see her for a bit, which always feels incredible. I love her! So grateful for eternal friendships. Well, after Rachel performed, we heard from Emma Nissan and then Ben Rector, but we didn't really know any of Ben Rector's songs, and we realized if we left about 20 min early from the concert, then we'd be able to catch the front runner and make it home an hour earlier than getting out of the concert a bit after 10pm and having to wait an hour for the front runner and getting back around midnight. Well, the trax that took us to the front runner was running late and was cutting it too close. We had a minute to get from the trax to the front runner, according to the app. But the trax got stuck at the LONGEST RED LIGHT OF MY LIFE and we missed the front runner by 30 seconds!! We were running down the stairs right to it as it started pulling away. So we had to sit there for an hour anyway to wait for the next one, and so we missed the end of the concert for nothing! I was SO mad, and SO TIRED. But Lucy got to see some old work friends and talk with them, and then a girl Lucy knew was worried about how to get home because the bus wasn't running that late in the evening, so we were able to give her a ride back to campus. So it worked out, but again, I was soooo tired and didn't get much sleep before we had to do it all over again. I was grateful I got to spend more time with Whitney on Saturday. Though I didn't really meet any new friends or guys, I took home some messages that uplifted and inspired me. From listening to Emily Belle Freeman, I wrote down that when life presents you with two good choices, choose the harder right. Life will take you to extraordinary places if you do that. She also pointed out how the restoration was brought about by YSA aged people! Even though we are young, we can make an impactful difference. Sharon Eubank spoke about not needing to wait to be generous, that the efforts we put in now are enough. And how the smiles we exchange through service is so much more meaningful than the money we make through work. People filled out an anonymous survey about what they were most concerned about, and the mental health of the youth of the church was the #1 thing, and what struck me was that out of the thousands of people there, I'm one of the few who can actually do something about that, so I really want to find a way to serve in the community or in schools and help kids improve their mental and emotional health. Acts of service are acts of faith, because you don't always know why you are doing them or the impact they will have, but you proceed anyway. I also attended a break out class and learned all about paradox, how everything is a paradox. We love our family AND they drive us crazy. We have hard things happen to us that we don't like AND we love how we become better from them. Etc. I was also reminded that in all of my work, I need to remember to give the credit back to God. That is how I will stay humble and fly even higher. I also had an insight about how Satan does not and never will have a body, so he literally cannot understand bodily pains and sufferings. He cannot validate or empathize or have compassion, but just tempts and laughs when we fall, never really understanding why it's so easy to fall at times in these mortal bodies. And I think too that it is because he does not have a body and cannot feel what we feel that his biggest tactic is for us to not feel or experience our emotions or physical sensations, to numb out and disassociate.

So those are the highlights from the conference, and now I will go back earlier in time and share some other highlights from July along with the photos below: 

Meeting up with Whitney at the concert! Can you see the love?!!! Love this friend of mine!!

Okay these pictures are from earlier in the month, with more pics from the conference at the end, so stay tuned!

We made sushi in the cooking class the church puts on. It was super fun and turned out cute. I'm excited to make some with my family when Lucy comes down from school on break. I want to teach them what I learned (hopefully I will still remember)!

Feed My Starving Children for FHE! My feet really hurt by the end of the night and the next day from all the standing. I sealed bags of food all night.

Okay, do you see how spoiled and pampered and adored this little thing is? It's no wonder she LOVES coming over to see Memaw and Papa and she will even try to say bye to her mom when they stop by just for a few mintues, basically trying to kick her mom out and say, "Kay, leave now so I can stay here!" Haha, she is so cute!

Mom and I took a day to get the free T-Mobile merch then stopped by Trader Joes to pick up some Korean food for lunch!

We took this pic to send to Hanna and she was like, "Those are my favorite foods! I need to go buy some too!"

I went to Candytopia with Sawyer from my ward and got to explore different candy sculptures and things. The best part was the marshmallow pit, but I didn't get any pictures of that because I was busy jumping around in a giant pit of foam marshmallows, throwing them at other little kids and playing with them. It was so fun to put a smile on their faces and play with them. 

Flight to Provo!

Got to see Kathrine Jensen!

Lucy signing Pres  Nelson's bday card!

The highlight of Lucy's life. She sassed Mallory hard core -_-

This was the size of the bday card!!

On our walk to lunch, we passed by the temple in Salt Lake City, which is under construction.

View of the interior of the building. It's hard to see just how many people are in the back area of the photo.

Me and Lucy walking to church on Sunday. Don't we look so tired?

Got to see Gracelyn first thing when I got home from UT. She's SO cute! 

And this was mom driving me home from the airport!

Much love, 

Emily Burnham

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The 4th & Culture Night

 3 July - 14 July 2024

Hola, mi familia! 안녕, 가족이!

Just dropping a few pictures and updates on the last two weeks! What isn't mentioned below is that I am getting a lot of new clients, so my schedule is filling up, which feels like a huge blessing! I am also feeling more competent in my work and seeing more positive outcomes, as well as overcoming my impostor syndrome that was with me for so many months. Also, my dad cut his hand open on a grinder and ended up at urgent care and the hospital on the night of my FHE Korean presentation. It is healing up quite nicely, but it caused him a lot of pain. The culture night for FHE was fun! I think I stayed there for two hours! There were presentations on Brazil, Bolivia, the Baltics, etc. I think people really enjoyed the effort I put into my presentation. Some people enjoyed learning about the Korean alphabet, though most just looked intimidated by it. Some enjoyed using chopsticks while some didn't seem to care to try. But oh well, you can't win over everyone! Even though they should all love Korean culture!!!!! Hahaha. It was still a fun time. I'm being more social at church, trying to get to know more people and help them feel welcomed and loved. I am meeting more therapists and getting more referrals. I feel more supported. Things are going well. My stomach did hurt a few days this week, and I really am going to try to eat healthier and cut out sugar. I really need to do it! So, that's all you really need to know about the past two weeks, besides the stuff I wrote below to accompany each picture:

Fourth of July pizza party at Letti's house! Spent the night helping people make their pizzas and talking with new people!

Prepped my presentation on Korea for FHE culture night!

Sunday night family dinner! Sent this pic to Lu to make her jealous... ;)

Presented on South Korea! Got to teach some people a bit about the language as well as how to use chopsticks. I don't think anyone was as obsessed as me or really understood my obsession, but it's okay.

Went to Emily Gillette's bridal shower and we got to make flower boquets.

Whitney sent me a Scotland postcard! She went to Europe for 15 days!

Selfie with Sean at the lunch-in. AKA his house where he's currently living.

This was taken at the lunch-in after Cody and Carly's sealing in the temple! Lol, Gracelyn isn't even looking, haha.

Lucy did a fabulous job of cheering me up on a sad day. She is so cute and funny. I sure love her a million and am eternally grateful I get to call her my sister.

My text conversations with Hanna have pretty much become all in Korean now! It's been so helpful to be able to learn from a native speaker! It makes me wonder just how quickly I could pick it up if I lived in Korea for a time, fully-immersed!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

World's Largest Snickers & Korean Souvenirs

 24 June - 2 July 2024

What is holding me back from accomplishing my dreams? My own self-doubt, insecurity, exhaustion, and anxiety. When my mental, emotional, and physical health is balanced and stable, I am able to go off and explore. Try new things. Make things happen. I'm going to try to write a little more often in my blog, because I definitely noticed a difference in my wellbeing when I cut back how frequently I was writing and reflecting over my life. To be fair, things have been getting better, and one of many reasons is because I've started journaling more in my hardcopy notebooks. But I really do like keeping track of things here as well because then I get to add all the pictures and those are so fun to look back on. Journaling helps me keep things in perspective, express and feel gratitude, notice blessings, etc. Plus, I am a huge verbal processor, which means I need to let it out and make sense of what's going on inside externally, whether that is through talking my mom's ear off (sorry mom, love you!) or writing about it. 

Anyways, this past week was pretty epic! I'll share photos and talk more about the week from each photo. 

I picked up mom and dad from the airport after they spent a week in Utah visiting Lucy, and withing 20 minutes of being home, they were each doing what they do best ;). I sent this "stalker" photo to Lucy and it made her crack up!

Hanna arrived back from her trip to Korea and brought back souvenirs! She was gone for an entire month. She got me a keychain of a cute Korean couple, which I told her was a keychain of me and my Korean husband, which made her laugh. I love how easy it is to make her laugh, and when it really strikes her has funny, she will lightly hit me as she laughs, so yes, I will get swatted for my jokes :). She finds me so cute, and I also just find her adorable. Her sister also sent back a limited edition BTS book as a gift for me, which made me really happy. Hanna took a video of me with it to send to her sister and I spoke a few basic Korean words. I absolutely love how my interest and genuine love for other cultures has brought so many incredible connections and bonds into my life. God is good!

We made snickers at the cooking class Thursday night at the church. It's part of the Gather Place series. We have a chef in the stake who is teaching them. However, the caramel did not set up, so we ended up rolling it into a log and dumping chocolate on top. So instead of making little snickers bars, we made the world's largest snickers!!! The funniest part was that they had bought hole and half peanuts, and I figured it'd be best if they were crushed, so I self-appointed myself the job and got the hammer out of the toolkit in my car and crushed up the nuts, haha!

I've been working on being more social, trying to talk to more people, and I have been spending time taking care of myself and healing, so I am feeling incredibly grateful and blessed.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sedona Hike and Lip Synch Battle

 29 April - 23 June 2024

It's been a hot minute since I wrote, so I'll catch you up briefly on any noteworthy events and then on my overall thoughts about how life has been going.

I signed up for the ward lip synch battle and got Courtlyn and Theres on board with me, so I spent a LOT of time practicing for that! Like easily 10 hours. I'd practice at the gym in front of the mirror. Since our gym closed down, my mom and I have not found a satisfactory solution. We tried a free 5-day pass out Mountain Side. We even signed up to try EoS, which sucked. Not only was it super crowded and smelly, but the "$1 trial" was a scam and they charged mom $27 dollars (more than that, including the yearly fee, but mom called and got them to take that off at least). But we were definitely misinformed and mom was so miffed. So, we do NOT like EoS. Now we even feel more grateful for our membership at LA Fitness, even if it is a bit more of a drive. I also went on the ward hike to Sedona with Therese, Alyssa, and Rachel. We listened to my jams on the way up, a mix of gospel tunes and k-pop/ballads. It was beautiful, and I really enjoyed talking with my friends and building deeper connections. I also had my friends Courtlyn, Delaney, and Therese over for Sunday dinner with my family and we played games on Cinco De Mayo. My YouTube channel is still going, but I'm taking a bit of a break by just posting shorts/memes instead of long videos because those were kind of burning me out and didn't seem super popular anyways, so I figured I needed to regroup and reassess what is really meaningful to me and worth it to put out there. The ward lip synch battle was such a fun evening! Delaney came to support us, and we ended up winning first place! We spent lots of time practicing together in the week leading up to it. That night, we were practically flawless! I felt so loved and so included and so happy. My heart was happy and light. Also, I got to take home the trophy! Gracelyn is super cute and has taken to calling me "Choo Choo" (thanks to my dad, really). I attended Jessica Hughes and Garrett Baker's wedding ceremony, then helped set up for the reception, then attended the reception! We had a fun FHE "Where's Waldo?" night at SanTan Mall and the bishopric did such a wonderful job of dressing up. My studying and practicing of Korean is still going well (slowly but surely, I'd say. It's hard when you don't really have people to practice it with/aren't submerged in it). I went to a stake water day and hung with my friends. The pop-up water slide was super fun, and for the dunk tank, I knocked down the stake president on my third try! Everyone was really impressed! My gym friend Hanna is off in Korea, and she's been sending us pictures of things, which was been super fun! I also attended my friend Savannah Hunter's wedding. I've been trying to treat myself in little ways, like I got a bunch of Korean food/meals to try, and they were actually so good! I made dinner with Therese for the sister missionaries yesterday, which was a good time, but I am sad she will be leaving next Saturday, moving to Idaho, but it'll be exciting for her! So of course I made her and Courtlyn take Sunday photos with me :). I also made Sunday dinner for Grandpa Jim and me since my parents were out of town this past week in Utah, visiting Lucy.

Working as a therapist has been much harder than I ever imagined. There have been a handful of times where I've really wanted to quit. I can't even describe the extent of my challenges, but things are getting better, and I'm getting additional support and help. Plus, I think sometimes you just have to struggle in order to fully appreciate or learn something. If there is one thing that I know to be true (even though it's a hard truth), it's that pain and suffering bring perspective and growth and joy. I'm hanging in there and even experiencing joy so I'm just trying to continue to surround myself with good things and voices, spending more time in the gospel and in the things that TRULY matter most in life and in the eternities. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

My mom learning the BTS "Permission to Dance" moves ;)

Sedona hike!

Cinco De Mayo dinner

Mother's Day Dinner

BTS Girls!

Me and Sis Davis!

The Waldo Crew. Love these people!

Stake Water Day

Gimpab and Tteokbokki!

Sunday Pics

Sunday Dinner!