Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 15: Greetings from Brewton, Alabama

Hey y'all!

This morning I received a phone call with completely unexpected news... I am being transferred to Brewton Alabama! I'm leaving Sister Walls behind, and my new companions name is Sister Palmer. I will leave Wednesday morning. Well, now I have to say goodbye to my trainer, our farm, trailer, investigators, and amazing ward sent from heaven. I have grown so close with members of the ward and know I have made friends for eternity here. I know I am exactly where the Lord wants me to be, because I have grown so much spiritually by serving Him and learning to love others. As I focus on others completely, everything falls into place and miracles happen. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned from Sister Wall and will sure miss her. I am also excited for the new friends I will make in Brewton! I heard it is the biggest area in the entire mission. On the bright side, I am finished with training!

This past week has been awesome! I have learned new things in the gospel, and it just reminds me how excited I am about the gospel and about learning. I get so excited when I make new connections and learn new details. I was able to rub off some of my excitement to Rachel, who has been a member for just over a year. She came out with us for five hours and we had a blast! We taught our investigator Daniel, and then went to visit a lonely old man afterwards. He wasn't home, but he had an awesome porch swing, so we decided to take a picture on it. BAD IDEA because next thing I know, my arm is stinging and I jump up and accidentally fling the camera to the ground. I look behind me and see a wasp's nest! Fortunately I am not allergic, so it didn't hurt the next day and is finally starting to go away. A few days later a cock roach ran across my foot when I was getting ready for bed! Gross, I absolutely hate bugs, but maybe I'll learn to tolerate (and like?) them in the next life. Unfortunately for me, love bug season is starting!

On Saturday, Sister Wall and I went to the local Flea Market. There were so many people there that we didn't know what to do with ourselves! It was awesome! We got to see baby chickens, bunnies, and puppies. I saw stands for roasted corn on the cob and boiled peanuts. I haven't tried them yet, but they are definitely Southern specialties! We then went to a baptism in Mobile for two men named Chris being baptized. Their story is truly a miracle. So, we got to teach one of them the first three lessons and invite him to be baptized. We were told his last name was Thompson. Then we found out he wasn't in our area and transferred him to the elders. The elders found out his last name wasn't actually Thompson, but shortly after actually found the real Chris Thompson, and he wanted to be baptized too, on the same day as the other Chris! It was so cool! The mission president came and Sister Wall gave the talk on baptism. I absolutely love baptisms and the Spirit they bring.

Then on Sunday, we were able to see Brady receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and later during church he received the Aaronic priesthood. I told his girlfriend, Rachel, that now every time she hugged him, she'd be "holding the priesthood." They thought it was so funny. He is now going to be able to baptize our investigator named Daniel this Saturday. (And I won't be there for it...)

Here in the South, so many people don't understand the truth about the relationship between God, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit. They are so confused. It amazed me to realize they don't understand the simple truth that we have a loving Heavenly Father, and we can one day become like Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, as we live faithfully. The more I share the gospel and talk with people, the firmer my faith grows in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The more it makes sense and my testimony deepens. I promise you that every time you share your testimony and faith, even in simple ways, your testimony grows and your sins are forgiven you.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Southern Sayin

1. A short minute. Instead of saying "really quick", or "see you then," they say, "See you in a minute!" or, "Can we come by for a short minute?"

We were able to teach Chris the first three lessons and invite him to be baptized on August 19. We promised him he would know everything he needed to by then, and this past Saturday, he was baptized! Even though we found out he wasn't in our area, we were such a big part of his story and got to attend his baptism. The elders got to finish teaching him.

The whole district at Chris' baptism

I went out with Sis Wall and got some Thai food. It's really good!

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