Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 17 - "Souls to Satan"

Hey y'all! 

This week has been quite the adventure. On Tuesday, we had district meeting in Florida! It's so cool how often I get to drive past the state line! They plant a line of palm trees by the border since that's what Florida is known for, even though you won't find them around very often. Afterwards, we had a service project planned, but because of all the rain (from tropical storm Harvey), it was cancelled. And we had forgotten to plan backups! We drove to the side of the highway, praying and pondering about what to do. As Sister Palmer looked on the GPS to see who was nearby, I saw three or four houses on the side of the highway. I said we should tract them. We walked along the highway to save miles because we were already over our limit... As we were walking, a truck driver passed us and pulled around to ask us if we were broken down and needed help. I walked up and said, "No, we are good! We are actually missionaries and would love to share this with you!" Then I handed him a pass-along card. We met one elderly lady who had a Book of Mormon from her husband that passed away, and we were able to talk to her for an hour! She was so friendly and invited us back anytime. A few houses later, we gave a Book of Mormon to a young lady that sounded interested. It was so cool to see the result of following the Spirit and finding those who have been prepared.

On Wednesday, we taught Sandra again. She said she gave her chicken Pineapple a bath! We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and she said it made way more sense than anything else she had ever learned! She was very excited and had read 10 pages in the Book of Mormon. She is definitely very prepared. Members took us out for lunch and dinner! 

On Thursday, after a long morning of weekly planning, we taught a nine-year-old named CJ the Gospel of Jesus Christ using cups. He has a very short attention span, so we have to get creative with his lessons! That evening, we taught the Nelsons the plan of salvation using cutouts that spelled "love." They absolutely loved it! ;) It helped them remember to focus on the bigger picture. While we were there, Curtis said, "We decided to give our souls to Satan." I gave him the strangest look and he said with a laugh, "The sole of our foot!" He also compared Satan to a drug dealer--he hands out misery to take people down with him. 

This Friday morning, after the devotional with the cute elderly people at the senior center, they invited us to stay after for lunch. They said all the food had already been blessed! Unfortunately, I couldn't actually eat any of it because of my food allergies, and when the cooks found out, they prepared a beautiful plate of fruit for me to eat. They are so sweet! We went to the Fox family that night for dinner, family home evening, and service. Christy loves football, so she taught us an entire lesson about faith and football. People here sure love their football! We worked out in the garden and Sister Palmer destroyed a MASSIVE ant-pile covering a plant and got bit a ton. 

We rode bikes a lot on Saturday and a nice couple gave us some ice cold water when we ran out. Southern hospitality is a real thing!

On Sunday, I attempted to go without food and almost passed out during a lesson because my blood sugar got too low. I started slumping forward and the lady we were teaching noticed and got me some water. I've met so many new and kind people here. I have definitely felt Heavenly's Father love for me so much this week. I relied on the Atonement of Jesus Christ so much this week to pull through. I know the enabling power of Christ's Atonement is real, and that it can heal physical sickness and fatigue as we turn our thoughts in gratitude to God. God has a plan for each one of us, and I know I am exactly where He needs me to be!

Pictures of me and Sister Wall with Kennedie and her siblings. This was taken a week before her baptism & before I was transferred.

What a musical week! Johnny is quite the collector of musical instruments and showed them to us to try out :)

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