Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 22 - The Moon is Shining

Hey y'all, it's been quite the week!

We met with Ellen this morning. We were so nervous and decided to sing Nearer, My God, to Thee. She loved it and it brought the Spirit in. Then we read 1 Nephi 1 with her. She had a lot of good questions, but she is having a hard time understanding why we need The Book of Mormon. I asked her how long it would take her to read a 500 page book. She said, "A day, maybe a week or two." I then challenged her to read the Book of Mormon and to pray and ask God if it was true. She accepted. I know that as she starts a serious study of the Book of Mormon, she will feel the Spirit and come to know it is true. 

When we showed up at district meeting, there were a bunch of cop cars and a fire truck. A mother had accidentally locked her baby in the car. We stood out there with the other sisters and watched them break into the car and get him out. He was covered in sweat and was screaming when they finally got him out. :( 
That evening, the lesson with Erica fell through, but we met her cousin and gave her a Book of Mormon. We got her number and will meet with her soon.  

We went to Ellen's that morning, and as we sat there, we didn't feel like we should bring up the Book of Mormon. We just listened as she talked about all the pets she used to have: African bobcats, cougars, monkeys, etc. She absolutely loves animals. She says God has a polar bear and grizzly bear waiting for her in heaven. We went and saw Diane, who had surgery yesterday. She is alive and well! We watched President Nelson's talk on The Book of Mormon with her and Dysane. We love them so much. Then we had a return appointment with "Kid," the lady who got out of prison. She dropped us because she said their wasn't a voice inside of her saying to "shut up and listen" when we spoke to her. But, we asked the 13 year old girl, Raydha, if she was interested in learning more. We had seen her flipping through the Book of Mormon and reading it. We set a return appointment for Friday. Then we went to the Wright's for CJ's baptismal interview. We are planning his baptism for this Saturday. Our district leader met us there and had just driven back from Tallahassee, where he picked up a new missionary to train! The new missionary, Elder Thomas, plays the violin and fixed up Johnny's violin. We stopped by Erica's that evening. She wasn't home, but her mom was. She said she was interested in sitting in the next lesson because she has seen how the book we gave Erica is already changing her. We gave her a copy too!

Every Thursday, we have to drive a 6 hour round trip to Bristol for a meeting. I learned a lot about how the only thing we are in control of is our agency, and that is the only gift we can truly give to God. As a missionary, we face a lot of stresses, but we have to remember what we are in control of--knocking on doors, talking to people--and not worry about what can happen in response: doors being slammed in our faces or people bashing with us. I have more courage and motivation to talk with everyone! On our way home, we stopped by a referral. She wasn't home, but we met her sister, Chasity. She had a baby named Emily, so it was cool to connect with her and tell her that was my name too! We promised her that as she read the Book of Mormon, her grades for nursing school would improve and she would know exactly how to raise her daughter! Then we had dinner with the Foxes and played Skip-Bo with them. I was sooo close to winning! On the way there, we stopped by a historical site of a well on Damascus street (a lot of streets in the south are very biblical!)

I felt a bit sick today, but we had a full day scheduled, so I went out anyways. We also got a text from our leaders that there was a hurricane headed our way! In the morning, we had a devotional at the senior center, and I played some songs for them on the violin.They loved it! Then we had a lesson with Ben. Rhoda took us to it, and we taught the Restoration. He felt the Spirit and realized the importance of reading The Book of Mormon. Rhoda loves coming out with us and wants to serve a mission. She shared such a powerful testimony of The Book of Mormon and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Then we went back for our lesson with Raydha, and three other kids were there: Gavin (9), Ashanti (12), and Janazsia (10). They loved listening to the Restoration and are excited to read The Book of Mormon. I was able to explain how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are separate beings as we taught the First Vision, and Ashantie said, "That makes sense because Jesus Christ is the the Son of God." After this lesson, Sister Palmer and I decided that we needed to focus on the youth of Brewton because they are a lot more open and sensitive to the truth. 

We went to Rhoda and Johnny's to teach CJ, and they told us that his baptism had been postponed due to Hurricane Nate... CJ was so sad and disappointed. We had dinner there and I decided to try the ghost pepper sauce in my chili. Well, since my stomach is sensitive, it made me really sick. But after a while, I felt good enough to leave, so we stopped by Erica's. She wasn't home, but a friend name Chris came out and said he was interested in meeting with us. We set an appointment to visit him next Friday. Literally every time we stop by her house, we pick up a new investigator! Then we stopped by a gas station and I felt prompted to give two people copies of The Book of Mormon. They were very interested :)

Well, we had to be inside by 5pm because that night the hurricane was supposed to hit. I wasn't feeling well, so I mostly slept all day. I had a fever and was burning up. Well, we felt like we should go to the Wrights that afternoon when I felt a bit better and watch The Testaments with them. It was so cool to watch their reactions as they saw how The Book of Mormon worked together with the Bible, and they were both crying at the end when Christ came to the Americas. It was exactly what they needed. Also, Sister Palmer cleaned out our closet in preparation for the hurricane that didn't hit us...

Church was cancelled due to the hurricane that was supposed to head our way. Other than heavy rain during the night, nothing happened. No flooding, no destruction. But it was a blessing for me because I was sooo sick all day. Whenever I wasn't sleeping, I was watching church videos on our small DVD player. We don't have a large variety, so I watched the Restoration three times...

I know that The Book of Mormon is true, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is God's true, restored church here on earth. Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God, and we have a living prophet on earth today. A scripture that really spoke to me this week was in 1 John 3:2-3 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." I know we are children of God, and we will one day be perfected through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We can stand clean before our Heavenly Father and be just like Him. We can't imagine all God has in store for us, or what it will be like to be perfected, because we are imperfect. But as we have hope and faith, we will become pure.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Funny Sayin's:
1. Rhoda told her husband: "Your shirt is short and the moon is shining!" when he bent down to grab something. 

2. With hurricanes, missionaries send a lot of fun hashtags and sayings. For hurricane Irma, the joke was "Irmapocolypse" and "I don't know about you, but Irma little disappointed by the hurricane."

With Hurricane Nate, we received a message with a #nastynate. This cracked Sister Palmer up because her dad's name is Nate. (And it is funny now how both of her parents' names have been used for hurricanes, because her mom's name is Katrina).

3. My companion says I look like the grinch--when he turns good at the end--when I'm super happy and smile really big. I still don't see it...

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