Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 27 - Six Month Mark

Hey y'all!

Transfer news: I'm staying here in Brewton, and Sister Palmer will be heading to Calloway! I am sad that she is leaving, but she is going to have many fun adventures! She has changed so many lives here, including mine. Now I will get to make a new friend with Sister Jarvis as my companion :). I am slightly nervous to be leading out the area, but it will be a good learning opportunity for me.

We took a lot of pictures around town! I've been wanting to do this for over a month. Also, I love small towns. Brewton has already decorated for Christmas! So cute :)

After district meeting, we stopped to get some more pictures. Plus, I really wanted to poke the rectangle things of cotton laying around in the fields. We went to a nursing home in Jay and I played the violin for them for half an hour. My neck was hurting, so we switched over to the piano and sang some songs for them. Sister Palmer's voice started cracking, so next thing I knew, I was singing them a solo. That's one way to develop my musical talents! And one of the old ladies brought us some sweet tea to drink...
That evening, we went over to the Fox's home for tacos and a game of Skip-Bo. 

We tried contacting some former investigators, and two people let us in, but there was absolutely no interest. They thought of it as more of a social visit and were content with where they were at. It is so sad when people truly aren't searching for more in life than to wait around for the second coming. Well, we didn't know what else to do, so we prayed and felt like we should go to Wrights early. As we pulled up, we saw Jan and Zavier walking outside in front of their house. We were able to teach them both a bit about the Restoration, and they live right behind the Wrights. We chatted and Zavier said he was interested in music. We invited him to come see all of Johnny's instruments. They hung out and played all the instruments for an hour. It was so good for them to be in a home with a good influence, since they don't really have any positive parental influence.

A very relaxed day. We weekly planned and decided to organize the area book by street proximity. We also called a lot of people to schedule appointments.

Today marks 6 months since I left for the MTC! I can't believe I'm already 1/3 of the way through my mission. Time has really flown. Well, coincidentally, our mission president picked today as a
"No Car Day," so we biked 4 miles to Diane's house and helped her clean some things. She fed us dinner and Jessie shined my shoes (they were getting a bit green at the toes). And my companion surprised me this morning with a note on the bathroom mirror :)

I had a feeling I was going to be leading out this area soon, so I've been paying extra attention to the Spirit and really trying to follow His guidance. I felt like we should walk a certain way this morning, so we did. I felt a lot like Nephi, who said in 1 Nephi 4:6, "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." No major miracles occurred, but I had many opportunities to follow promptings to knock on certain doors or turn back and talk to a certain person. That evening we had dinner with the Kelley's. They made a yummy meal of pork, rice, and sushi. I also tried this new fruit, which is a mixture of an apple and some other Southern fruit I've never heard of before. It was good though!

Wonderful way to end the week! We had a linger-longer after church, and the Wrights brought me lots of gluten-free snacks and food. Many branch members also talked to us about friends they are going to invite to church or send as referrals. This has been the biggest miracle, because we truly are running out of people to teach despite how hard we are working to find people on our own! That evening, we went with the Wrights to see them receive their Patriarchal blessing. I felt so much love for them, and Rhoda said the blessing answered so many questions and concerns she had. It was such a spiritual and peaceful experience!

I know so many great things are ahead of me! Every hard day makes the good ones even more special and joyful. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves each one of you. Read through your patriarchal blessings often so you can feel just how special and loved you are. I know each of us has a special purpose here on earth, and as we follow the promptings of the Spirit, we will be able to bless the lives of many people.

Sister Burnham

Funny moments:
1. Apparently, I am terrible at fishing. So, as missionaries, we have to be outside the car and back our companion when they are driving in reverse. I try to make it fun because otherwise it can get annoying. Sometimes I dance if no one is around. Well, I've never been fishing before (that I can remember), and I decided to "fish" the car with an imaginary rod as Sister Palmer backed out of our driveway. She said it was the most ridiculous thing she has ever seen ;).
2. A random man called us out of the blue on a private number, acting very cryptic. He said he was given a Book of Mormon and our phone number. He said his name was JR and worked at a military base, but wouldn't tell us anything else. And he talked for 20 minutes about the Israelite God of the temple and some other things. We have no idea what it was about but had to get going to an appointment, so we rescheduled to call him back next week.
3. Other random people have sent us the strangest text messages this week...

The "underground" theater!

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