Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 32 - Charity and Poo-Pourri

Merry Christmas! This morning Sister Jarvis and I received news that we will both be staying in Brewton for another transfer! This week I studied a lot about charity, and it has changed my life.
If we have charity, we avoid negative feelings and thoughts towards others, and we have patience and try to see things from their point of view. I realized I needed to have more charity towards my companion. Every time she does something that annoys me, I have stopped dwelling on it and have turned my thoughts to something positive about how much Christ loves her. This has completely changed our relationship, just by that small act. I have felt the Savior helping me to develop so much more love for her and all of those around me. I don't have to dwell on the negative of every situation: that is Satan's way. In Alma 7:11-12, we learn that Christ suffered so he could succor us, or run to help us in our time of need. He not only suffered for our sins, but for our sickness, pains, weaknesses, and temptations so that He can understand what we are going through with perfect empathy and perfect patience. He is never annoyed or thinks negatively about us or anyone. Let us all have charity towards ourselves and all those around us. 
With my companion, Sister Jarvis
We stopped by John and Tissa's house to drop off a Christmas ornament and carol for them. Their little daughter, Kenna, asked if we could sing "Let it Go" with her. Fortunately, I've listened to that song too many times before my mission and remembered every word, so Tissa, her two daughters, and me and my companion all sang it together. It was such a sweet moment of bonding and hopefully softened their hearts. Even though it wasn't a song about the Savior, it was exactly what they needed to know we care about them individually. The Spirit was there as we all sang together.

We visited Sister Brand after district meeting. She is hilarious! She keeps telling me that she will call my mission president to tell him that I need to serve on the beach! Next transfer, maybe! We then left to help decorate our church building for our branch Christmas party on Friday. That evening we had dinner with the Andersons for the first time, and let me tell you: I learned more about them in one night of dinner than I have the past four months of just seeing them at church. It was amazing! Their 3 less-active kids  were all there. Sister Anderson told us about sharing the gospel with a man she works for, and we could see the passion and excitement in her eyes. And she showed us her epic craft room. My mom would be SO jealous. 

We went to visit Diane this morning and record her testimony for Branch History. Here is a snippet of her testimony: "As I progressed into the religion, it’s just awesome and hard to explain. But if you would just try it, you would be just as amazed as I am, because it’s wonderful. Since I’ve been baptized, I’ve been to the temple, and I tell you, there is nothing like going to the temple. I mean, when I stepped on the grounds, I could feel the Spirit." She also told us that she wants to start choristing at church again. She's had shoulder surgery and is now going to physical therapy. It isn't healing as quickly as it should, and she said God told her that if she starts using it in her calling to chorist, He will help heal her shoulder. She is such a faithful example to all those around her. That evening, we stopped by the Wrights to help Rhoda prepare her talk for this Sunday! She was so nervous that the Branch President asked us to help her. She will do amazing though! She also made dinner for us, too. 

This morning Sister Jarvis told me how isolated she feels here in Brewton. She is definitely a people-person and misses being close to all of the members because they live so far away. We realized this is the missing key for this area to progress: we need to get to know the members personally. They need to know we care about them. This was evidenced by the dinner we had with the Andersons. We need to get to know the members, and they need to get to know and trust us. That afternoon, we went to the Senior Christmas Party. They had a "T'was the night before Christmas Right-Left" gift exchange. We didn't know to bring gifts, but they had extras so we could participate. I thought the gift I ended up with was hilarious! It is "Poo-Pourri, Before You Go Spray." One of the workers there also gave us her address so we could stop by sometime to talk with her. Sometimes you find investigators in the most surprising places!

After the Senior Devotional, we met with Sister Bliss and got her hooked on indexing! She is at a standstill right now in family history, and we had no clue how to help her, so we decided indexing was the next step for her. That evening was our Branch Christmas Party! We had a catered meal and a white elephant gift exchange. Brother Miller said that we could have a white elephant gift exchange as long as it didn't cause anyone to fall away from the church or get a divorce. I was the commentator :) There was a lot of fun "stealing" that happened between members, and Jimmy really enjoyed himself! 

Our zone couldn't use cars today, so Sister Jarvis and I biked around Brewton. It was FREEZING so I had on three jackets, gloves, and two hoods. Because it was so cold, no one was actually outside, and everyone we tried wasn't home. We went home for lunch, and then went back out biking. It had warmed up some, and we talked with one guy out on the street. He said he wasn't living his life right, but was waiting for God to tell him to change. I testified to him that God was here for him, waiting for him to act and reach out in prayer. Alma 41:10 came to mind, so I told him that he wasn't very happy because of the way he was living, and it was time to change that around. He felt the truth of that and asked if we had any material for him to read, and he asked us to come back on Monday. We don't know where this will go, but at least we are planting seeds. That evening we met with our branch mission leader and discussed ways we could get more involved with the members. They agreed with us and said the branch is not only isolated from missionaries, but from each other. We hope to change that around!

Sister Wright did so well with her talk! Everyone loved it. She talked about building a testimony upon the foundation of Jesus Christ, our rock. She was so nervous but could feel God speaking through her. In Gospel Principles class, Brother Kelley talked about work and responsibility. As we discussed needed balance through rest and recreation, I felt a lot of my concerns and worries being answered. As a missionary who represents Jesus Christ, who is on His time and His errand, I have always felt bad for being sick and taking time away from working. I couldn't allow myself to peaceably rest. But we talked about how even Jesus Christ took a break to go into the mountains, or to rest on the 7th day. It's a natural part of life that rejuvenates us and creates needed balance. Well, my head had been feeling fuzzy and my nose was stuffed, so it was a tender mercy from God to be able to stay in and rest for the rest of the day without feeling guilty, bad, or anxious. Plus it was pouring rain outside all day. 

As Christmas approaches, please find balance throughout the week! You will feel so much peace and will remember that Jesus Christ, The Prince of Peace, is the true meaning behind Christmas. He is the gift that enables us to be better each day and to love all those around us with His love. 

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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