Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Week 63 - Chasing Down a Pizza Man

Hello there! This has been the most relaxed transfer week I've ever had because I knew I'd be staying with Sister Stites and finishing her training. I can't believe we are already half way through her training. It has slowly gotten easier as time has gone on, and as my understanding about Jesus Christ's mercy has grown. I know He is proud of me every step of the way and patient with my weaknesses. As I turn to Him, I am finding strength to overcome my trials. 

This evening, we had a BBQ with the other missionaries at Heidi's house. She was kind enough to serve us even though she wasn't feeling well. She really demonstrated the character of Christ: turning outward in love and compassion, when the natural man would want to turn inward.

We got to help plan Lana's baptism. She is an 8 year-old who recently moved into the ward and loves missionaries! Her dad is inactive. I did her hair into a crown braid, which she wants me to do for her real baptism.

Sister Stites came down sick with a stomach bug that has been going around, so we stayed inside most of the morning. That evening, we were able to help out at the minute-to-win-it games with the youth. We were in charge of coming up with the ideas and running the show. The youth had a really great time! We're glad to help out where we can!

I've really felt the Spirit prompting me with ideas during weekly planning that can really help unite and strengthen the ward. It made me so, so excited! Even though this has been a hard week for us, I'm so blessed to recognize Heavenly Father's tender mercies each day. That evening, we got to help out at a charity fundraiser for kids with autism, and we got to take home the leftover flowers!

Today was a good day because I got to wear service clothes all day long! While Heidi was sick today, we went out and weeded her garden for her for a few hours. Then that evening, we washed walls and baseboards of a member who has really been struggling. Also, Brother Tom from Pace wrote me a very sweet letter. It brings me so much joy to remember the eternal connections we make on our missions. There is no greater or more rewarding work than missionary work!

We've been struggling to find new people to teach. During personal study, I felt very prompted to study Chapter 9 of Preach My Gospel. I made a renewed commitment to have the faith that the Lord is placing His prepared children in our path. God really answered this prayer quickly! We went finding in a neighborhood and ran into two people, one who asked us sincere questions about our beliefs, and another who wanted to attend church. Later that evening, we went to a park to hand out cards to invite people to church. We met some friendly people, and then left to our dinner appointment. We were running a bit early, and on the way there, we passed a boy swinging an advertising sign around for pizza. Sister Stites wanted to stop and give him a pass-along card, so I pulled over and we ran back to talk to him. Then, as we pulled into the neighborhood where our dinner appointment would be, Sister Stites wanted to give away her last pass-along card, so I said to have faith and we would see someone, and she could jump out and talk to them. A few seconds later, we saw a man out in his yard, so I stopped by a stop sign and she ran out and gave him a card. She was fearless today! Love it!

We went to a Pentecostal church this evening, and while the people were friendly, I learned two things. 
1. The Spirit was not there. 
2. I now have a new appreciation for the scripture "Be still and know that I am God." So much noise and movement created an atmosphere of chaos to me. It wasn't until I bowed my head and prayed silently to God that I was able to feel the reassurance of the Spirit. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's true church established upon the earth. I know that is where the Spirit dwells.

This week I ran into a quote that completely changed the way I view the world: "There are no ordinary people, only potential gods and goddesses in our midst." The way we interact with each other can help or hinder one another's progress towards their final destination. Whenever someone did something ridiculous this week, instead of getting annoyed, I was able to think that they would one day be like Christ, completely perfect. It softened my feelings and made me more patient and understanding.

This also helped me to have patience with myself: "We will be made perfect in God's timing, and not a minute sooner." In a world full of comparisons, I sometimes think that people push themselves to be better than others so they can be perfect sooner and have the advantage. Maybe they think there is a time-limit on perfection, and once the timer goes off, it's too late! But it is by grace we are saved, in God's timing, not ours.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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