Monday, August 20, 2018

Week 67 - Pit, a Priesthood Blessing, and the Parks

What's up, y'all? This week actually went by pretty quickly! I experienced so many miracles and tender mercies from God.


We played some fun games with other missionaries in our zone, like "Psychology" and "Smurf." We also drove down to PCB to have dinner with a "long lost cousin" we had found at our family history event. Apparently, we are 4th cousins! And she is 10th cousins with Sister Stites. While there, a HUGE rainstorm came and we could not even see out of the window! I prayed that it would stop by the time we had to leave, and my prayer was answered! We made it back safely and then went and had family night with the Lucas family. They are seriously the best! I can't begin to describe how much I love them. We played a card game, "Pit," with them, and I totally lost. It was hilarious because I always seem to lose over there!


We visited a referral that we received, Maurice. We went with the Lyles to visit her, and she is quite the character. She kept saying how badly she wanted to be baptized and become a preacher so that she could share the gospel. She even preached at us for a short minute! She kept saying, "Thank ya, Jesus!" She truly has a sweet spirit about her. Late tonight, I was practicing the violin for a musical number, and I hear a loud knock at the door. I thought it was someone complaining about me playing too loud or something, so it made me really sad, and I started putting my violin away. Next thing I know, there is more pounding on the door and footsteps running away, so we open the door to investigate. There, sitting on our doorstep, is a package of bacon! The Lucas family had dropped it off for us because we had been joking last night about wanting bacon but it being too expensive. They are seriously the best.


Today was really good. We had lunch with a young lady who recently moved into our ward boundaries. We got to know her more and talked about how lots of people ask why "Mormons think they get their own planet in the next life." That is something our mission president was going to role-play with us today in interviews. She had heard lots of weird things about our church before she was baptized. Interviews went very well. I was able to talk with President Smith about some things that had been on my mind. He set up a time that evening to come and talk with me more at our church building, because he just so happened to be staying in the area to go to a lesson with the elders. He is the busiest man ever, but still made time for just me. Later that night, we were able to talk more one-on-one and he was able to listen and counsel with me. Afterwards, I asked him if he could give me a priesthood blessing, and it was exactly what I needed. My love and admiration for him has grown exponentially this week. We also got to see the Parks family today and teach them about the Plan of Salvation and help finish making the baptismal programs.


We got to help the Lyles clean the church this morning. I put my phone up to the microphone on the pulpit to play some children's songs over the speakers while we cleaned :). We also had the elders teach Bible Study tonight, and it was quite the interesting experience...


We went to see the Parks again and taught the kids about the Restoration. Sister Parks has been so grateful for our help with the baptism. Lana is so excited, and I feel like a big part of why I am in Callaway is to meet and help this amazing family. I hope the dad will join the church one day so that they can become an eternal family! That evening, we accidentally double-booked ourselves for dinner again. I actually decided that I LOVE when this happens. It makes me so happy because I know people really love us and want to take good care of us. We just have to make room for them all, even when our dinner calendar is full! What a big change from the beginning of my time here in the ward. The members have definitely grown to love us a lot more and are opening up. Brother Harris took us out to a buffet, and he was such a gentlemen. He was all dressed up and held the doors open for us. He also told us that we sisters are leaps and bounds above the elders (but we aren't allowed to tell them he said that). Then we had dinner with the Willmores, and had a fun spa night with the other senior sisters living in our complex. It was such a relaxing evening, and I truly felt the Savior's love for me while we relaxed and pondered over what the Savior would say to us if we were speaking to Him face to face.


Some funny business went down at the Methodist Community Breakfast this morning. When we were first walking in, one of the preachers playfully confronted us about how he can't call us "LDS" or "Mormon" anymore. "What am I supposed to call y'all?" he asked. I responded with the full name of our church. He let out an exasperated sigh and said it was such a mouthful, and it was so much shorter and easier to say "LDS." I responded, "Shortcuts can't get you into Heaven!" I got him good there, and he didn't have a good response, so he jokingly shooed us away. We were the only musicians up there because the regulars couldn't make it, and so we decided to sing and play "Book of Mormon Stories," complete with the hand actions and everything. I also played "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" on the vioin. Planting seeds!


Maurice came to church and loved it! She says she really wants to be a member. Lana's baptism was amazing! I was privileged to participate in the musical number. We sang, "A Child's Prayer" because that is Lana's favorite song currently. We had her sing the first verse with us two, and then I played the second verse on the violin while Sister Stites sang it. Then I played the third verse on the violin (the piano part) and I snuck in there "How Great Thou Art" as a surprise because it is Lana's mother's favorite song. She teared up during the musical number, and we received so many compliments afterwards. I have found such great joy in using my talents to bring the Spirit and bless others' lives. That evening, we had dinner with Bishop's family, and we did the "can smashing the finger" object lesson, where the Book of Mormon protects your finger from getting seriously injured. They really enjoyed it and thought it was a brilliant object lesson!

 Ether 12:23-29, 37

As I was reading through these verses about Moroni's insecurities, I found myself totally relating. I love how verse 26 points out that Christ's grace is sufficient for the meek, and no one shall take advantage of their weakness. Despite all of our many imperfections and weaknesses, the Lord's divine help and strength (grace) will make it so no one can take advantage of our weakness. He will truly strengthen us to be able to do what we are called to do. I know that I could not have survived a single day of my mission without the grace of God. 

I also loved verse 37, which points out that when we see our weaknesses, then the Lord can make them into strengths. I've found that pattern to be so evident throughout my life. I recognize a weakness and work hard to change it with the Lord's help. Sometimes not at the pace that I want. But through His Atoning sacrifice, I am slowly becoming a new and changed individual.

Much love,

Sister Burnham 

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