Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Week 74 - Crazy Contacts and Conference

Hey all y'all, wasn't conference amazing? If you haven't watched all the sessions yet, you're missing out! I love the emphasis on Sundays being home centered, church supported. This new change to 2 hour church will surely sift the wheat from the tares. The wheat will take on the new home-centered learning joyfully, and the tares will not. I've heard many people say that a lot of people may not implement the rest of what we are supposed to do, and will just rejoice over having one less hour of church. However, these are the last days, and as Saints of God, we must be stronger than ever to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. Church leaders cannot force us to do everything needed to be saved. Salvation is an individual matter, based upon our works and the desires of our hearts. Exaltation is a family matter, which is why it is so important to be more focused on strengthening the home and families. Just as we were encouraged to do this past weekend, please reflect over your standing before the Lord and work on one thing that Heavenly Father needs you to change so you are prepared to live in His presence for eternity, with your family.

We went to help a less-active in the ward make us a sign for a booth we are having next week at Chipola College. He is very talented at what he does, and he was also very clear that he is not interested in coming back to church...

We had district council in Geneva, Alabama! Home sweet home! We did some finding afterwards in an area that is 45 minutes away from Marianna, and we talked to EVERYONE we saw. We stopped the car to talk to a man on a bike. We pulled over in the middle of the road to talk to two men (they were on drugs though) and taught the Restoration. Then we went back for a lesson with Marti and Charles, in which I asked Charles to be baptized and he said yes! We went to a neighborhood that evening to contact a referral, and while we were waiting for her to get home, we tried all her neighbors... and met so many prepared people! Basically the entire street! We then got to teach the referral, Chantel, and her friend Marquita, the Restoration and invited them to be baptized as well. The Spirit was so strong! What a miracle :)

We had to go to the car place this morning to take care of some business... otherwise our vehicle coordinator threatened to take away our car. Yikes! Then a member drove us out for lunch. On our way to our dinner appointment, we jumped out of the car to help a lady take out her trash, left her with a Book of Mormon, then hopped back in the car so we wouldn't be too late. We ate venison at our dinner appointment. And some other things. I've gotten good at chewing and swallowing food even if your instincts are telling you not to eat! Haha, it wasn't all that bad, and dessert was good. Poached pears. Then we drove down to the church for mutual with the young women, where we got to paint and decorate pumpkins. I think my depiction of the First Vision turned out very cute! I could just carry it around and teach the Restoration to anyone who asks about it. Yup, that's my new finding method, haha.

Exchanges! I got to spend the entire day with Sister Strong. We went out contacting and met lots of cool potentials, and then had a lesson with a lady named Serena. She was full of all kinds of questions, and we had our work cut out for us to answer them all!

We had a lesson at the church with a recent convert, and I had to think of some object lessons real quick to keep him from zoning out... But then afterwards, we accidentally locked ourselves out of the church! Whoopsies. We had a Book of Mormon read at 7pm with Tavis, with whom my companions had set a baptismal date for while on exchanges. As we read Alma 17, I testified that sometimes we went through really hard trials just so we could remain faithful and be good examples to those around us. It really helped all who attended with their struggles.

Every single question and concern I had going into general conference was answered directly. I know Heavenly Father loves me so much... and with love comes chastening! I have a strong desire to be such a better person and to step up my game to prepare for the second coming of our Savior. We need to repent today, and not delay. We need to see as God sees. We need to stop judging and comparing. We all have wounds and scars. They need to be healed and we need to forgive. Wow, I have my work cut out for me, y'all! But I'm so excited to run to keep up with our prophet and apostles!

Since we didn't have early church this morning, we took the opportunity to attend a Baptist church that we had been invited to. It was nice, but if I was dehydrated and looking for truth, I would have left thirsty. After watching general conference, I felt like I'd been sprayed with a fire hose! I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior's church upon the earth.

We watched the morning session of general conference at our Bishop's home. Tavis, a man we are teaching, attended and loved the prophet's talk. He said he felt God speaking through him and felt the Spirit. I know as well that President Nelson is God's true prophet upon the earth; he is literally God's spokesman! We watched the afternoon session at another member's home with Marti and her non-member friend, Charles. They absolutely loved it!

This morning we were able to tour the Florida Caverns State Park, only 3 miles away from where we live here in Marianna! It was beautiful, and I stood in awe of God's wonderful creations. It takes a hundred years for an inch to form on those stalactites hanging from the ceiling. God is so orderly and patient. Like my companion tells me, we are serving a crock-pot God in a microwave society! 

Southern Sayin's
-Jeet jet? (Did you eat yet?)
-Ensign (pronounces "In-Sin")
-Preach it to the choir, Sister!
-She ain't fired up about it.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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