Monday, November 5, 2018

Week 78 - Ghosted by Gators

Howdy y'all! I'm fixin' to tell you about a long week in a short amount of time, so bear with me! Here are the highlights from each day:

We got to go to the church where a lot of missionaries met up to decorate pumpkins. The best part was taking a tour through a pumpkin patch at another church beforehand.

I brought my family history fan chart as a new contacting approach in preparation for zone conference on Friday, and I walked up to a man and said, "Have you seen anything like this?" He hadn't, so I explained what it was and we set up a time to help him start his family tree at the church! Everyone we had planned to visit wasn't home or couldn't let us in, but we had some cool miracle contacts.

Happy Halloween!!! I dressed up as my companion today (which consisted of borrowing a dress from her wardrobe, leaving my hair down, and stealing her nametag). As we were driving to a neighborhood to go contacting, we passed by a homeless-type man on the side of the road holding up a sign that said, "Trick or Treat!" Since we were stopped at a red light, I rolled down the window and asked if he wanted a book. He came running over, and I gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and said, "You'll have to read it and find out for yourself if it is a trick or a treat!" That evening, the Harts (a senior couple that works at the mission office) had us over for dinner, dessert, and to decorate pumpkins. They are so cute!

I had a hard morning, but luckily God had my back today because we had three hours of service planned, and as I lost myself in the service of others, I felt so much better and at peace. When you are struggling, the best thing you can do is to forget yourself and help someone else. We haven't had anyone to teach, no "gators." Nykie hasn't been responding, and the man who we were going to do family history with "ghosted" us (as Sister Bench calls it). But we tried a referral we had tried at least 3 times before, and she was finally home and let us in! Her name is Grace, and she said she already has a testimony that Joseph Smith saw God. We set up a lesson with her for next week! 

My very last Zone Conference as a sister missionary was today. There was such an outpouring of the Spirit, and I felt a lot of peace. The main thing that stuck with me was when President Smith quoted Elder Bednar from a seminar he want to recently, "It's not about who you are or what you are doing, it's about who you are becoming. Kneel down and ask your Heavenly Father if He is pleased with you, and to see yourself how He sees you." The only downside was that after this spiritual meeting, we had to get flu shots...

No set plans + no car = contacting at a park all day! Well, we did have plans with a member to bake treats with her this morning, so I got to make gluten, dairy, egg-free chocolate brownies! And while they were baking, we contacted all their neighbors. Then for the rest of the day, we contacted at a park we biked to and talked to at least 35 people and taught an impromptu Restoration lesson to a lady sitting in the grass watching her kid play. So amid the ants in the grass, kids screaming on the play ground, and the hot sun beating on us, we got to testify of the prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Too bad she doesn't live in our area!

I got an extra hour of sleep!!! And I accidentally told a man that I loved him. We knocked on his door, and he wasn't interested in what we had to say, so he shooed us off. As I was walking away, I opened my mouth to testify or say something... anything. But what came out of my mouth? "Okay, love you, bye!" So, maybe God just knew this man really needed to hear that someone loved him today. We spent all afternoon just walking around, knocking doors, until it was dinner time!

Spiritual Thought
Alma 13:10
"Now, as I said concerning the holy order, or this high priesthood, there were many who were ordained and became high priests of God; and it was on account of their exceeding faith and repentance, and their righteousness before God, they choosing to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish;"

This chapter doesn't just apply to high priests, it applies to all of us who are disciples of Jesus Christ. There is an important principle taught here. We aren't called to positions in the church because we are perfect. It is because we have great faith, and we are willing and humble enough to repent when we mess up. As followers of our Redeemer, we are not embarrassed to repent. We use the gift of Christ's Atonement often and gladly. We recognize our weaknesses and know how to turn to the Lord to repent and change. I love that! I don't need to be perfect--it's definitely not expected of me yet--but I do need to constantly repent and work on steady improvement. And that, ultimately, will help me to be perfect.

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

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