Sunday, March 31, 2019

Too Blessed to be Stressed

This past week, I hit four months since being home from my mission. Wow! In many ways, it feels like I have been home so much longer than that! I have really enjoyed my time back at Brigham Young University, even with all the stressors of homework, finding a job, and dating life! I have been so blessed to be rooming with my sister, Valerie, and I have met many wonderful people!

Here are some brief highlights of this past semester:

These are my fabulous roommates: Valerie, me, Miranda, and Hannah I've been so blessed to have such caring and kind roomies. We love singing together, especially during our karaoke parties!

I found a job at the Smith Fieldhouse, setting up and taking down for games. It requires me to work pretty late, mostly on the weekends. At first, I really hated it, but it's been growing on me (kind of like this mustache, haha). After one of the volleyball games, people left behind unopened packages of mustaches (honoring one of the players who has a mustache), so my whole work crew put them on and we took a picture together. We work hard but also make sure to have some fun!

I have made many new and unexpected friends this semester! One of my friends is an amazing chef and has made me a variety of "Emily Friendly Foods" (which is my way of saying that it doesn't contain gluten, dairy, or eggs). I'm pretty sure that my friend knows how to cook for me better than I do... I know, that's pretty sad on my account!

I have such a caring and amazing ward! Everyone is so loving and willing to serve each other. One of the guys in our ward likes to make slushy drinks for us to try. I may have gotten a brain freeze, but it was really good! Also, I love the sisters in the ward! A group of us got together and had an epic "Galentines Day" party!

School has been going very well so far. I have great teachers and am maintaining high grades! One of my classes is always an adventure because we split into groups and have debates, competitions, and other random activities. One day my group went into class early so we could knock over a bunch of tables and desks to stage a riot! Everyone found it very amusing, including the teacher :)

Overall, I am so blessed in every aspect of my life and am continually full of gratitude. I think about my mission every single day and am so grateful for the person I have become, and am yet becoming. I love this gospel with all my heart and know that I can still play a big part in God's plan, even though I am not a full-time missionary anymore. I have felt the Spirit guiding me in my decisions, enlightening me in my studies, and comforting me through my trials.

Weekly Insight:

Do you feel like you have a hard time forgiving others? In class, my teacher presented this quote to us by Joseph Smith:

"Those who are quick to repent are quick to forgive."

Even though the prophet was not perfect, he was humble and quick to repent of his mistakes. I strive to emulate this concept and can testify that as you repent often and speedily, you will find that you can forgive others more quickly. Only when you recognize the need for Christ's Atonement and mercy in your life can you truly appreciate it and be more willing to extend mercy to others.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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