Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Rona

 14 September - 20 September 2020

Well hello there! Good thing you can't catch a virus via a blog post! Not that I have my results back... but anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself. Why don't I start at the beginning of the week?

Honestly, it was not an exciting week. Just school and homework and work for the first half of the week. I've been working on spending time each day to be grateful, not only because it is good to do in general, but I had to pick a well-ness strategy to do for 3 weeks straight for my Positive Psychology class, and that was the one I chose! 

So, Wednesday I had an appointment to go into the health center, but they wouldn't let me in because I admitted that I'd been having headaches and that as of today, my nose was kind of runny. They said they couldn't let me in until either I quarantined for 14 days or tested negative for corona. Fortunately, I was able to set up an appointment to meet with the doctor online for the next day, so everything still worked out. But guess what? Yeah, I decided I should get tested, because I actually have felt a bit sick and could have corona, but I have no idea who I would have gotten if from!

So, Friday morning I drove to get a q-tip stuck up both of my nostrils. I only had to wait for 45 minutes! The fun thing, though, was that Whitney also had to get tested because a girl at her work had it, and we coincidentally signed up to get our test around the same time. We chatted on the phone while waiting in line. Later that afternoon, I was watching my Abnormal Psychology class lectures, and this quote from the professor (which I will share with you out of context) made me laugh so hard! "And the dude straight licked the toilet."

Saturday, I went to the library because I needed to check out a textbook for class. When I got home, I felt nauseous and sickly, so by the time afternoon came, I just chilled and watched tv on my computer. I couldn't focus on homework or do much. Because I felt crappy this day, I also felt crappy about myself. But I prayed and wrote in my journal, and I felt the tangible love of my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for Him, and for my Savior. I love them.

Sunday... well, I stayed home from church because I am supposed to self-isolate. I watched the Restoration movie (always a favorite) and listened to some Sunday jams. I also posted the latest video on my YouTube channel. By afternoon, I was again exhausted, so I slept for a couple hours. I still don't have my results back, but they should definitely come tomorrow! In the evening, I got a text from Whitney that they were having Come, Follow Me over Zoom. I joined in, and after we played QuipLash and this other really fun game. That lasted for about an hour and a half! While I didn't take any pictures this week (for obvious reasons... aka I didn't do anything) I did take a screen shot of our CFM group, so enjoy!

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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