Tuesday, June 13, 2023

New Friends!

 5 June - 11 June 2023

Surprise, surprise. Another week has passed and I don't feel in the mood to write about it... haha. SO. Here is to jotting down the most important things :). 

Monday, I went on a lunch date with a guy from church, and everything that COULD go wrong, went wrong! But it was still a good time ;). So, we met up at Thai Chili 2 Go (yes, my new obsession, #sorrynotsorry) and while he was paying for our orders, I went to fill up the water cups... except for the water button somehow got jammed and I could NOT get it to turn off! So the tray beneath is QUICKLY filling up with water, and all my jiggling is doing nada, so I have to wave down a worker from the back to go fix it. Then, while that fiasco was going on, apparently his card wasn't working, so I ended up paying for us (which was fine, but poor guy felt super bad). So, whew, we got all the embarrassing stuff out of the way, and can enjoy our food now, right? Wrong! Because then after a couple of bites, my nose starts bleeding! And like, BLEEDING bleeding (guess those Thai spices really got my sinuses going? Idk, haha) so I'm in the bathroom and it's not lookin' like it's gonna stop anytime soon, so I grab lots of tissues and go back out to at least carry on a one-sided conversation (of him doing the talking). But then it gets even worse, so I go back to the bathroom and TONS of blood later... it finally died down. So then I could finish eating... Yup. So, I bet you'd have loved to be a fly on the wall for that date, huh? ;). But, he asked me on a second date, so I guess it turned out alright in the end. 

Wednesday evening, I went to play pickleball with my homegirls (after a very looonnngggg day). There was five of us, so one of us had to sit out each time. Despite it being *exceedingly* crowded, we didn't have to wait too long between games... plus I played chess on an app on my phone and FINALLY won on the level Difficult!!! But we did end up staying and playing until lights out. Literally. They shut the lights down in the middle of our game, and we tried to carry on in the dark to no avail. They sure do enforce the curfew at Gilbert Regional Park! But back to what made my day so long... I went straight from work to my internship, where I expected an hour break before my first client... except no. Fortunately, I happened to check my internship email and then calendar and saw (at 1:05pm) that I had a brand new client scheduled for 1pm!!!! It was over telehealth, so I quick as lightening made a link to email over and jumped on. So that took a lot of energy and focus. My 2pm canceled last minute, so I did get a slight break before meeting with mom & teenager at 3pm and then an entire family of 7 at 5pm 🥳 It takes a LOT of focus and energy, but it's a lot of fun working with family relationships. 

Thursday night, my friend Kimberly picked me up and we headed to her lesson with the missionaries. Amron also went to the lesson, and afterward, the three of us hung out. We ended up going to the San Tan mall for gelato and hung out. It was really fun and I felt so much contentment and happiness and gratitude for my new friends. I remember feeling periods of loneliness over the past (almost) two years since moving back to AZ, wishing I had good friends, and it's just been recently that I've felt God answering those prayers and desires. I've also grown a lot individually and relationally, and I'm grateful for the paths that led me to where I am today, no matter how lonely and crooked at times.

On Friday, I had a new teenage client I got to meet with (which fortunately I knew about in advance 😅) and then met with a couple, which was a pretty insensitive session that left me with quite the headache. But I popped some IB Profen and went straight to a girls' night with my sister. It was super fun! We ended up chillin' there and painting tote bags for three hours! They turned out super cute!😍 I did lemons and Val did a sunflower. Saturday evening, I finished up my last essay of the quarter (the last thing that has felt like it's dragging me down) and then went out to a lesson with the missionaries for Kimberly and then took myself out to dinner afterward to treat myself. I've been on a Thai food kick, so I went to this place called Thai Peppers that was pretty good! On Sunday, the funniest thing happened because apparently, while my parents were at church, baby Gracelyn just wanted to go to the ladies with long necklaces, so when Aaron, Brie, and the baby came over for dinner, we ALL wore some of mom's long necklaces... included dad! It was hilarious. And sure enough, baby Gracelyn LOVED it! She knawed away on those things ;). I also had the opportunity to teach relief society and bring the spirit into class as I tied in patriarchal blessings into our eternal identity and divine mission.

The cutest pic of my LIFE!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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