Sunday, March 31, 2024

Exam, Wedding, Easter Concert!

 4 March - 31 March 2024

It's a quarter of the way through the year, and I've already accomplished two of my goals set for this year, so I am feeling on track. I finally got notified that I was eligible to get monetized on YouTube! So I jumped through the last few hoops and made it. But I really don't get enough views, so I doubt I'll be making much at all, and it may turn away some viewers if there are ads (I'm definitely guilty of switching out of a video if an ad starts that I can't skip), but oh well. I'll just keep focusing on content creation and making it something I'm proud of and find fulfilling and not worry about the money aspect. The second goal I have for this year is to pass the MFT National Licensing Exam, which I took about two weeks ago on March 16th. I haven't received my score back yet, it can take another week or so, but I feel very confident about it, so I'm safely assuming I've passed until I know otherwise. Then the following weekend was Valerie's wedding, so I took off work on Friday and helped my mom all day with stuff, then on Saturday, I got ready by 9am and went and helped finish up Val's makeup, then went with her to the temple to help her get ready, then attended the sealing and watched the tender expressions on her face, Porter's face, and even my dad's face! His eyes looked very soft and a bit red around them, and it was very touching. I was kind of not feeling the best and didn't want to cry too much, but I did get watery eyes. Then I helped Val put on her wedding gown after and we took photos, and I stayed longer to follow her and Porter and the photographer around to get some more photos. Then I got home that afternoon and took a short power nap then got up to finish helping set up for the reception. I helped put up the luminaries (and then took them down later that evening). I also helped decorate Val's car and Bryce bought stuff to help make the inside of it look cool. The food at the reception was amazing, and people loved that there was a separate gluten-free table with food. And of course the icecream man was a hit! DJ Ron did a great job and we had a great time dancing. I had to force myself to because I was tired and my belly was full, but it was super fun and I was actually pleasantly surprised by how quickly I was picking up on some of the line dances! Then we sent off the couple and then had to clean up. We finished getting the most important stuff done by 10pm, which is when it started to rain. Lucy and I were driving the ranger back home after getting the last of the luminaries, so we got a bit pelted, but it was okay. I was so exhausted though, and my feet ached for days. I joked with mom and said I ain't having a wedding any time soon cuz that was too much work, and Kayla said, "That's why you elope!" Sunday and Monday night were the performances for the YSA Easter concert that I was part of, and both went very well. I had a lot of people come to support me! On Sunday night, Hanna and Cindy from the gym, plus their husbands, came to support me! Plus my mission president came! And Becca Carrol, who even brought me a flower, which was so sweet! My grandparents came, plus my parents and Aaron and Briesa and Val and Porter. On Monday night, my boss from KM Signs, Kelly, came. They all mentioned how it was more incredible than they imagined and they loved it! The other big highlight of this month was my doctor's appointment. I'd gotten my blood drawn and got the results back... first, I finally found out my blood type! I'm A-positive, which now makes my whole life make sense... no wonder I was always feeling the pressure to get A+ on all my exams! ;). Also, my hormones were imbalanced, which has been the cause of me having anemia in the past and lots of emotional ups and downs and painful periods. I'm now on a supplement that should help get me to healthier levels, plus I'm avoiding plastics (I never knew it was such a big deal [in a bad way] to microwave food in plastic dishes, etc., but apparently that can cause hormonal imbalances). So I'm feeling very hopeful that I'm going to start feeling better in four more weeks. Oh, I also filmed a funny YouTube short that was a re-enactment of something that happened in session with a teen client of mine. Since then, I had another funny thing happen with a teen, and I think I want to make all of them that happen into YouTube shorts. Well, that pretty much sums up the month of March! Ups and downs, but overall, I'm hanging in there and am just going to keep trudging forward.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Poor gracey-pants got attacked by our rooster... so our rooster is now bye-bye.

Sunday Selfie time!

One of Val's last nights as a single woman... spent playing Ticket To Ride with the 'rents!

Wedding Pics Time!!

Flower from Bex! (Rebekah Carroll)

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