Sunday, May 14, 2017

Week 1: Arrival to the MTC

May 13, 2017
The first day at the MTC was so crazy busy because I had gotten at most 5 hours of sleep and so was already exhausted. By the second day, when I had more sleep, I started to like the MTC more. Plus, my companion, Sister Ward, is very friendly and nice. We get along well, even if we don't have a lot in common. The other two sisters in my dorm room are Sister Beecroft and Sister Scott. I love all of them so much and although we've known each other for less than a week, we are so comfortable with each other. I love the outpouring of the Spirit here at the MTC. I don't think I've ever felt it so frequently and so strongly. I can tell I am going to love being a missionary because I will get to have this feeling throughout my entire mission as the Lord guides me to do His work. We have already done some role playing and teaching. I wasn't actually nervous because I've had practice before now, plus I just followed the Spirit. I know I still have a lot to improve, and have learned the value of evaluating afterwards, even if you think it went well, because there is always something you can improve on. 
Also, I absolutely LOVE the cafeteria because it is all you can eat, and they have a special diet room for those with food allergies, which means that I can eat healthy, as much as I want, and don't have to make it! Also, the MTC isn't super crowded because boys in high school still haven't gotten out. This means there are only around 800 missionaries here, but in June this will increase to 1200 I believe. I love learning about the gospel all the time, though I get very tired throughout the day and so probably don't absorb as much as I should. Yesterday I had a headache all afternoon. But I am surviving! I got to go to the Provo temple this morning with my zone (8 sisters and 8 elders). The elders in my district are pretty crazy and entertaining! 

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