Saturday, May 27, 2017

Week 3 - Marshmallow Handshakes

Dear Family and Friends,

I will be saying y'all before you know it because I leave this Tuesday at 3:30am for Florida! I am excited to start teaching real investigators and to meet my trainer, though my time at the MTC has been great. Something really exciting happened... during lunch on Tuesday, my companion asked who we thought would be coming for the devotional that night. I randomly said, "What if Elder Renlund came?" I had no idea why that came out of my mouth, but lo and behold, that night, Elder Renlund spoke to us with his wife! Afterwards, they wanted to shake every single missionary's hand, so we stood in line for about 20 minutes and he shook my hand! It was so soft and squishy, like a marshmallow. It was a nice handshake. Later that night, an elder that had transferred into my district because he was being reassigned said that when he shook Elder Renlund's hand, the apostle looked him in the eye and said, "You're on reassignment, aren't you." 

If there's one thing I learned about the mission field, it's that change is constant! Our Sister Leaders and their district left on Monday, and on Wednesday, we welcomed 8 new sisters and 2 elders into our branch! Another thing I learned is that the Lord truly does strengthen me here. Some days I feel exhausted, but somehow can still teach with the Spirit and know exactly what to do. I know the Lord is sustaining me in my efforts because I am serving Him with all my heart, might, mind, and energy! 

Funny moments this week: My companions and I were discussing our worst teaching moments in the MTC. Once while teaching Yui, a young Japanese woman who believed in multiple gods and wasn't familiar with the Bible, Sister Ward testified that God loves us so much that He blessed us with families. Yui then said, "but I don't like my family." It was so awkward because we had just assumed she had a loving relationship with her family, and that was definitely not the case. Then in the middle of the lesson, when she was questioning universal truth and one God, I felt that we should switch from teaching about the apostasy and talk about our purpose here on earth, and what will happen after we die. I turned to my companions and said aloud, "I'm feeling the Plan of Salvation." They both just looked at me with shocked expressions for saying that to them in front of Yui, who had no idea what I had meant.  Sis Scott's worst teaching moment was in a role-play with one of our teachers. She was trying to ask an inspired question, but it kept coming out wrong, so she said, "Never mind, abandon ship!" At least hers was just during a role-play, because Sis Ward's and mine happened during an actually lesson (but we knew Yui was already a member who was pretending not to be). Seriously, everything is much funnier as a missionary because there's not much for entertainment besides the silly things we do, and I am lucky to have a very entertaining trio-companionship!

Friday felt like the longest day ever because we had Infield Orientation from 8am to 5:30pm. I already knew most of what was taught, so I'm feeling very prepared to get out on the mission field!

This morning I woke up early with my companions to attend the temple at 6:40am. After an endowment session, we did sealings as daughters. It was my first time, and it was a really cool experience. I will miss being able to go to the temple every week once I am in the mission field, because there are no temples in my mission.

Well, next time I email you, I will be in Florida... or Alabama or Mississippi or Georgia! Can't wait to find out where my first area is!

Much love,

Sister Burnham

My district and our teacher, Sister Hanshaw

Mission field bound with Sister Scott!

The Sisters in my branch

Me and my companions with Yui, a TRC investigator

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