Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Week 4 - It's fine, I live on a farm!

Hey family and friends!

I arrived safely in Tallahassee, Florida and met my mission president and his wife. They are very kind and funny. I was so exhausted from having to get up at 2:30am, but they let us go to a hotel at 5pm to sleep. The next morning I met my trainer, Sister Wall! She has been out here for a year and is hilarious and humble.  My first area is Semmes, Alabama--six hours away from the mission home! So my first full day as a missionary was mostly spent driving! I live in a trailer on a huge farm, which is a new and fun experience! One day during our studies, we decided to take a breake and went outside to pet horses and goats. I was even brave enough to pet the bull, Enos (and that's how you know our landlords are Mormon; they name their bull after a Book of Mormon prophet)! The work has been a bit slow this week because Sister Wall's old companion when home sick, so she left the area for a few weeks to be in a trio with other sisters. Now that we are back in the area, it feels like we are starting from scratch! It also rains so much here! When I first stepped out of the plane, I didn't notice the humidity that much. But I did notice how the sky likes to pour down rain for 5 to 20 minutes, just to soak us, before stopping. I've also gotten used to the constant light drizzle or rain throughout the day. I've heard our area is the second most rainy town in the country! We also have a white truck with 4 wheel drive to ride around the area since it is so bumpy and muddy. Sister Wall keeps things fun with her funny sayings, such as "It's all in the adventure," or "It's okay because we live on a farm!" She has a bright attitude and is very patient with me!

I haven't felt super productive this week because of all the driving and exhaustion (due to time differences), but this upcoming week is looking up. We will be traveling up to Lucedale, Mississippi to deliver some Bibles (and hopefully some copies of the Book of Mormon), which means I will have been in five states this past week! Utah, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi. We have some new potential investigators, so I'm excited because I will be able to finally start teaching! It's so different how many churches they have here. The saying is that you can't throw a Bible without it hitting some sort of church or another. They all have motivational sayings to promote their churches outside, and the funniest one Sister Wall has seen during the middle of summer was, "And you think it's hot here?"

We have also been doing a lot of service, and I'm already developing tan lines! It was great to go to church yesterday and meet all of the ward members. Sister Wall and I covered last minute for teaching the Gospel Doctrine class! Thus is missionary life--teaching the gospel whether or not you've had time to prepare! I am just now starting to realize how blessed I have been growing up. Some people have to drive over 45 minutes to get to church, which is actually why so many members in the ward are less active or only part-member. It's such a huge area, yet the branch is pretty small. We have a lot of work ahead, but I love working with the active members. Their southern accents aren't too strong, but some of the old people have strong attitudes and funny sayings. I'll have to start keeping track of them so I can share them with y'all. And yes, I said y'all. It's super common down here, just like the rain! I love being a missionary and know the Lord is blessing and sustaining me. I know the church is true and the same all around the world, which has been very comforting.

Sister Burnham

First area: A farm in Semmes, Alabama
Our trailer

Our truck
A miniature pony nibbling on me

Petting a goat

My trainer: Sister Wall!

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