Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 7: Smashing Fingers with Cans

I had the worst nightmare this past week! I dreamed I was back at school after a vacation and forgot where all my classes were and had terrible grades because of my absence. When I awoke, I realized everything was alright because I am a missionary and get to leave all of the stress of school behind! I then thought at least five times, "I'm so glad to be a missionary!" It really is amazing that I have this opportunity to leave behind all worldly things and focus completely on Christ.

Last Monday, we taught the first lesson to Brady, the boyfriend of a member named Rachel, who is actually going to be attending BYU-I in the Fall! It was great because we had so many members there at the lesson, fellowshipping him. We will get to teach him again tomorrow. He is very open to learning (even though he has lots of questions) and has been attending church since the first Sunday I arrived here!

Then on Tuesday, we were hit by the tropical storm, Cindy. It rained literally ALL day, as well as off and on again all week! It was so crazy. I have no idea where all the water went, because I'm pretty sure there was at least over fifty inches of rain. But somehow our dirt driveway isn't flooded!

This week for Relief Society, a less active finished teaching us how to paint, and I took home my painting. It is far from perfect, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

Our goal each week is to have at least ten hours of service, and Sister Wall and I have been going with the relief society president twice a week to tutor refugee children at a community center. It is such a great opportunity.

On Saturday, we were also able to help a lady in our ward set up for a Daddy-Daughter Luau primary event. We stayed for almost five hours and taught lessons on how we can choose the right through the scriptures. This involved a fun object lesson where I got to smash my companion's finger with a can! We took lots of goofy pictures and had a blast! Saturday evening, we were able to teach a new investigator, Chris, the Restoration. He is super interested in our church and says that the LDS Church has been the only church where he has felt comfortable and welcomed. We set up a return appointment for next week and then realized that he is not even in our area! So we will have to give his information over to the elders...

I am grateful for the time I have to study the scriptures and doctrines of the gospel of Christ. My testimony continues to grow every day, and I am able to see so many miracles as I focus my time and attention on the Lord!

Funny moment of the week: We were filling up gas at the station and this couple was about to get in their car and drive away. Sister Wall yelled over to me from the gas pump to hurry and talk to them before they drove away. I thought she might have been inspired, so I speed-walked up to the open driver-side door and said, "I'd like to share this message of Christ with you." I handed them a pass-along card and sped-walked away. It was pretty awkward and I might have scared them by my intrusion...

Funny Southern Sayings:
-A ten-year-old said, "I'm as healthy as an ox; well, as healthy as I've ever been!"
-Same clever ten-year-old mentioned above, named Hannah, said, "You can't spell my name backwards because every time you try, you just spell it forwards!"
-An old man in ward council said, "My wife's coming back a week early, so my vacation ends today." He says the most hilarious things...

Lovin' life in the South!

Sister Emily Burnham

P.S. I got to sign with an old man and give him a pass-along card for our church. I don't know much, but it was a cool experience! I also got to meet a man who believes in the Norse gods. That was an interesting conversation!

The Luau!

My still-life painting of flowers

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