Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Week 8: Y'all Don't Have a Quota

Happy Fourth of July, y'all! My mission president switched our preparation day to today so we can more fully enjoy the fireworks and celebration. We are allowed to stay out past 9:30pm as long as we are asleep by 10:30pm!

At district meeting last Tuesday, we discussed how we represent what Christ would be doing if He were here on earth, and that if we tell our investigators when we invite them that it is really Christ inviting them, it is that much more powerful, and they will be more willing to change as they realize the invitations are coming directly from the Lord, not nineteen and twenty-year-old girls. I took this to heart and at our lesson with Brady the next day, we invited him to pray. He said he didn't want to and asked his girlfriend to pray. Afterwards, I was able to tell him that we ask him to pray, not just because we want him to, but because Heavenly Father wants to hear from him and that we know praying is one way he can draw closer to God and receive answers. It was such a cool experience to be lovingly bold and feel the Spirit speak through me. He then agreed to say the closing prayer, and it was so wonderful! He was really able to open up to us in that lesson and tell us how the church members have been a huge blessing in his life. I am so excited for his progress!

On Saturday, we helped a new family move into Semmes. Their friends are members and asked us to help them so we can meet the non-member family and hopefully start planting seeds and teach them. We also had an amazing lesson that afternoon with Chris, who isn't actually in our area, so we will have to hand him off next week to the Sisters in Mobile. He had some really great questions and had to 2 Nephi 7 in a week! This lesson wouldn't have been possible if the Johnson couple hadn't changed their plans to be able to come with us. They are angels from above! We had to reschedule the lesson that morning because our interview times with President Smith changed last minute from 4pm to 2pm... right when our lesson was scheduled! But a lot of miracles happened because the Lord loves us, and Chris was able to negotiate with his roommates to get the car to come at 3pm instead of 2pm, and we were able to find some members to come. And I passed my interview with the mission president ;).

This has also helped me realize the importance of members in the work. This past week, I've wished I was an even better member missionary before my mission! I'm excited for after my mission to be the best member missionary for the rest of my life! My challenge and plea for y'all is to please work with the missionaries in your area! Sister Wall and I sometimes have to cancel lessons if we can't find members to go with us, but fortunately we have many members who are willing to rearrange their day to help us! Also, the most stable investigators we have are ones who are closely associated with members, have been friends with them for many years and noticed their example. Ask everyone you know to meet with the missionaries, to learn more about your faith and religion. Invite friends to dinner and have the missionaries over. But most importantly, just be a member missionary yourself, giving out pass-a-long cards and the Book of Mormon (I'm positive the local missionaries would LOVE to give you some to hand out). 

Funny Moments of the week:
We went to a Fourth of July Festival last night and handed out pass along cards. I approached one lady and she said, "I already got my church. Now y'all don't have a quota to reach, so just enjoy yourselves tonight." 

We got referred to our own bishop... We were in a neighborhood talking with a man, and he said there was a lot of religious people in the neighborhood who went to church "every Sunday. EVERY Sunday. Like clockwork." He said one of them had a big red truck down the road and we should go talk to him. We started walking down the street and then realized it was Bishop's neighborhood... and bishop had a big red truck! We felt so stupid, but it was so funny to tell him that we were referred to him!

Much love,

Sister Burnham

Writing home on P-Day

The umbrellas they use here because of all the rain (Just kidding, it's really Brother McCullough's camera lighting reflector).
A scary sign in the window of a door we knocked on!

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