Monday, July 17, 2017

Week 10: Bless Your Hearts

Hey y'all!

Here in Semmes, the ward members are angels. One member, Suzanne, took us grocery shopping and bought all of my groceries! She said whenever we need anything, we can just text her and she will run and pick it up for us. I know she and her family will be blessed. Other ward members are so good about giving us food and feeding us dinner. I already feel so at home with this ward and hope I will stay here for a long time!

On Tuesday, Sister Wall and I served at the community center, helping refugee kids with homework. They are all so cute and friendly. They love quoting out of the Bible and have so much appreciation for God and what He has done for them and their families. That night, we had dinner with a family in the ward. I tried deer meat that the family had hunted and had processed for the first time. It was pretty good. We invited the family to give out a Book of Mormon in two weeks, and the father says, "I think we can do two in that amount of time." Our ward is full of amazing member missionaries!

Wednesday was a day full of lessons! We taught two less-actives and two investigators! We went from appointment to appointment. I'm feeling more and more like a "real" missionary as I recognize how the Spirit is speaking through me and inspiring me to know just the right scriptures to share. Suzanne made us a delicious meal of BBQ port, lime-cilantro pork, and two different kinds of rice. We taught her son about repentance, and his mom bore powerful testimony about the importance of baptism and invited him to pray about it for himself. So we didn't even have to invite him to because she did for us! We taught Brady a short lesson on how we are commanded to pray and study the scriptures. One cool thing Sister Wall said was how the Lord commands us to pray, which means He wants us to ask for things we need and communicate with us so He can better help us. I know our Heavenly Father truly is loving and cares about us individually.

Friday was a day full of miracles! We made a lot of plans of people to try and visit. All of our plans fell through. All of our backups fell through. We had no idea what to do, but we said a prayer for guidance. Suddenly, Sister Wall pulls into this random neighborhood and says we are going to tract. We were able to meet a lot of people and find potentials that invited us back and seemed interested. We then felt like we should try to visit an old referral from a month ago. She was home, in the process of packing everything to visit her family for the weekend. We caught her at just the right time and gave her The Book of Mormon, which she was very excited about! We then went to see her neighbor again, Jennifer. She was the lady who claimed to have birthed a prophet. Her son was outside the door, taking out the trash. We were able to meet him. He said his mom was sick, but he was very interested. He asked us a lot of great questions, and his mom had already given him a Book of Mormon. We taught him about the Restoration and how Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. He seemed very intrigued and wants to know more. That day I learned that when all your plans fall through, it is because God is making room for miracles to happen!

On Sunday, an amazing sister brought two of her nonmember Spanish friends to church. She had invited them over to lunch, but said they had to come to three hours of church with her first. She had also invited us over for lunch. We were able to meet and talk with them while eating delicious home-made tortillas.

One thing I love about Semmes is how unpredictable the weather is. It will be sunny and hot outside, then suddenly start pouring with dark clouds and lightning! And sometimes it is sunny while it is pouring. But the rain never lasts too long, and it helps keep us cool in all the heat and humidity! I am so grateful to be a missionary, and for the extra protection we have been given. I truly know angels are round about us, protecting and uplifting us in this great work. Thank you for all of your love and prayers!

Funny Moments:

Southern Sayin': "Getting a little long in the tooth" apparently means you are getting old! High councilmen here are sure full of funny sayings and stories!

One ward member, when singing I am a child of God at the door of an elderly man, sang "Has given me an earthly home, with parents kind of weird" instead of "kind and dear." It was funny because he sang it while next to his two daughters just to embarrass them!

I forgot to mention this last week: In Sunday school, we were talking about the Word of Wisdom, and the teacher said, "I heard you should keep alcohol and coffee beans in your food storage--for barter!" It was really funny, but also sad to think that some people probably would trade good food just to feed their addictions even in a life-threatening situation!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Service with the refugee children
The gumbo I ate last week with okra and shrimp.
Signs we passed to visit someone...

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