Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 9: I wanna be baptized!

Today marks two months since I boarded the plane in Arizona and left for the MTC. I can't believe I've already been on my mission for TWO months! We received transfer news this morning, and Sister Wall and I... are still companions in Semmes, Alabama!

To celebrate the Fourth of July, we went to a BBQ at our bishop's house. We weren't allowed to set off fireworks, but Sister Wall and I threw around poppers and waved around sparklers. There weren't a ton of people that came, but we had a great time.

On Wednesday night, we had a really great lesson with Brady about the Plan of Salvation. He had so many questions and all of the members there were able to share their testimonies and experiences. I also ate so much food at their house because I didn't realize how hungry I was. When I came back with a large helping of seconds, one of the teenage boys there said, "She just took away my man card" because he only had a small bowl of food.

Thursday was an exciting day because I got a new bedframe! My other one collapsed because it was missing a board. Also, our neighbors, the Shoemakers, invited us over to tour the farm. I got to pet the pig and hold a baby chicken! The turkeys were so big and fat, but friendly.  The baby peacocks were adorable.

On Saturday, I had shrimp, gumbo, and okra for the first time! A member in our ward, Brother Hearn, took us out for lunch where I ate shrimp and a bite of sushi. Then he made us shrimp gumbo with okra in it for dinner. It was kind of like a spicy vegetable soup with shrimp.

I had the best Sunday ever! I was a bit nervous because I had to talk in sacrament meeting along with our mission president, but the Spirit was there the entire meeting and everyone had such an uplifting experience. I spoke about how the Restoration of the gospel is not a one time event, but an ongoing process in our lives. As we come to realize how it blesses our lives daily and applies personally to us, we will have a greater desire to share it with others around us so they too can enjoy the amazing blessings we have. Then, that night, we received the BEST TEXT EVER!!! Brady randomly texted us that night that he wants to be baptized! We are so excited for him! He set his own date and is looking forward to it. It truly is the Spirit that converts, but I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to play a part in his story.

Awkward moment of the week:
We contacted a Head Quarter referral, a 31 year old man who had recently broken off an engagement. We were able to stop by this week to drop off the Book of Mormon and Bible. He kept asking us questions like, "How old are y'all?" and "Are you single?" He also told us, "I wasn't expecting two young beautiful girls to show up!" I felt super uncomfortable...

Much love,

Sister Burnham

Touring the farm--I touched a pig
The fattest turkeys I ever saw!

Caroline, the cutest little girl!

Me biking home from church. And how you know you're in the South... This sign is by an elementary school!

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