Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 37 - Cold Relapse and Boaz

Hey y'all! It's been a great week, even though I've been sick for most of it. I'm still sick, but hopefully will get better soon so I don't sound like a dog whining when I cough!

We read 1 Nephi 1 with Lenda, and she loved it! She has trouble understanding a lot of words, so we will have to work slow with her. I love her so much already!

I love our new prophet! I have a strong testimony already that he is called of God, and I want to follow his example. I was able to talk with the sisters in the district and uplift them because they were going through a hard time. I don't remember everything I said, but they were crying and felt good after. I love helping others and lifting them up! 

We went to West Gate, a nursing home, and helped old people color. Then Sister Jarvis felt sick, so we stayed inside for a bit. That evening, we went to a return appointment, and the family let us in. It turned out that their parents are former investigators! We were able to teach the Restoration, and it was so cool!

Besides weekly planning, we stayed inside all day because I still felt so bad. I have a terrible cold, but luckily not the flu!

We went to the senior bible devotional this morning, but we both felt absolutely terrible afterwards and had to stay inside. Mostly we cleaned, napped, updated the area book, and worked on crafts for investigators. The devotional was so fun though. We read the story of Ruth, and as we were reading about all the great things Boaz did for Ruth, I said, "I need to find me a Boaz!" All the ladies laughed.

We tracted all morning because everything fell through. I still didn't feel 100%, but went ahead in faith. Well, nothing happened. That night, we were tired and didn't know what to do, but we felt drawn to this one area. We went there, and every potential and less-active fell through. Back to tracting. But the very first house we knocked on, the lady let us in. Her name is Dora. We taught her and her 5 year-old son the Restoration, and she loved it! She had some of the same questions as Joseph Smith. She was so prepared, and it was amazing to see the Lord bless us.

Due to the flue epidemic, only 21 people came to church! 3 were children, and then there was us.
So we had a very low turnout! It's going to be strange coming home to a ward! We visited with a member, Sister Field, later that afternoon, then had dinner with the Miller and Sumrall families. They are a hoot! We focused on the power of asking questions. Many of the amazing revelations we have today wouldn't have happened without sincere questions being asked. It's okay to have questions, but never doubts. I promise that as you go to God with a question, even something that seems silly, He will answer as you are sincere and truly desire to know. And the Millers bought me ice-cream!!! I haven't had some in almost 6 months!

Sister Burnham

Snow! Again. Two years in a row. I heard it's rare to get this cold here, maybe once in  20 or 30 years. Of course I'm lucky to experience it the one winter of my mission! ;)

Some Alabama Southern' style houses down the road from us.

At church with the Wrights!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Week 36 - Power of Fasting

Hey y'all! This week has gone by so fast!

We got our hot water fixed!!! You never know how much you appreciate something until it's gone. I got to take a real hot shower instead of boiling water for a bath (old school style). In my personal studies this morning, my eternal perceptive opened. Even though some days seem long and hard, I thought about how when I was young, I always wanted to be a Laurel in Young Womens, and I always thought about high school graduation, college, and where I would serve my mission. Well, one after the other, they seemed to fly by, and it's still sometimes hard for me to believe that I am a missionary. I've talked with others, and they say having kids and watching them grow up seems to fly by so fast. Maybe some of you can relate. Well, at this rate, I will be standing before Heavenly Father and be judged, something that I have thought about for a long time. It truly is just behind the corner, and what I do right now matters so much so that I can be with Him and my family for eternity. This perspective helps the challenges of life seem small and insignificant in comparison to eternal life. That is why I've decided that Romans 8:18 is one of my new favorite scriptures! "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

At district meeting, we had a wonderful and heart-wrenching training! The elders put on a short skit: There were two best friends in the pre-mortal existence, and one was being sent to earth as a Mormon, the other would be a non-member. The one turns to his friend and says, "You'll be sent as a missionary, find me, and teach me the gospel, right?" They turn to Heavenly Father, who says, "It all depends on you." On earth, the one guy gets sent on a mission to the place where his friend is, and as he meets his trainer, they start talking about appointments they have and walk right past his friend, who was sitting in the park. They don't recognize each other. It was heart breaking that he missed his opportunity to find his friend because he didn't stop to talk with everyone! And that was what the training was on: talking to everyone. Another sister also gave us an article about a 40 day spiritual fast that brings you closer to the Savior. As I read through it, I realized it was exactly what I needed to help me progress. Satan really must not want me to do it, because right after I determined to do it, I had so many doubts and negative thoughts come to mind. It was a hard rest of the day. We tried to contact some people, but my companion was hurting and needed a blessing. I got one as well to help me overcome the adversary. Then we had dinner with the Beldens. They are so funny and awesome! Great way to end the night.

So, today I started my 40 day spiritual fast. On day one, you physically fast and make a list of things that "poke" at your spirit, or things you are prompted to change so you can live in closer harmony to the Spirit. A few things that went on my list included: negative thinking, expressing irritation, and thinking/singing non-church music. Then you add things that you want to do better: Talk to everyone, serve your companion, ect. I was nervous to physically fast because I haven't been able to in a while due to health problems. I didn't know if I could do it, but I decided to put my full trust in the Lord and go without food and water all day. We biked to a nursing home in a slight drizzle to start doing service there! Then we biked three or more miles to another area to tract and see some people. By the time we got home, we had biked over 8 miles. It was a miracle that I was able to do it fasting, and I was so happy the whole time! I feel so much more control over my natural man, so much in control of my attitude and thoughts. That evening, we had a meeting with the Wrights, and Sister Wright had made us dinner, so I was able to break my fast. The amazing thing was I knew I could have gone longer fasting, and I felt great. I know that by the end of my fast, I will be more spiritually receptive and even more like Christ. 

This morning, I prayed over every item on my list, covenanting with Heavenly that I would or wouldn't do each one. I asked for His help and strength. Then every night I will pray over each item and give an accounting on how I did that day. We weekly planned, then went to visit Sister Bliss. We were able to answer a few questions she had, since she has been a member for just over a year. We also tried some former investigators and potentials, setting a few return appointments. With my spiritual fast, I feel so much lighter, happier, and closer to the Spirit. I haven't been perfect at each item on the list, but I keep trying. This is exactly what I've needed, and I am loving it. I want to always be close to the Lord, and anything I have to sacrifice is worth the blessings and happiness.

We had a great devotional with the Seniors today about Daniel and the lion's den, and played some fun songs on the violin for them. Then we watched President Monson's funeral. I love the example he left us of selfless service, and it strengthens my desire to serve others my whole life, not just on the mission. I've also taken his plea to seriously study the Book of Mormon, so I've started it again and have put my focus into it. Even though I know it is true and have read it so many times, I am amazed at the new things I am learning, and how much my testimony of it is being strengthened. He gave us such great counsel before he left this earth. Please read the Book of Mormon again. No matter where your testimony is at, I promise you it will grow even stronger, and your understanding will grow even deeper. We talked with and sang to some old people at a nursing home at West Gate. It was so sad to see the condition some of these people were in, and they really appreciated us coming. Oh! And we have a new roommate! There is a raccoon or something under our house/in our piping system, and it scratches, growls, and hisses underneath the tub. It really creeped us out tonight as we were trying to have companion study. I poured bleach down the drain (mean, I know) and it hissed at me!

This morning we drove to Pensacola for Bag Lady event, and the news people came! A member texted us later and said she saw us on the news! We are officially famous. I am getting really good at crocheting! That afternoon, all our appointments fell through, so we tracted in the freezing cold and got some return appointments. My toes were literally numb at one point. One kind Southerner invited us in to warm up, even though he wasn't interested in our message. He said he sees us walking around sometimes and shouts to us, "Hey!" to encourage us. I love the Southern hospitality. 

We had a regional broadcast this morning, and Sister Neill Marriott spoke. She is from the South and started her talk off with, "I've looked forward to speaking with y'all because you understand when I say I had grits for breakfast and am fixin' to give a talk." She also answered some questions I had about permanent change. I feel myself changing so much, and I hope it stays permanent. I don't want to regress or fall back into old habits. She talked about the power that comes from the ordinances and covenants we make. Y'all, go to the temple often! I miss it so much. We had a linger-longer after church, then met with an awesome less-active. She seemed closed off at first when we showed up, but by the end, she had cried at least twice as she told us about the death of her first husband and mother. She has just moved here a year ago and hasn't been back to church since her mother's death, but said she needs to start coming back.

This week has taught me how powerful fasting is. I truly feel closer to the Lord, and I have more self control over my natural man. I feel happy. I smile more. I cry more during conferences because the Spirit is so much stronger. I am a more pure vessel of the Lord, and He is able to use me better to accomplish great things in His work. Never fast halfheartedly. I think that is just going hungry. Truly have a purpose that will bring you closer to the Savior, so that "when he shall appear [you] shall be like him, for [you] shall see him as he is" (Moroni 7:48).

Much love,
Sister Burnham

A picture of me and my companion with Sister Longs

And with her sister, Dysane.

Us at a Bag Lady event. We were on the news!!!

Week 35 - Sick and Stake Conference

Hey y'all! I survived the week! I have also forgot what warmth feels like... haha, but it's supposed to be getting warm again this week! The other highlights of the week include our car battery dying again, getting sick, and not having hot water for four days. Let's just say I really need to shower soon... 

I'm learning more about the true character of Christ through each trial. In Christ's most difficult moments, He always turned outward and served someone else. He never thought about Himself. When life is going easy and you are healthy, it is easy to serve and be kind and considerate. When you feel terrible... not so much. It's harder to control the natural man, and it's harder to desire to serve others. You find yourself excusing your behavior, "It's okay because I'm not feeling good. I'll serve and be nicer once I'm healthy again." But that is not the example Jesus Christ left us. If you can be kind, patient, and considerate when you are at your lowest (with the help of the Savior, of course), then you are becoming like Him in every aspect of your life.

We left an extra hour early this morning so we could get our oil changed before district meeting. I absolutely loved district meeting because I testified boldly and helped answer some concerns other missionaries had. I could feel the Spirit testifying through me, and they were so strengthened too. That is one way you know you are being successful as a missionary. We were also trained on "going about doing good" by our district leader. That is exactly what Christ did, and He was always in the right place at the right time. We all need to go out and serve more, following the Spirit to be in the right places at exactly the right time. That is much more powerful than robotic-tracting. We then had lunch with Sister Field, and she went out with us for 5 hours tracting and visiting! She is so bold. She pulled right up on people's driveway as if she lived there, and she wasn't scared to open her mouth. She was such a good example to me, and we were able to teach a few lessons to people we tracted into. We also went to visit a less-active. Members are so powerful and essential for missionary work!

I woke up with a slight sore throat, and no desire to go out in the below-freezing weather. However, I've been deeply studying about the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and I decided to rely on Him to give me strength to carry on, and to give me strength that people would let us inside so we didn't freeze. I carried on, and people let us in! We left at just the right time to see Lenda Lane. She was outside loading her trunk to get to work. She didn't even question why we randomly showed up on her street in the freezing weather. She came to talk with us and said she was glad we came by, because she was going to go grab her Book of Mormon and bring it to work to read during break. She also gave us two referrals: the only two neighbors that she knows. She is so prepared and so amazing! Then we stopped by a former investigator, Jennifer, and when we pulled up to the side of her house, she was outside looking for something in her car. She invited us in, but she seemed very frazzled. She informed us that she was looking for her driver's license and paperwork for food stamps. She said some money would also be nice! As she searched and searched, I asked if we could pray with her. She paused and said, "Sure." We all knelt down, and I prayed specifically for her to find what she was looking for. Things seemed calmer, and minutes after the prayer, she pulled out her license, paperwork, and a dollar bill from her bag that she had searched before. It was such an amazing experience to see God answering our prayer so quickly and exactly--even down to a dollar! She was much more at peace, and made us some vinyl stickers for our scriptures and name-tags. I'll have to send pictures next week! Later, we were also able to give out an "El Libro De Mormon" because we were in exactly the right place. I only knew how to introduce myself and the church, which I learned from Sister Monterrosa in Semmes 5 months ago! God's hand is in all things. We were also able to teach CJ about the Word of Wisdom. He says his mom forces him to drink Sweet Tea, so we did a role-play of how he can politely decline and bear his testimony about why he doesn't want to drink it. That boy will make an amazing missionary one day!

Well, I woke up super sick this morning! The cold yesterday didn't help at all, but fortunately we weekly planned inside all morning. Elder Labrum gave me some advice of what to do to get better, which included resting all day inside. He also thanked me for always following his directions in the past, even down to calling him back exactly when he says to. It made me feel really good, and I expressed my gratitude for his service, keeping all us missionaries healthy and strong to serve the Lord. Also, poor Sister Jarvis hit her year mark today, but we didn't do much of anything because I was sick.

We had interviews with our mission president today, so we decided to leave extra early. Our car had other ideas. The battery died AGAIN. We called Brother Wright to come fix it, rushed off to interviews (made it just in time), then had to go get our battery replaced. Afterwards, we had exchanges with the sisters in Gulf Breeze. They came back to Brewton with us. I was with Sister Sjoblom again, which was very inspired because I was sick, and she was just overcoming a bad cold, so we were able to take it easy for the night.

We both felt better, so we drove out to follow up with some potentials. We got a new investigator, Yank, and met Philia's mom, Mimi. She invited us back next Saturday because she didn't have work, but she was just about to leave for work when we knocked. Another new investigator :). We also got bible-bashed/lectured by this man for 15 minutes. Sister Sjoblom did a great job of testifying to him. I did a good job of asking inspired questions. Well, overall we both just felt so sick inside because the doctrine he spewed out was so twisted, and the Spirit was definitely not there as he spoke. Yet he wouldn't listen to us, and went of on long tangents about why he didn't need to ask God which church to join. There was nothing for us to really do, and I felt so sad that he was caught up in the snares of the devil and didn't realize it. Hopefully we planted a seed, and gratefully, we left on good terms. That afternoon, we visited Rachel, a youth less-active whose mother just passed away. We were able to bring her some cheer and answer questions she had about the Plan of Salvation. We then went and met a cute old couple who invited us into their home. The wife's memory was really bad because she asked us where we were from three times throughout the conversation, and when we responded, she said, "Oh my, you're such a long ways from home! God bless you!" They were super sweet, but not interested. 

Today is one of those days where you feel the joy described by Alma in Alma 29:16-17. "My soul is carried away, even to the separation of it from the body, as it were, so great is my joy." We had the privilege of hearing Sister Longs give her first talk in stake conference. She did so wonderful and had everyone laughing a few times. Brother Wright was sustained to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, and then we got to witness him receive it after stake conference. Sister Wright was in tears, and I just smiled. His eyes seem so much brighter afterwards. The recent converts here are progressing so wonderfully, and I am so filled with joy! The Wrights fed us afterwards, and then I had to go home and into bed because I physically felt TERRIBLE. But wonderfully spiritually :). 

This past week, I have been reading The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox, and it is now one of my new favorite books. I would highly recommend it. It has taught be so much about what perfection and salvation truly mean, and especially about Jesus Christ's Atonement. Knowing something is pointless unless we act on it. In order to act, we must feel something. And by acting, we are becoming. Such is the way of the gospel. We are not obedient just because we are robots trying to be perfect, but because we are humans becoming better each day. Keeping the commandments and keeping our covenants helps us to become who we need to be in order to feel comfortable back in God's presence.  Faith is not enough, but works don't get us into heaven either. It is who we become as a result of our faith and actions (James 2:17). Don't give up; keep trying. You are doing more good than you can even realize.


Much love,
Sister Burnham

Southern Sayin':
Sister Wright calls shorts "Knee Knockers"

Zone Conference from November


Monday, January 1, 2018

Week 34 - Happy New Year!

Happy New Years y'all! This week has been full of miracles and amazing teaching opportunities! I feel my own testimony and conversion growing each and every day at a rate so much faster than before my mission. This is because I get to live the higher law established by Jesus Christ and avoid so many worldly distractions. With the new year, I've been contemplating goals for the rest of my mission, but also for after my mission. There are so many things I am learning that I want to apply to how I live my life after my mission... at the end of this year! Yikes!!! Time goes by too fast. But, I am looking forward to this freezing weather passing by fast! It's going to be below freezing this entire week, and my hands and feet are icicles at any given moment.

When we got home from the beach, we were able to email at Ellen's house. She heard that I needed a new water bottle and gave me a new one she had bought and never used. Then we did some shopping and cleaning!
With my companion, Sister Jarvis
We went to visit a referral sent from church headquarters this morning. The house was very sketchy looking, and the lady, Yolanda, seemed a bit paranoid and skittish. But she was very friendly, and we felt the Spirit as we taught her the Restoration. She loved it and was so excited to get her hands on the Book of Mormon. We were so happy after that lesson, and then went to see Diane, who lived just down the road. Diane told us that Yolanda is not mentally all there, so we will have to take things slowly to see if she can keep commitments and is accountable to be baptized. We went tracting that afternoon, but everyone turned us away. On the bright side, we felt so good to be out and about, diligently working. As we put forth our efforts, the Lord blesses us with miracles, all of which are completely unrelated to the work we do. Awkward moment of the day: I tried speaking with a lady, and when she told me she didn't speak English, I straightway slipped into Spanish. Then she informed me she didn't speak Spanish, but Romanian. Whoopsies. The Wrights fed us dinner and we read The Book of Mormon with them. What a great way to end the night.

Happy Birthday Aaron! In celebration, we weekly planned all morning :). That afternoon, a place came to mind to go, so I just headed there. As we were finding a place to park, I saw two people walking down the street. I hurried to park and said we were going to talk to them. Well, guess what? It turned out to be the cousin of Trent, whose mom had passed away a few months ago. We'd been praying to get back into contact with him, and we saw his 15-year-old cousin again, who we'd met at his house and had given a copy of the Book of Mormon. We set up a time to visit her, and we also found out where Trent is living. What a miracle!

Well, after having a very spiritual lesson at the senior center (we walked there and back) and eating lunch, we went to crank up the car... and nothing. Just clicking. Our battery had died! Our neighbor tried jumping us, but nothing happened. We had a thought to call Diane and ask her husband to come help us. He is a non-member, and we are hoping that her example in the church will give him a desire to learn more. He was able to charge up our battery and get us going. We got permission from the mission office to unplug our TIWI (or nosy-neighbor, as Jessie calls it. It monitors our speed and driving). Since it is defective, we believe that it is draining our battery, since the battery is still fairly new. But it is amazing to see how willing everyone is to help you, regardless of if they are members of the church. Getting our car fixed took a long, long time, so we had to cancel our dinner plans in Century, FL. Fortunately, the branch mission leader and his wife took us out to dinner in Brewton as we discussed how to help the branch.

This morning, we decided to stop by the house of a lady who had referred herself to us. She was out walking her dog right when we pulled up, and she recognized her car and came up to us and invited us right in. She said she'd been waiting for us to finally come over! (We'd tried a few times before, but she had never been home). She said she used to see elders biking around and they met with her husband. She has felt the Spirit around us, which has drawn her to us, and she wants to know what we believe. We had the most powerful restoration lesson ever. It's amazing how all the seeds planted by previous missionaries have grown, and now we are the blessed and lucky ones to get to teach her. It was amazing to see how all of the How to Begin Teaching points positively affected the lesson and brought the Spirit in so strongly. And she showed us how her dog can sing! She sings loudly and he raises his head and howls along. It is the cutest thing EVER. Afterwards, we had to get our battery checked out again, and the guys said it still wasn't fully charged up. Jessie said to come on over and he would charge it up for us. It took about an hour, so in the meantime, we decided to walk down the street and talk to everyone we saw. We met one lady who was backing out of her driveway and parked to talk with us. Her great-grandfather started the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and she invited us back to do family history with her (and to go fishing). We also got to teach another lady the restoration. She wasn't as prepared, but we definitely planted a seed.

We had an amazing sacrament meeting. I really enjoyed the talks, especially as the Branch President spoke about the use of our time. It made me realize how much time I truly wasted before my mission on things that don't actually matter that much. That's something I will change after my mission. I want to schedule out my time to accomplish the most service and to do what God wants me to do. That is the secret to life and to discipleship. What you spend the most time on shows what matters the most to you. I want to show God that He is the most important person in my life by always giving Him my time. And that's what I get to do on a mission! We visited some less-actives after church, then had dinner with the Wrights. Warm chili because it was a chilly night! We received permission to stay up until midnight and to watch a church movie... so we watched 17 Miracles, but only stayed up until 10:30pm (well, 10:31 if you ask Sister Jarvis).

This morning we went to visit Sister Longs. She has been asked by the stake president to speak at Stake Conference this Sunday, and she is very nervous! We went over to help her plan what to say. She will do so amazing, and it just came to my mind to tell her that her testimony would help strengthen someone else's testimony and help someone on the road to conversion. Then we had another lesson with Yolanda. She is comprehending things very well and says she already knows that The Book of Mormon is true because of a dream she had. We will take things slowly and see how she progresses. Afterwards, we decided to drop by another referral we had received from headquarters for a Bible. We were able to go inside and teach him and his wife the Restoration. They also have an adorable one-year-old girl. 

One thing I am learning to recognize as a missionary is how prepared someone is from the second you meet them, and from the amount of Spirit that is present in the first lesson. The most powerful lessons I've had, the individuals were very prepared. When they aren't, the Spirit either isn't there, or it isn't as strong. This is truly God's work, and He knows His children. As I follow the Spirit, He will continue to lead me to those who are prepared. 

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Week 33 - Diligence and Pig Stomach

Hey all y'all! I loved getting so see and talk to my family this week! This week has been a blast as I've learned the balance of being diligent. So far in my whole mission, I've struggled with overworking myself and running farther than I had strength. This past week I realized I wasn't doing enough. I've never wanted to be that missionary, and it's been hard not having people to teach. When I read about "diligence" in Preach My Gospel, a line stuck out to me. As you are diligent, you will find much joy and satisfaction in missionary work. Well, I was feeling stuck in a rut and struggling to keep faith to find the prepared. I realized I need to be more timely between studies and getting going in the morning, and being as productive as I can each hour, making sure I have my "fishing line in the water" as much as possible. Many miracles have happened because of this!

I wrote 26 letters today to send out to people. It was all I had time for before I ran to bed and made it right at 10:30pm. Unfortunately, the mail lady didn't get them until Thursday, even though they sat in the mail box for two days, so they didn't arrive on time.

I gave my training in district meeting about charity, and it was so powerful as we felt the immense love of the Savior. There were some tears and lots of new insights. It has taught me the importance of preparation and relying on the Spirit for revelation. As we follow the Spirit and truly take the time to prepare a lesson, God will lead you to know exactly what to say to bless the lives of those you are teaching. Many times we do things last-minute as missionaries, but making the sacrifice to really pray all week and listen for inspiration makes everything so much more personable and powerful. Later that afternoon, we had personal studies at our church, and I called an emergency planning session afterwards because I hate feeling stuck in a rut and not having people to teach. I love teaching, so it's been hard. We came up with specific plans to help the members and less actives so I would have something to work towards to see our progress. We scavenged the library and picked out some books for the Wrights to read that they might enjoy. We made goals to be more diligent, to make a better effort to be out more where the people are and talk with EVERYONE.

This morning after studies, we went out to go tracting and really relied on the Spirit to lead us. People shut the door in our faces. People told us they weren't interested. The Spirit told us to avoid some houses. But I felt so good just to be out and about. I could feel Heavenly Father's approval as we kept going. I felt prompted to drive down one street and just tract. We planted a few seeds, and I was just so happy. I recognized this past transfer I got a bit discouraged because no one wanted to listen, and that led to me not having as much faith to find, which lead to me not wanting to be out and tracting very much. I've repented and feel so much happier to be productive, even if people literally don't even open the door and wave us away through the window.  That evening we went with Sister Wright to visit Brother Ward. It went so good. He is very knowledgeable about the gospel and Sister Wright absolutely loved visiting with him. She kept gushing about it all night. I was so happy to see her happy.

In preparation for the Christmas half-mission conference tomorrow, we cleaned our car SO good in case it got inspected. The Kelley's (our branch mission leader and his wife) stopped by and gave us some Christmas gifts. We weekly planned and had a very good companion inventory. We both had lots of goals to improve and to be more timely. Then we went out to dinner with the Wiggins, a family in the branch. It was fun just to learn more about them and ask them what we can do to strengthen the branch. One big thing lacking is communication, since the branch members live so far away from each other. If you can get to church in less than a half hour, you are truly blessed!

I had the best day ever! We met up in Pensacola with half of the missionaries in the mission for a conference. There were amazing musical numbers that made me cry because the Spirit was so strong. And our mission president made us all temple recommend holders that are beautiful! We had a talent show, and it was so fun to see the other missionaries using the talents God had blessed them with. I could just feel His love and approval for all the missionaries. President Smith talked about his mission and different lessons he learned from companions. Something he said stuck out to me, "You are in the best place in the world to grow as much as you can spiritually." I would not be able to learn the things I am and grow if I wasn't here serving a mission. And I played the violin in a band during the talent show. We also played tons of fun games as missionaries, and my zone won, so we received autographed pictures of our mission president!

We had an appointment with a Bible referral and were able to teach him more about the Book of Mormon. He is interested in learning more and coming closer to Jesus Christ. We were very bold with him, and I hope he can feel the truth of our message since he is very active in his own church. We had some extra time before we went to visit a sickly member of the branch, and I felt to talk to some random guys at a park. They said we could come back to the park next week to talk to them more. After visiting Sister Weaver, who has very bad health, we tracted a street randomly on the way home. The very first door we knocked on, a man named Larry answered and talked to us for over 30 minutes. He was so spiritually prepared and as he shared stories about when he felt the Spirit, he cried. I testified so boldly and lovingly to him. His eyes were full of the Spirit and he nodded to everything I said as I talked about the Book of Mormon and modern prophets. It was amazing to see that exactly after we decided to work more diligently and more faithfully, God has started putting the prepared right in our path. Scary story of the week: we went out later that night, and it was super dark. We decided to tract a random neighborhood. We knocked a few doors, when suddenly a car started coming our way. We got a terrible feeling, so I ran across a random person's yard to hide in their bushes, not caring if I tripped and fell in an ant pile. AND SISTER JARVIS COULDN'T FIND THE PHONE. After that, we decided to go home for the night and speed walked back to the car.

President said to spend a lot of time with members today and tomorrow. After our spiritual Christmas program, we went to the Beldens and talked with them. We learned that Jimmy and his girlfriend are going through a hard time, which is so sad because we haven't heard from him or seen him in a few weeks now, so I don't know how serious he is after all... Then we stopped by the Wrights for an hour and talked with their son, Jason, and CJ. Then we went to Sister Fox and Sister Adam's house. Chloe, who calls me Sister Cupcake, was so excited for us to come. And Sister Fox made me a sweet potato pie that I could eat!!! We had barbeque for dinner and played some games.

We woke up, prayed, then opened presents instead of exercising ;). My family (okay, my mom) sent me a package full of lots of gifts. I loved each one and was just so happy and excited. Most importantly, I loved the conference talk my mom sent me called "Christmas Within You" by Elder Holland. It just reminded me that Christmas isn't about presents or family, but about Christ and His sacrifice so we can return to Heavenly Father. And I am so grateful to be a part of His work in helping others return to Him. Christmas on the mission is the BEST! We got permission to watch The Grinch, so we went over to Diane's house and watched the first hour of it, then paused it to have lunch with her and her family. Interesting fact: I ate pig stomach. Yup. Not my favorite thing, but definitely an interesting experience. Then I had some collard greens and ham. Gotta love Southern cookin'. We then got to skype home to our families. The time just seemed to fly by, and now it seems like just a dream. I loved seeing how much all of my family members have grown. I loved getting to share some experiences with them, and they met Diane, our recent convert! After the 40 minutes were up, I said goodbye and my mom started crying, which made me start crying. Bad, bad, bad. I didn't want to cry. But we went to finish the Grinch after, which was a good distraction. That evening we drove to Navarre to be with 17 other missionaries for a small gathering/party. We had a gift exchange and I almost ended up with a Sponge-Bob tie! That evening, we spent the night at the Sister Training leaders with four other sisters and watched Moana. Watching movies as a missionary is so funny. When the one guy's hook broke, one sister said, "Like when Nephi's bow broke!" Then when Moana was alone with the guy (Moui?), we were like, "Where is her companion? She can't be alone with a male!" It was such a wonderful day!

We all went to the beach this morning in Navarre! It was so beautiful and breathtaking. We got some funny pictures. Elders are just so crazy! One found a dead crab that was featured in a lot of our pictures.

I love my mission so much and wouldn't trade it for the world. The hard days don't even matter when I think about all the amazing days and experiences. I love being with other missionaries and feeling like a part of God's bigger picture. I love feeling the Spirit so strong all the time. I want to always be a missionary and be involved in building up God's kingdom. I love y'all and will see you again for Mother's Day!

Much love,
Sister Burnham