Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Week 37 - Cold Relapse and Boaz

Hey y'all! It's been a great week, even though I've been sick for most of it. I'm still sick, but hopefully will get better soon so I don't sound like a dog whining when I cough!

We read 1 Nephi 1 with Lenda, and she loved it! She has trouble understanding a lot of words, so we will have to work slow with her. I love her so much already!

I love our new prophet! I have a strong testimony already that he is called of God, and I want to follow his example. I was able to talk with the sisters in the district and uplift them because they were going through a hard time. I don't remember everything I said, but they were crying and felt good after. I love helping others and lifting them up! 

We went to West Gate, a nursing home, and helped old people color. Then Sister Jarvis felt sick, so we stayed inside for a bit. That evening, we went to a return appointment, and the family let us in. It turned out that their parents are former investigators! We were able to teach the Restoration, and it was so cool!

Besides weekly planning, we stayed inside all day because I still felt so bad. I have a terrible cold, but luckily not the flu!

We went to the senior bible devotional this morning, but we both felt absolutely terrible afterwards and had to stay inside. Mostly we cleaned, napped, updated the area book, and worked on crafts for investigators. The devotional was so fun though. We read the story of Ruth, and as we were reading about all the great things Boaz did for Ruth, I said, "I need to find me a Boaz!" All the ladies laughed.

We tracted all morning because everything fell through. I still didn't feel 100%, but went ahead in faith. Well, nothing happened. That night, we were tired and didn't know what to do, but we felt drawn to this one area. We went there, and every potential and less-active fell through. Back to tracting. But the very first house we knocked on, the lady let us in. Her name is Dora. We taught her and her 5 year-old son the Restoration, and she loved it! She had some of the same questions as Joseph Smith. She was so prepared, and it was amazing to see the Lord bless us.

Due to the flue epidemic, only 21 people came to church! 3 were children, and then there was us.
So we had a very low turnout! It's going to be strange coming home to a ward! We visited with a member, Sister Field, later that afternoon, then had dinner with the Miller and Sumrall families. They are a hoot! We focused on the power of asking questions. Many of the amazing revelations we have today wouldn't have happened without sincere questions being asked. It's okay to have questions, but never doubts. I promise that as you go to God with a question, even something that seems silly, He will answer as you are sincere and truly desire to know. And the Millers bought me ice-cream!!! I haven't had some in almost 6 months!

Sister Burnham

Snow! Again. Two years in a row. I heard it's rare to get this cold here, maybe once in  20 or 30 years. Of course I'm lucky to experience it the one winter of my mission! ;)

Some Alabama Southern' style houses down the road from us.

At church with the Wrights!

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