Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Week 55 - Brother Tom's Baptism

Hey y'all! We've been getting some tropical storm weather today! Fun stuff. We haven't been allowed outside until this afternoon. This has been such a wonderful week, full of so many miracles!

So, we were going to do something cool today. Instead, it decided to rain all day. Welcome to hurricane season in Florida!

We went with the new senior couple, the Lyles, to district meeting. They loved it! They call themselves greenies and are so pumped about the work! We read 1 Peter 2:21, and I realized that if we are to become an example like Christ is, then it will involve some suffering, too. The best examples we look to aren't those who have it easy, but those who have it hard and persevere through it, because that's what Christ did. The Lyles took us to a lesson with Kathy, and we weren't sure what exactly we were going to do, just that we needed to read in the Book of Mormon with her. After we sat down and talked with her, an idea came to mind to have her pick a question of the soul, and we showed her how the Book of Mormon answered her question!

Exchanges today! I was paired up with Sister Fast, whose first area was Brewton! We had fun talking about the branch and experiences we had there! While we were out finding and tracting, we faced a lot of rejection. We drove to a different area, and passed by a guy washing his car. Sister Fast decided we should go over and help him. He was waxing his car and refused help at first, but Sister Fast insisted, and picked up a rag to help. He was so amazed and shocked that we were serious about helping him. He kept saying, "Are you seriously doing this right now?!" He then told us how he wasn't  supposed to be up and about because he had two cracked ribs. Just before we got there, he had been in a lot of pain and had been praying because he just wanted to give up. Just us he was about to quit, we showed up and took over for him. He recognized that we were an answer to his prayer and asked more about the church and what we do. I bore witness of how the Book of Mormon has changed my life, and he was really touched and could see the light in my eyes and feel my conviction.

We finally got to teach our recent convert, Jon! He is so intelligent and basically teaches himself (and you) when you go over. All you have to do is keep it on track. He bought himself a tablet just so he could download Gospel Library. We showed him how to navigate it (you know, old people and technology don't always seem to mix). He was soooo grateful and excited to start studying about the priesthood on it! Jon also told us that in order to be a good teacher, we must "never forget what it's like to not know."

We visited with the Lyles and I recieved a blessing becaise I wasnt feeling well. Afterwards, I felt more peaceful, and we were able to carry on with our day! We had dinner with the Willmores that evening and got to learn more about what they do as service missionaries on the church ranch.

The long anticipated day arrived at last! A day I will never forget! We left early this morning to make it to Brother Tom's baptism at 10am. It was about a 2.5 hour drive. So worth it! It felt like a dream, walking into the very familiar church building and seeing so many people that I love again! Rhoda and Johnny were surprisingly there with CJ! Brother Tom was so touched that I was there, and he looked so happy after he was baptized. After his baptism, Bishop Welty invited me up to bear my testimony, and I shared a bit about how we found Brother Tom. I got to hear the story from his point of view afterwards! I learned that the day we knocked on Brother Tom's door, he had been outside walking and praying that morning because he was lonely and wanted to feel like part of a church congregation again. Well, later that day, guess who showed up kncocking at his front door? The Spirit had really led me and my companion there. We had been in a neighborhood that wasn't very welcoming, and we realized we didn't have to be there. We followed (what we didn't realize at the time) a prompting to leave and try the other neighborhood we had planned to go to because an uncontacted referral from 3 years ago had appeared on our phones. We knocked on the door, and Brother Tom answered and was very welcoming. The rest is now history! God truly does answer our prayers, and he truly does lead us by His Spirit in this great work.

We drove straight from the baptism to the stake BBQ that was going on that evening. We were supposed to have been there earlier to help set up. When we arrived, we really needed to use the bathroom. We soon found out that one of the toilets had some issues and flooded all over the floor. We tried plunging it, while one person held the lever to stop the tank from filling and flooding again. Yeah, we got toilet water all over us... we finally resolved the issue enough to go get a paper that said "Do not use" when the other sister missionaries happened upon us and asked what we were doing... we told them, and while we were gone, they tried to fix it and caused it to start flooding on the floor again. We see them running out of the bathroom to get a mop on our way back. So then we had to re-plunge and temporarily fix it. Well, after that disastrous fiasco, we washed up the best we could, and carried on as normal. The BBQ went great, and we even got a new investigator! Our newest ward missionary brought three nonmembers to the stake BBQ that we had, and one of them loved the church tour we gave her. She was captivated by all of the paintings and felt the Spirit.

Sister Strong played a beautiful musical number in sacrament meeting. She is so gifted! We sang in choir for an hour after church. Also, the old ladies at bingo love to hug and kiss us! 

That about sums up this adventurous week in a nutshell. I had a lot of fun, for sure, but I also learned and grew a lot too. This week, I studied a lot about spiritual gifts. Sister Fast shared a footnote from the talk, "I Have a Work for Thee" by Elder John C. Pingree. This footnote listed a lot of less-conspicuous gifts, many that we have never thought of, but that are of great worth: "the gift of asking; the gift of listening; the gift of hearing and using a still, small voice; the gift of being able to weep; the gift of avoiding contention; the gift of being agreeable; the gift of avoiding vain repetition; the gift of seeking that which is righteous; the gift of not passing judgment; the gift of looking to God for guidance; the gift of being a disciple; the gift of caring for others; the gift of being able to ponder; the gift of offering prayer; the gift of bearing a mighty testimony; and the gift of receiving the Holy Ghost."

I invite each of you to study your patriarchal blessing, the scriptures, and Elder Pingree's talk to discover gifts you have been given. I testify that each of you have been given special gifts to bless others and be instruments in God's hands. As you develop them, you will see that God has prepared you, specifically you, to accomplish miracles in hastening His work. He will make more out of you than you ever could alone!

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Week 54 - Fire and Rain (Not Brimstone)

Okay, so most of y'all might already know, but us missionaries are always a week behind on news... My brother recieved his mission call this past week!!! He will be serving in the Peru Chiclayo Mission! I am so proud of him, and I also laugh to think that everyone in Peru will think he is a giant. You better get used to all the jokes that will be made, Aaron! This week has been great. Even though the work has been slow, my companion and I get along great and have had so many fun adventures and moments of laughter this week!

We went to the beach with some members of our district! We had a fun time making sculptures out of sand and finding shells. Sister Strong is an amazing sand-architect. After we finished making the Provo Temple and were leaving, we saw some people over there looking at it. Creative missionary work at its finest!

In district meeting this morning, we found out that our district leader had all of the sisters study second Nephi chapter 18 without us knowing. Then he had us share insights we had from it. It was cool to see how everyone got something different out of the same chapter. We discussed how each verse of Scripture is in the Book of Mormon for a reason. How would the Book of Mormon be different if even 1 verse was missing? We went to visit a referral we recieved. She turned out to be a less-active member that moved here recently and is trying to get back into church because the trials in her life have greatly humbled her. I felt so much compassion and empathy for her. She couldn't stop crying in the lesson, and I testified of Heavenly Father's love for her. We have the greatest privelege as missionaries to stand in place of Jesus Christ and say what He would say. 

We are trying to save our car miles in order to attend Brother Tom's baptism in Pace next week, so we decided to walk all day and talk to everyone in our path as we contacted potentials. Lo and behold, the weather forcast this week consists of rain and thunder storms. As we walked, the dark clouds loomed closer and closer, until we finally got rained on. It was a fun adventure, even though we got soaked! We talked to one man out in his garden, and he actually seemed very interested, but that is when it decided to pour down rain the hardest, so I couldn't hear anything he said. My companion was closer and luckily could hear him. 
Towards the evening, we met a member at a Mexican restaurant for dinner, and then she dropped us off at the church for choir practice and mutual. Nothing major came out of our efforts, but we recieved two headquarter referrals that day. Coincidence? I think not! When you work hard, God does bless you, just not always in the way you expect. 

We put together some chairs for the senior couple moving into our apartmentcomplex and went to take them over. We approached what I thought to be the correct door... only the key didn't fit. I knocked to check if they had somehow already arrived, and when a random man answered, I knew we were at the wrong door. Awkward! 
We served at Catholic Charities that afternoon, and had dinner with Bishop and his family that evening. His daughter is working on her mission papers and is so excited! We were able to answer some deep questions they had about the plan of salvation and strengthen their faith in Christ.

I got roped into singing a musical number for zone conference today with another elder. Luckily, I also roped Sister Strong into playing along on the violin :). She is so talented and was able to compose an accompaniment in just a couple of days for "A Child's Prayer." We recieved many compliments, and I feel so good to get to use my talents to help others feel the Spirit. I was very nervous, but the only reason I agreed to sing was because instead of focusing on myself, I tried to be more like Christ by  turning outward and seeing an opportunity to help and bless others. In Zone Conference, we learned that empathy comes from having charity, and it doesn't mean "painting a silver lining" over someone's problems. Sometimes it is just listening to and feeling with people. How amazing is it that Christ has perfect empathy for each of us?

We helped out at the Methodist Community Breakfast this morning, and I decided to go out of my comfort zone and strike up a conversation with a lady in line. I was able to testify about living prophets and apostles! When we open our mouths, we never know the impact we can make and the friendships we can develop. I was talking with another man, and as he asked us if we had seen about the horrible shooting on the news. I replied that we hadn't. I explained that as missionaries, we don't watch TV because we try to focus on our Savior every moment of the day. That really struck him and he made a goal to focus on the Savior more that week! A simple testimony can change lives. That afternoon, we got to meet the new senior couple that moved in, Elder and Sister Lyles. They are awesome and so ready to work! I know so many miracles are just around the corner.

Interesting day... something was off with the fire alarm/detecter, so in the middle of sacrament meeting, they announced that 2nd and 3rd hour would be cancelled so that fire men could come work on it. Guess it was a good thing no investigators came today. We still had an hour of choir practice, though. We went with the Lyles to a lesson that afternoon...  in the pouring rain. It turned out really good. Afterwards, I realized it was the first lesson Sister Strong and I taught together to an investigator, and we did very well!

Even though the work has been slow, I know I am so blessed to have a wonderful companion and to serve around 3 senior couples! God is so good, and I'm grateful for the Savior! I promise that as you make a concious effort to be grateful each day, you will recognize how merciful the Lord has been in your life (PMG 94), and your burdens will be lightened.

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Week 53 - Mission Birthday and Ironman

What a week! I got to celebrate my year mark as a missionary and talk to my family on Mother's Day! So many tender mercies this week from God. Thank y'all for your prayers; they helped so much. First off, we aren't in a car share anymore! When President asked the zone leaders how Callaway was doing, they told him that we were still figuring out the car-share situation. President then told them, "Callaway isn't supposed to be in a car share. The Sisters are supposed to have the car, and the elders don't get one!" So they will be the ones needing the prayers now.

We have a huge district! There are 13 missionaries, and another senior couple is moving into our apartment complex, so we will soon have 15! I love that most of the sisters are new. Their greenie fire is rubbing off on me again. We also watched training videos from the missionary department, and our church never ceases to amaze me. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the truth, and I'm so blessed to get to share it each day.

We work out at the gym every morning, and this morning we met a really cool lady named Marilyn. We have been able to talk with her and share a bit about what we do. We also met with an older couple in the ward. When we asked them about how they share the gospel, the sister said that she writes out her testimony with a pass along card, opens up the phonebook, and randomly points to a page. Then she sends it to that address. Once it was to a Baptist Church...  That afternoon, we drove to a far area called Fountain. It is full of dirt roads, so our car got dusty. So did my shoes because I had to keep backing the car out. We only ran into one scary dog. But we were also able to contact 3 less-active families, and they were all surprisingly very welcoming. I don't think missionaries go up there very often. It was so cool to see everyone so receptive and kind.

Happy mission birthday to me! I guess I'm getting old, but it sure doesn't feel like it. To celebrate, I made brownies and had ice cream.  We helped out at the thrift store today, and a lot of crazy people were there. I'm pretty sure one guy was on drugs and stealing things because he kept coming in and out with different clothes on. He also called out to us, "Bye Catholic Sisters! Y'all are the prettiest sisters I've ever seen!" And another lady kept accusing the cashier of stealing from her. 

We did a lot of service today to prepare for the Ironman race tomorrow. We first helped move in the senior couple that is coming into our complex. And then we headed over to Panama City Beach to help people check in their bikes for the race. We were there for at least 5 hours! We did the math, and the amount of bikes in there added up to approximately 20 million dollars!

We woke up this morning at 5:30 so that we could get to the Ironman race. We helped direct the cyclists around a sharp turn in the road. It was so fun to cheer them on! Then after the last one passed by, we helped direct traffic and pedestrians so the cyclists wouldn't be stopped. It was a stressful job, and my authoritative side came out just a little bit. It became super dangerous that the police officers came to take over. There were only a few minor accidents with pedestrians slipping on the road and cyclists almost getting hit by cars, but everyone was okay. I kept forgetting what the cyclists were called, so I called them a variation of things: bikers, cyclers, biklers... The best part, though, was that my companion said that I left them with a smile on their face after they passed by me. It was fun cheering them on, but my voice was scratchy after five hours of shouting.

We got to ride to church with the Willmores, a senior couple that works on the church ranch. We had the opportunity to teach in Young Womens, and I felt the Spirit and Heavenly Father's love for them so powerfully. They really enjoyed the lesson. I am more grateful for living prophets than ever before in my life. Am0s 3:7 tells us that God does nothing unless He reveals it to His prophets. That is how He works. What would you not have without prophets?  I am so grateful for the Restoration of the gospel, and for the sure knowledge of the way to salvation that we have.
The Willmore's invited us and the other senior couple over for dinner. We were also able to call home and use their big computer screen! It was so cool to meet my companion's family. And Sister Strong really enjoyed listening to my dad fiddle for her! I loved getting to see my family's faces. I've never been more grateful for eternal families than now. I love them so much and am grateful for the support they give to me!

I testify that God answers prayers. Each hard week or hard day we have is to humble us so we can recognize the many blessing God pours upon us. Just past every dark and difficult day is a day of miracles and light! Hold on and stay strong! It's not about what you've done, it's about who you have become. And that mindset is only possible because of the Savior and His gift of repentance. Love y'all!

Sister Burnham 

Our district's rendition of the Provo Temple

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Week 52 – Major Road Trip!

The time has finally come... my year mark is this Thursday! I cannot believe I have been a missionary for that long. Time does seem to go by quickly as you serve the Lord with a specific purpose. This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Let's see if I can sum it up.

We decided to take a road trip with the Milton Sisters to Brewton! We got to stop by and see all of the recent converts I got to work with, and I got to show them around the small town that has become a part of my heart. It was so fun for me and the elders to show them around. They loved every second of it and soaked everything in. To them, Brewton is still not a real place. We had a bonfire at the Wright's home, where we burned all of the pages in our area book. Good riddance! Then we roasted hot dogs over it! We had such a great time there, and it brought back so many memories.

Milton district at the Brewton wall. I really love them all!

We had district meeting today, and I realized how much I'm going to miss everyone. This has been one of my favorite districts so far! Afterwards, a couple in the ward took us out for lunch one last time to say goodbye. I will miss everyone so much. I'm so sad to be leaving. I wanted to say goodbye to lots of people, so Sister Scott bore with me and we visited just a few members that I have come to love so much. It was good closure. We had a service dinner down in Pensacola with the zone, and it was great to see all of the missionaries one last time.

Seeing Rhoda, Johnny, and CJ one last time. Love them!!!
Saying goodbye to Brother Tom...
...and Maddie
The day of transfers! I finished packing all morning, and my amazing companion, Sister Scott, cleaned the entire house! Then off to transfer spots! It was really hard to say goodbye and to leave everything behind, but I am excited for the adventures that lie in store. I got to ride the transfer van for a few hours with a bunch of other missionaries. Major road trip! I met my new companion, Sister Strong. She is amazing! I am so excited to be working with her. We already feel like instant friends and have a ton in common. I'm happy and grateful to get to be with her! We drove back that evening and had a dinner appointment with a very faithful man. Even though his wife is very against the church, he is remaining true because he said what God thinks is more important. Then we went to choir practice. The member in charge was very grateful that I could sing alto! 

Sister Strong
We have a nice gym to workout at. My apartment is so nice! Unfortunately, there is still a lot of area book left to do here. And I thought I had escaped that! Also, we are in a car-share with the Callaway Elders, so I will have to bike and walk for half of each week! I might be dreading it... just a tiny bit. Some prayers would be nice. There are a lot of challenges that lie ahead, but I know with the support of my companion and the Lord, I will be able to overcome them. We weekly planned (well, my companion did, and I tried to follow along ;) and did some service today at a thrift store. We don't have any investigators we are working with, so we just knocked doors and tried talking to people that evening. We got to meet one of the two senior couples serving in our ward. They all work out at the church ranch and love it! I'm excited to be able to work around senior missionaries!

We finished making plans for the area this morning. Sister Strong is doing a great job leading everything out. She is already a pro, and is so understanding. We went finding all day, but only ran into some rude/creepy people. I'm working on not getting frustrated or annoyed when random people tell you that you have been endoctrinated into your religion and discredit everything you say. Hey, it's a part of missionary work, and the hard times help you understand on a a small level the mocking that Christ suffered. We got to have dinner with a recent convert, and she has been through so many things. I just have to remember on my hard days that everything is not as bad as it could be! 

We helped serve at the Methodist Community Breakfast. Sister Strong is a great violinist, so she plays along with the other musicians during the breakfast. She is trying to enlist me to help her out though... It's funny because after we clean everything up, we help set up for their church service the next morning. I don't know why I find that so funny and ironic! Later that day we had to figure out how to hand over the car to the Elders. They live 15 minutes away by car, 45 minutes by bike. So they biked and contacted people along the way to our apartment all day to get the car. I'm grateful they are willing to make sacrifices for us.

It was hard walking into church and not knowing everyone. Pace truly felt like family. I decided to try to love this ward as quickly as possible so I feel like I belong. I went around and said "hi" to everyone, and made sure to bear my testimony during sacrament meeting. There are some pretty amazing members here that I'm excited to get to know better. Since we didn't have the car, we had to walk an hour to go play bingo with seniors for service. Maybe my shoes are worn out from the past year because that much walking gave me blisters on the bottom of my feet! Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven, right? The old bingo ladies are so cute and loving. They gave me huge hugs and told me how grateful they were that I came and how special I am.

Remember the challenge I proposed a couple of weeks back? Well, this week I decided to study Alma 37:37. I've really needed to check my attitude towards the car-share and trust in the Lord. He knows I can do it, or He wouldn't have put me here. I've really strived to arise every morning with a heart full of thanks unto God. I know as I continue to look for the positive, no matter how exhausted or heartbroken I am, God will direct me for good. I'm so grateful for my companion. She has been my rock during this crazy past week. She truly is strong. I'm grateful for each one of you and your prayers. 

And Happy Mother's Day! I'm excited to talk to my family on Sunday! It's crazy to think I was skyping home from the MTC last Mother's Day. 

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

Week 51 - Off to Callaway

Howdy y'all! I received transfer news this morning... I am leaving Pace and going to Callaway to be with Sister Strong. Fun fact: Sister Palmer just finished training her there! Crazy how small the mission world is. I'm absolutely heartbroken to be leaving Pace. I love the people here so much, but I know I have done what the Lord needed me to do, and now I get to go and make new friends!

We went to practice singing with Sister Jones, the ward organist. She is so talented! She can put anything together on the spot into an amazing arrangement. We had so much fun practicing with her, and she told me that I had an amazing voice.

We had another lesson with Sarah's friend, Hayley. She is so interested because of the good examples around her, and she accepted a baptismal date of June 2! Sarah also brought another friend with her. Now she is also interested in learning more. Sarah is slowly baptizing in all of her friends and is such a great example!
We had dinner with the Weingartner family, and I love them so much!

We had lunch with a bunch of amazing women in the church. Sister Weingartner said my spiritual insight from last night really struck a chord with her and it was just what she needed to hear. We also visited our ward mission leader in the hospital and sang for him. He kept introducing us to all of the nurses that would come in to help him. He is a great missionary! We played chair soccer at mutual with all the youth, and I already knew I wasn't a fan of the game. But tonight proved that I really, really don't like it! In the first round, I accidentally got myself out... Then I rolled my ankle and got kicked in the foot. On the second round, somehow the last two people ended up being me and my companion. I tripped over the ball, fell on my back, and then Sister Scott got me out. Oh, and I got kneed in the leg. So. Watch out world!

Sister Weingartner
We went to Bishop's Storehouse this morning with all of the other missionaries. It was good to serve, but when we got home, I wasn't feeling very well. Without even saying anything, my companion noticed and said I was scaring her. She made me lie down, and my body just felt so weighed down, and my whole body was burning up. She suspected I had the flu, because I was exhausted, achy, and delirious. I just slept the rest of the day.

I was still sick today, so a member dropped off a bunch of food and medicine for me and stuff for Sister Scott to do all day. It was such a tender mercy. A bright spot in an otherwise dingy day. I felt so loved and cared about.

I felt a bit better today!  Unfortunately, Sister Scott wasn't feeling well. She didn't show the same symptoms as me, so hopefully I wasn't the one to get her sick! She felt well enough by the afternoon, and we went out and had a lesson with our investigator, Brother Tom. Afterwards, a member drove him to a baptism happening at the Stake Center, and we went too. It was fun for Sister Scott to see members from her last area. When she hugged her recent convert, I knew the meaning of the scripture that talks about Alma being overcome with joy when he sees his brethren still active in the gospel. I want to have that relationship with those I teach and come into contact with. 

Sister Scott and I sang a duet in church, and it went so well! The Spirit was so strong and it was amazing to see how God was able to magnify my talent to bless others. So many ward members complimented me on my voice. The lady who accompanied us on the piano made me promise to continue to sing and bring the Spirit in the future! Talk about a major confidence booster! Our investigator, Brother Tom, drove himself to church! He really enjoyed it and definitely wants to keep coming back. Pace is like one big family.

I've learned a lot during my time here in Pace, and I'm ready to apply those lessons to my new area! One major thing Sister Scott has taught me is about friendship. I used to always look for the lessons I was supposed to learn from each companion and area. But she told me that when God sends us on missions, He gives us our companions and our investigators to be our eternal friends. They are not just check-lists to learn from, but life-long and eternal friends to love and cherish. As I look back, I can definitely see that. Who we are with is not by random chance. God sent us to our specific missions at this specific time to meet specific people that become a part of our life. A part of who we are. I know that one of my best friends is the Savior, Jesus Christ. Even when we make mistakes and break covenants or promises, His nail-scarred hand is stretched out still. He will never forsake us as we turn to Him. He is our Eternal Friend who loved us enough to die for us (John 15:13). 

Much love, 
Sister Burnham 

Here's Sister Scott at a baptism we went to! Brother Tom loved it so much that he told people he was getting baptized next week, and then I had to tell him it was actually next month. He was like "oh okay, I mean next month.