Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Week 54 - Fire and Rain (Not Brimstone)

Okay, so most of y'all might already know, but us missionaries are always a week behind on news... My brother recieved his mission call this past week!!! He will be serving in the Peru Chiclayo Mission! I am so proud of him, and I also laugh to think that everyone in Peru will think he is a giant. You better get used to all the jokes that will be made, Aaron! This week has been great. Even though the work has been slow, my companion and I get along great and have had so many fun adventures and moments of laughter this week!

We went to the beach with some members of our district! We had a fun time making sculptures out of sand and finding shells. Sister Strong is an amazing sand-architect. After we finished making the Provo Temple and were leaving, we saw some people over there looking at it. Creative missionary work at its finest!

In district meeting this morning, we found out that our district leader had all of the sisters study second Nephi chapter 18 without us knowing. Then he had us share insights we had from it. It was cool to see how everyone got something different out of the same chapter. We discussed how each verse of Scripture is in the Book of Mormon for a reason. How would the Book of Mormon be different if even 1 verse was missing? We went to visit a referral we recieved. She turned out to be a less-active member that moved here recently and is trying to get back into church because the trials in her life have greatly humbled her. I felt so much compassion and empathy for her. She couldn't stop crying in the lesson, and I testified of Heavenly Father's love for her. We have the greatest privelege as missionaries to stand in place of Jesus Christ and say what He would say. 

We are trying to save our car miles in order to attend Brother Tom's baptism in Pace next week, so we decided to walk all day and talk to everyone in our path as we contacted potentials. Lo and behold, the weather forcast this week consists of rain and thunder storms. As we walked, the dark clouds loomed closer and closer, until we finally got rained on. It was a fun adventure, even though we got soaked! We talked to one man out in his garden, and he actually seemed very interested, but that is when it decided to pour down rain the hardest, so I couldn't hear anything he said. My companion was closer and luckily could hear him. 
Towards the evening, we met a member at a Mexican restaurant for dinner, and then she dropped us off at the church for choir practice and mutual. Nothing major came out of our efforts, but we recieved two headquarter referrals that day. Coincidence? I think not! When you work hard, God does bless you, just not always in the way you expect. 

We put together some chairs for the senior couple moving into our apartmentcomplex and went to take them over. We approached what I thought to be the correct door... only the key didn't fit. I knocked to check if they had somehow already arrived, and when a random man answered, I knew we were at the wrong door. Awkward! 
We served at Catholic Charities that afternoon, and had dinner with Bishop and his family that evening. His daughter is working on her mission papers and is so excited! We were able to answer some deep questions they had about the plan of salvation and strengthen their faith in Christ.

I got roped into singing a musical number for zone conference today with another elder. Luckily, I also roped Sister Strong into playing along on the violin :). She is so talented and was able to compose an accompaniment in just a couple of days for "A Child's Prayer." We recieved many compliments, and I feel so good to get to use my talents to help others feel the Spirit. I was very nervous, but the only reason I agreed to sing was because instead of focusing on myself, I tried to be more like Christ by  turning outward and seeing an opportunity to help and bless others. In Zone Conference, we learned that empathy comes from having charity, and it doesn't mean "painting a silver lining" over someone's problems. Sometimes it is just listening to and feeling with people. How amazing is it that Christ has perfect empathy for each of us?

We helped out at the Methodist Community Breakfast this morning, and I decided to go out of my comfort zone and strike up a conversation with a lady in line. I was able to testify about living prophets and apostles! When we open our mouths, we never know the impact we can make and the friendships we can develop. I was talking with another man, and as he asked us if we had seen about the horrible shooting on the news. I replied that we hadn't. I explained that as missionaries, we don't watch TV because we try to focus on our Savior every moment of the day. That really struck him and he made a goal to focus on the Savior more that week! A simple testimony can change lives. That afternoon, we got to meet the new senior couple that moved in, Elder and Sister Lyles. They are awesome and so ready to work! I know so many miracles are just around the corner.

Interesting day... something was off with the fire alarm/detecter, so in the middle of sacrament meeting, they announced that 2nd and 3rd hour would be cancelled so that fire men could come work on it. Guess it was a good thing no investigators came today. We still had an hour of choir practice, though. We went with the Lyles to a lesson that afternoon...  in the pouring rain. It turned out really good. Afterwards, I realized it was the first lesson Sister Strong and I taught together to an investigator, and we did very well!

Even though the work has been slow, I know I am so blessed to have a wonderful companion and to serve around 3 senior couples! God is so good, and I'm grateful for the Savior! I promise that as you make a concious effort to be grateful each day, you will recognize how merciful the Lord has been in your life (PMG 94), and your burdens will be lightened.

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

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