Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Week 51 - Off to Callaway

Howdy y'all! I received transfer news this morning... I am leaving Pace and going to Callaway to be with Sister Strong. Fun fact: Sister Palmer just finished training her there! Crazy how small the mission world is. I'm absolutely heartbroken to be leaving Pace. I love the people here so much, but I know I have done what the Lord needed me to do, and now I get to go and make new friends!

We went to practice singing with Sister Jones, the ward organist. She is so talented! She can put anything together on the spot into an amazing arrangement. We had so much fun practicing with her, and she told me that I had an amazing voice.

We had another lesson with Sarah's friend, Hayley. She is so interested because of the good examples around her, and she accepted a baptismal date of June 2! Sarah also brought another friend with her. Now she is also interested in learning more. Sarah is slowly baptizing in all of her friends and is such a great example!
We had dinner with the Weingartner family, and I love them so much!

We had lunch with a bunch of amazing women in the church. Sister Weingartner said my spiritual insight from last night really struck a chord with her and it was just what she needed to hear. We also visited our ward mission leader in the hospital and sang for him. He kept introducing us to all of the nurses that would come in to help him. He is a great missionary! We played chair soccer at mutual with all the youth, and I already knew I wasn't a fan of the game. But tonight proved that I really, really don't like it! In the first round, I accidentally got myself out... Then I rolled my ankle and got kicked in the foot. On the second round, somehow the last two people ended up being me and my companion. I tripped over the ball, fell on my back, and then Sister Scott got me out. Oh, and I got kneed in the leg. So. Watch out world!

Sister Weingartner
We went to Bishop's Storehouse this morning with all of the other missionaries. It was good to serve, but when we got home, I wasn't feeling very well. Without even saying anything, my companion noticed and said I was scaring her. She made me lie down, and my body just felt so weighed down, and my whole body was burning up. She suspected I had the flu, because I was exhausted, achy, and delirious. I just slept the rest of the day.

I was still sick today, so a member dropped off a bunch of food and medicine for me and stuff for Sister Scott to do all day. It was such a tender mercy. A bright spot in an otherwise dingy day. I felt so loved and cared about.

I felt a bit better today!  Unfortunately, Sister Scott wasn't feeling well. She didn't show the same symptoms as me, so hopefully I wasn't the one to get her sick! She felt well enough by the afternoon, and we went out and had a lesson with our investigator, Brother Tom. Afterwards, a member drove him to a baptism happening at the Stake Center, and we went too. It was fun for Sister Scott to see members from her last area. When she hugged her recent convert, I knew the meaning of the scripture that talks about Alma being overcome with joy when he sees his brethren still active in the gospel. I want to have that relationship with those I teach and come into contact with. 

Sister Scott and I sang a duet in church, and it went so well! The Spirit was so strong and it was amazing to see how God was able to magnify my talent to bless others. So many ward members complimented me on my voice. The lady who accompanied us on the piano made me promise to continue to sing and bring the Spirit in the future! Talk about a major confidence booster! Our investigator, Brother Tom, drove himself to church! He really enjoyed it and definitely wants to keep coming back. Pace is like one big family.

I've learned a lot during my time here in Pace, and I'm ready to apply those lessons to my new area! One major thing Sister Scott has taught me is about friendship. I used to always look for the lessons I was supposed to learn from each companion and area. But she told me that when God sends us on missions, He gives us our companions and our investigators to be our eternal friends. They are not just check-lists to learn from, but life-long and eternal friends to love and cherish. As I look back, I can definitely see that. Who we are with is not by random chance. God sent us to our specific missions at this specific time to meet specific people that become a part of our life. A part of who we are. I know that one of my best friends is the Savior, Jesus Christ. Even when we make mistakes and break covenants or promises, His nail-scarred hand is stretched out still. He will never forsake us as we turn to Him. He is our Eternal Friend who loved us enough to die for us (John 15:13). 

Much love, 
Sister Burnham 

Here's Sister Scott at a baptism we went to! Brother Tom loved it so much that he told people he was getting baptized next week, and then I had to tell him it was actually next month. He was like "oh okay, I mean next month.

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