Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Week 50 - Brazilian Red Neck

Howdy everyone! This week I have seen countless miracles and felt evidence of Heavenly Father's love for me. It truly has been an amazing week! After some really hard weeks, God has blessed me immensely. It has reaffirmed my testimony that when you are going through a hard time, push forward with grit and persevere!

We taught Seminary this morning! The kids are so great. That evening we had dinner with the Bishop's family, then stayed for their family night. IT WAS SO FUN!!! I have not laughed that much in a long while. I love their family so much. We played games and solved riddles together. Apparently, the Bishop thinks my companion and I are geniuses and tried to get us to help him on a trivia game on his phone. His wife shooed us out the door "away from temptation" and held her husband back while he called after us to help him. It was hilarious.

The Relief Society workout this morning was ridiculously funny. We did a Brazilian dance workout... Y'all, I make a much better Southern than a Brazilian dancer! That afternoon, we went tracting in a neighborhood Sister Scott felt inspired to go to. Turned out to be interesting because the first 7 or so people rejected us, and we also had 10 to 12 year old boys jumping on a trampoline and cat-calling to us. "Hey, you're pretty! Girl scouts, come sell us cookies!" And we found a guy on drugs. Yes, that all really happened. But then, on the last door, we found a very solid potential named Scott. He had a sweet Spirit about him, and I testified so boldly and felt the Spirit witness my words to him. #fourthfloorlastdoor (minus 4 floors)
Also, at dinner that name, a member made us awesome t-shirts with an inside joke on it: "I just want to travel the world and baptize cats). She's amazing, and we found out she is also in High School Musical 2! 

We had exchanges with our sister training leaders here in Pace, and so man miracles happened! I was with Sister Call, an amazing human being, and we went to a lesson with Brother Tom. She followed the Spirit and invited him to be baptized on May 26th, and he accepted! We are so pumped! After our dinner appointment that evening, we got into the car, and this lady and her daughter were walking by. We made eye contact, and I instinctively rolled down the window. She walked up and asked how we were doing. I responded, "Chocolatey" (because I was eating a dessert I had taken from the dinner appointment). She laughed and offered us free facials. She gave us her number and we gave her a pass-along card. Now that's the best kind of missionary work: when they come to you!

I awoke so excited and happy to go out with Sister Call. We went out tracting, and nobody answered their door. But it turned out good because then we were able to just talk about things I was struggling with, and she gave me good advice, but most importantly, she just listened. Listening doesn't mean that you listen to try to fix a problem. You listen to help them feel valued and understood. That evening, we went over to the ward mission leader's home for dinner, and it was soooo good! I ate so much I felt like I was going to burst. His wife told us the secret to her steak fajitas: she slow cooks the steak, then puts it in the frying pan after so it is tender and falls apart in your mouth.

This morning a miracle happened with JoJo's lesson. Here is her whole story: Just over a month ago, we knocked on a door, and I had a Book of Mormon under my arm, but as we talked with her, I felt prompted to just share family history. We set a return appointment for 3 weeks later, which was when she would be the earliest available. Due to sickness, it got pushed forward another week. We finally were able to meet with her, and she was skeptical at first she would find any family names. I'd been praying for a miracle to happen, and it did! We found so much and she was amazed. We set a return appointment, and when we returned she had worked even more on it and had printed off documents. I knew the Spirit of Elijah had softened her heart. Well, on the second appointment, family search decided not to work. Convenient. So we asked her a bit about her religious beliefs, and in return, she asked us what we believed. We took the opportunity to share the Restoration with her and testify of the Book of Mormon. She is excited to read it and said she has been searching for something more, for a church she agrees 100% with, even though she likes the people at the church she currently goes to. She admitted after that she had agreed to come to family history so she could also learn more about our beliefs, and when Family Search wasn't working, she took it as a sign that she needed to learn our beliefs.

That afternoon, we had a lesson with Hayley, a friend of a young woman in the ward. We taught her at the park, and it was loud and distracting, but she wants to be baptized!

Today I was a real redneck because we did service outside in Pensacola for 8 hours and I got BURNT. The thought had crossed my mind to put on sunscreen... well, I definitely learned my lesson for next time! We helped out at a food truck fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. I was helping out at a tent with some other missionaries, and the lady in charge had been asking some questions,  so I gave her a pass-along card and taught her the Restoration with another sister. Use every opportunity to testify! 

Our investigator, Brother Tom, came to church! He really enjoyed it and said he would be back next week! Miracle after miracle, I tell you! The best part of missionary work is seeing how lives change as they accept the gospel. 

I know this gospel is true because nothing else brings lasting peace and joy. No where else will you feel as loved and comforted. Stand tall and stay true. Heavenly Father knows you, loves you, and will make so much more out of you than you can imagine. I know this because He is doing so with me.

I have a 6 week challenge for you, if you choose to accept. Pick one scripture to focus on each week that promises eternal life, and strive to apply it each day. You will develop a stronger relationship with God and your family, and you will have eternal life. As you show the Lord you are doing your best, no matter how inadequate you feel, I promise you that the Savior will make up the difference with His divine help. For it is by grace you are saved, after all you can do. In spite of what you can do. Here are some suggestions, but also search out your own versus: 2 Nephi 31:20, Mosiah 18:9, Alma 37:37, Alma 38:5, Moroni 8:48, Moroni 10:32. Email me how it goes at

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

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