Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 49 - Service to the Sick

Hey all y'all! I hope you have been reviewing general conference and applying things you learn! One thing I have been studying over is Elder Bednar's talk on meekness. My mission president pointed out to me that it is beneficial to study the footnotes of conference talks because it helps walk you through their thinking process as they composed the talk. He said that President Nelson has been known to have over 100 footnotes in just one talk! So I took the challenge and have been studying the footnotes to the talk and have learned so much more as I feel the Spirit teaching me too.

Have I really been on my mission for 11 months? Doesn't feel like it! In district meeting this morning, we had a training on listening that really touched me. I am a terrible listener! I interrupt people when they talk, I assume what they are able to say, I think of what to say in response before they are finished... But that is going to change. In fact, I've already started working on it! I want to listen with love. I want to listen to understand and help people feel loved and valued. Not because I can "fix" their problems, but because sometimes people just need to talk. The district leader made everyone pizza for lunch, and that includes me! He found ingredients I could have!!! We taught Brother Tom a lesson afterwards, and he committed to come to church in preparation for deciding if this is the true church and if he wants to be baptized! It has been a slow progression, but is steadily moving along. We had also made cookies for JR, and so after our dinner appointment, we drove over to have a lesson with him, and he felt so loved. He had a smile on his face the entire time and may have teared up. I made him a journal to keep spiritual experiences in, and Sister Scott testified that an Apostle of Jesus Christ had looked at our pictures and sent us here because God knew we needed to meet JR. I am feeling deep in my heart that these are people God has sent me here to find. Friends I had in the pre-mortal existence. 

Sister Scott had a migraine today, so we weren't able to go out until the evening to a dinner appointment and then to mutual. I felt bad that she wasn't feeling good, but I also took it as a tender mercy for me because I didn't have any pressing matters, and for the first time in a long time, I felt so peaceful. I got my companion cold clothes to put on her head and rubbed her back, and just tried to help her feel better. 

We went to Bishop's Storehouse this morning, then out to lunch with a member. I was feeling terrible afterwards, so I just had to lie down. I felt bad that I couldnt do anything, but my stomach hurt and I couldn't move my body. Everyone noticed I was a bit off today because I guess I wasn't smiling and as cheery as normal. Sister Scott returned the favor of serving and made me pancakes for dinner. She's awesome :)

Interviews with our mission president. It was hard for Sister Scott because she found out the missionary she trained went home for medical reasons. She just felt so sad for her. We had a family history appointment that we had scheduled for a month before it finally happened! I prayed for a miracle to happen, and we were able to find a lot of information! She wants to keep meeting and is definitely feeling the Spirit of Elijah! We had another lesson with Tom. He has more light in his eyes than when we first started meeting.

We went to a stake primary event and taught the kids about family history. We painted at a less-actives house for service, and they made a GIANT pot of soup for dinner. Like, the biggest pot of soup I've ever seen. We didn't even eat a dent into it, but we got sent home with soup for DAAYYSS ;).

I love musical numbers in church. We had two. A nonmember came to our gospel principles class with his girlfriend, and our teacher didn't know, so he started going into deep doctrine about the apocrypha and missing books. Fortunately, bishop was there and invited us to teach him the Restoration when we were talking about the Book of Mormon. Another tender mercy was that a family was visiting that day, and one girl had just gotten home from her mission a week ago, and was still in missionary mode and kept the lesson on track! We found out after that they are not actually in our area, but it was still a cool experience, and the guy hugged us both at the end of church.

If I've learned something on my mission, it is the importance of not giving up. Sometimes you question if things or people are worth it. It is. They are. Keep going and don't give up, no matter how many times you hit rock bottom or seem to have to start over again and again. I've also realized how much I really miss my family and loved ones. I really appreciate all the support I've been given and have really needed it this past week. 

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

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