Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 47 - Saintly Sisters

Hope y'all had an amazing Easter Sunday and General Conference! It was so exciting to hear about all of the changes taking place. The Lord truly is hastening His work because these are the last days!

For proselyting time, we had to upload paper teaching records into the phone, which is very long and tedious. I've realized no future missionary will appreciate what we are spending hours upon hours doing. At least the Lord does :). We also spent some time with our district, and I've gotten pretty good at lassoing! One of the elders brings them every p-day to the church.

Y'all are going to be amazed and shocked. Today I played the piano in Zone Conference... and sang with my companion for a musical number! I was terrified all day, but I did it! I had a headache and sore muscles from being tense all day. My mission president was impressed because he didn't know I could play or sing, and when I got up from behind the piano on the last verse and started singing it, he was surprised and told me after, "I've never seen anything like that before!" Afterwards, we had a lesson with Tuesday (yup, on Tuesday) and it was so amazing. We brought a member that clicked with her so well, and we all were crying and pouring out our hearts and souls. I sure love her!

So, I don't know why, but it takes me about a week or so to adjust to new people and be comfortable around them. Sister Scott and I were able to talk a lot this morning about expectations and communications, so I felt a ton better. We had a lesson with Brother Tom, and it was really good. We shared about prophets and invited him to come to Bishop's house on Saturday to watch it. He was excited to experience it, but since he is old and doesn't have a GPS, we agreed to drive over and have him follow us to Bishop's house. In the lesson, he came up with a tongue twister for us, "Saintly Sister Missionaries saving souls." He is really opening up, and I hope he continues to progress! That evening, we went to a member's house for a "girl's night out." She has a baby boy with a rare genetic disorder, so she can't always get out. She took us shopping at Publix and gave us money to spend on whatever food or snacks we wanted. She showed me all of the vegan and gluten-free items they have there. I had pizza and cookies for dinner!!! For the first time in forever!!! She is amazing. And we had invited another lonely lady in the ward to come, so it was so good for her too. Then we had mutual that evening and visited less-active young women. The girls in my group got a small taste of what real missionary work is often like: one of the girl's mom that we visited said she appreciated us, but she really wasn't interested in coming back, and that the church wasn't for her or her family. They were a bit sad as we walked away.

We went to Bishop's Storehouse this morning, and it was the BEST EVER!!! Why? Because the Brewton Elders hitched a ride with Brother Wright, so I got to see him again! I literally had the hugest, cheesiest grin on my face all morning. It was so good to talk with him and see how everyone is doing. I just love the Wrights so much. I miss a lot of people from my last area, but hopefully I will get to see them at the stake activities coming up! The members that drove us to the storehouse took us out for lunch, but afterwards my stomach started hurting really bad, so I knew I must have eaten something bad accidentally... I was in a lot of pain that afternoon, so we had to cancel our plans and I watched the Restoration movie in bed. It's my favorite thing to watch when I'm sick. I felt a bit better that evening, so we were able to go to our dinner appointment and visit a less-active to wish her happy birthday. 

We had a pretty open day, so we decided to drive up to the very top of our area to visit a less-active that no one has heard from in a long while. Well, his wife answered the door and informed us that her husband had converted to Catholicism when he married her, and politely said not to come around. But maybe she felt bad because she offered us some water. Even though I had a full bottle in my bag, for some reason I said, "yes." We waited there for a minute, and she brought be out a water bottle. I threw an arm around her in a hug of gratitude, and she was very surprised and softened up a bit. Letting people serve you is just as important as serving others sometimes. We tracted the rest of the street, and no one was super interested. We decided to walk back to the car and only knock on doors if we felt prompted. Well, as we walked back, we saw a group of people gathered around a trailer, so I said, "Let's go talk with them." It turns out the wife had met elder missionaries 17 years ago and still remembered their names because of how nice and caring they had been, but then she moved and lost contact with them. We were able to teach the restoration briefly to her husband, give him a Book of Mormon, and set a return appointment to visit them next Saturday. What a miracle! Those elders have no clue of the impact they left.

We went to Brother Tom's house for him to follow us to conference, and when we got there, we were talking a bit with him, and then we asked him if he was ready to follow us. He said, "Saintly Sisters, I'd follow you anywhere!" Back in our car, Sister Scott said, "Even into the waters of baptism?" Haha, I hope so! Watching conference at Bishop's house was such a treat. His wife made us delicious snacks, and also lunch when she found out we didn't have any plans for lunch. She is amazing! And Brother Tom stayed for both sessions, so he was there for SIX HOURS! Wow! We had dinner with the Wheelers, and Sister Wheeler made me a cake! She is an amazing cook. 

The sisters serving in Milton had a baptism this morning that we went to. After the baptism, a random man walked into the building and said he had decided to spend Easter at our church because he was fascinated by the Mormons and wanted to learn more. The sisters taught him the restoration on the spot and he stayed to watch conference at the church building with all of us. What a miracle! For the afternoon session, we headed over to Bishop's house because we had planned on meeting up with a less-active, but unfortunately she was unable to make it. Sister Welty made us delicious snacks. We had Easter dinner with the Tucker family, and they are actually from my home area! We also picked up an easter basket from the lady who took us out shopping. It was full of all sorts of amazing goodies! I am being so spoiled here in Pace, and I absolutely love everyone! You can tell that the members are all trying to be like Jesus everyday.

I love how the church members are going to grow in their ability to seek, recieve, and act upon revelation with the new changes in the church! This is like the process we go through as missionaries, seeking the Lord's will for those we have stewardship over, because He knows them perfectly. I testify that President Nelson stands for Jesus Christ and is His living prophet and special witness here on earth.

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

With Sister Smith

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