Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 46 - Food and Flowers

Hey y'all! This week I am learning about having patience with myself... again. It's a continuous cycle, not a one time thing. Patience is crucial in order to fully understand and use the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, for often times we find ourselves making the same mistakes. And it's hard, and embarrassing, and you find yourself questioning if you will ever be able to stop, to change. You have to fight the urge to give up on yourself. Part of repentance, though, is permanent change. A change of our very desires. I promise you, as a set-apart disciple and missionary of Jesus Christ, that as you sincerely repent everyday with patience in yourself--or with Christ's patience in yourself--you will not fall short of eternal life.

We went to get our oil changed in the morning, then went off to district meeting, where we killed off a missionary and had her funeral (mission lingo for saying goodbye because she is going home). We had a great lesson with Brother Tom. He is opening up to us a lot more, but is still hesitant to come to church. We watched the Restoration video with him, and he really enjoyed it. That evening, I helped Sister Benson pack up all her stuff. Something I love about her is how grateful and appreciative she is about everything, even if it is the smallest thing in the world to me. She always makes me feel so valued and appreciated!

Saying goodbye to Sister Benson was sad. I'm really going to miss her, but I'm excited for her to serve in a branch in Troy! Branch life is so fun. Everyone needs to experience it at least once in their life. It truly feels like a family. It's weird being companions with Sister Scott again. I know we will just have a blast this transfer and see so many miracles happen! I'm already seeing so many of her strengths blessing my life and the area. She speaks and testifies so powerfully by the Spirit. She is great at connecting with others and carrying on a conversation. She is so bold and loving, and fearless! One day I was driving down the road, and a man was holding a stop sign for construction. While we were waiting, she decides to jump out and invite him to church with a pass-along card. What a great example to me!
Saying goodbye to Sister Benson

Sister Scott street contacting
I'm learning a lot more about how to effectively use technology in planning from Sister Scott as we weekly planned today. I have so much to learn from her, and this truly will be a growing experience for both of us as we work to overcome our weaknesses and focus on our strengths. I know you can get along with anyone as long as you have each other's best intentions in mind and are diligently serving the Lord. I'm excited to see the miracles that happen this transfer!

We served at "Feeding the Gulf Coast" with the Milton Sisters. It was fun getting to know the brand new sister missionary! She already seems like a pro and fits right in, and it makes me reflect back to when I was a new missionary. I felt like all the other sisters were so mature and spiritual and perfect, and I was so small compared to them (not physically, though). However, they probably didn't view me that way at all. Many times we judge ourselves incorrectly and see the world through jaded eyes. As we get out of ourselves and focus on the Lord, we have no time to worry about feeling inadequate; we are too busy following the Spirit and doing the work of the Lord!

We tracted for 5 hours. I wore Sister Scott out! We talked to and invited everyone we saw. It was so good to be out all day, working hard. That's when you get to see miracles happen, and of course, crazy experiences. I do love all of God's children, but some of them are still very strange... That evening, we went to a ward activity, Easter Around the World, where members brought food from their ethnic backgrounds. Sister Scott got her first taste of the Pace Ward, and she really loves it! We brought nothing, yet left with food and flowers!

We had some great speakers in sacrament meeting. One lady talked about hope for parents that have lost and wayward children. By remaining faithful to their temple covenants, their children will be blessed and saved by the virtue of the covenant. (However, exaltation must be worked for: faith without works is dead). As she spoke, I felt so much love for God's lost sheep. They were His before they were ever yours. And even the most perfect parent of all lost 1/3 of His children. But He is always reaching out and loving. I don't know why that touched me so much, but I hope that brings some of you parents peace, hope, and comfort. We also had a very spiritual lesson with a recent convert, and I felt so much of Heavenly Father's love for her as she confided in us some of her worries and family troubles. I'm so blessed to be here in Pace, meeting eternal friends. Missions are where you find an eternal family that is not related by blood.

I want each of you to know that Heavenly Father loves you so much. He sent Jesus Christ here to earth to bear the weight of our weaknesses, sins, inadequacies. To bear us up. He sends His angels to comfort and bear you up more than you can or will ever realize. He is making more out of you each day than you could have ever pictured. Trust in Him, and have patience and hope in your trials. I love y'all!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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