Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Week 45 - MTC Reunion

Hey y'all, with April Fool's day coming up in a couple weeks, I wanted to send home fake transfer news, because I thought Sister Benson and I would both be staying... jokes on me because this morning we got a call and Sister Benson is going to Troy, Alabama! I am so sad because I've grown to love her so much, but she will do amazing things. Ready for another plot twist? My new companion here in Pace is Sister Scott, my MTC companion! This is something we had joked about, but never actually expected!

This week our district has put a lot of emphasis on the importance of the Book of Mormon in this work. We've set a goal to pray specifically for opportunities to share The Book of Mormon and Restoration. We pulled up to a street and the people we were looking for weren't home. We tried all their neighbors and they were very unfriendly. I saw a group of teenagers talking across the street and decided God must have put them there for us. My companion was a bit scared because she felt awkward about interrupting them, but as my family knows, I'm the queen of embracing the awkward (mostly). We go talk to them, and one guy in particular was super interested in reading The Book of Mormon and said he wants to come to our church now.

An older couple came to a lesson with us to see Brother Tom, the referral we had visited the week before. They were a perfect match for him, and the lesson was so powerful as they bore testimony. Members are so crucial in missionary work! Y'all need to ask missionaries if you can go out with them, and I guarantee they will be so grateful!

The nearby sister missionaries moved appartments, so we spent ALL day helping them pack and move. Even with 8 missionaries and a senior couple there! One of the elders taught me how to lasso, and I've gotten pretty good at it.

The Kranz took us to Bishop's storehouse, then out to lunch. Apparently one of the waiters was flirting with me and my companion, so they teased us about our new boyfriend. Later, a member picked us up for ward correlation and stopped to buy us lots of treats and goodies. Members fed us a delicious meal that evening, too.

The Kranz took us out to lunch and then to teach Brother Tom again. The Spirit was there very noticeably, and Tom was very comfortable and receptive. He believes The Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. That evening, we went to the house of an amazing family in the ward to stuff Easter eggs for a glow in the dark hunt they were having. Tons of members showed up and there was lots of good food! I love this ward so much!

Today marks a year since I opened my mission call! Little did I know I'd actually be serving 9 months in Alabama! I could never have pictured how much I would grow. This morning, we went to try and see someone with a member, but they weren't home. The member asked if we needed lunch, but we knew she was busy and politely declined. Back at our house, we start cooking our lunch, when we get a text that she is picking us up Sonic and will be there shortly. We quickly throw all our food in the fridge and cupboard, hide our dishes, and spray the room down with perfume so she wouldn't know we were just cooking. It was so funny. She shows up and says, "You looked hungry. Never refuse food!" These members sure love us... and if you couldn't already tell, Pace is literally known for fattening missionaries up!

Our ward is so missionary-minded. They are making goals to visit every less active this year, and Bishop has set a lofty goal of getting us teaching 20 lessons a week with investigators and less actives. He wants the ward council to set appointments up for us to come to. He has a vision that Pace is about to grow a ton, that the Lord is sending more people to be members, and I'm so excited I get to be part of that process. That afternoon, we taught a lessactive man, his fiance, and her daughter, getting two new investigators and reaching our goal for the week.

The Lord has truly been blessing us so much, and great miracles await. The past week I've been really studying about Christ's Atonement. He didn't just pay the bare minimum price for our sins, but he suffered infinitely. In the dictionary, infinite is defined as "having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude." He suffered beyond comprehension, way more than He had to, so we could truly know that we can never sink lower than the Savior's grace and mercy. There is always hope for us as we turn to Him, for He truly has descended below us all.

Much love, 
Sister Burnham

P-day at the beach

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