Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week 43 - Brother Tom and Service

Hey y'all, this has been a week of mixed emotions. We got to do a ton of service, met a cool old guy, and we also got dropped by our investigators... 

Today was a GREAT day! After the work out this morning with the Relief Society, my companion realized she forgot her shoes. We did some studies, then had to go home to get her some dress shoes. We decided to go to a nearby area before dinner, and the last door we tried, we met an old guy who lost his wife 6 years ago. He was very friendly and open to talking. As we introduced our names, he said, "Oh man, I don't have a title." We told him we would call him Brother Tom, since we are all children of God. He lit right up. I've missed this kind of contacting, where the Spirit leads you and you find God's prepared children!

This morning we went to a food-sorting service place. The highlight of the day was meeting with a young woman  named Tuesday. She became less-active, but now really wants to become fully active and meet with us. She is so awesome! We had such a spiritual conversation, and she told us we are like the sisters she never had! I had felt sick beforehand, and my companion asked if we needed to stay home. I knew we needed to go though, and that the Lord would sustain me. We had dinner with a sister in the ward. She is so missionary minded and took us to meet her neighbor after dinner. We introduced her to The Book of Mormon and invited her to church. The best part was that the member did most of the talking and sharing! I also love spending Wednesday nights with the young women. So many look up to us and want to serve missions now.

A couple picked us up to serve at Bishop's storehouse today. I got to see all of the other missionaries and give Sister Scott an early birthday present (I made her a scripture box/case). It's amazing to see how the Lord takes care of His children. This is the true church! The couple took us out for lunch afterwards. The ward loves us! A family made us the best food ever! Sweet pork, guacamole, homemade green salsa and beans, etc. I love Mexican food :).
We got to video chat with Tuesday and read the first half of 1 Nephi 1 with her. So many miracles are happening because we get to use technology!

We were able to fit in some weekly planning this morning, and tried finding some people later that evening. We had dinner with an amazing family. They have a little boy who has to be hooked up to a machine at night to breathe because his brain forgets to make him breathe when he is unconscious. They have such a great testimony and understanding of the plan of salvation. And the couple is super in love. I am definitely learning so much about marriage on my mission, even though my focus is on bringing others unto Christ ;)
Tuesday sees how reading The Book of Mormon is helping her so much!

Long day, but good. We spent over 7 hours at a Family History booth at Pensacola State College. It was amazing to see the Spirit of Elijah working on some people. They had such a deep desire to learn more about their family history and receive help. By stark contrast, there are also a lot who really don't care to know.
That evening we had dinner with the Sumralls! President Sumrall of the Jay Branch actually lives within our ward boundaries, so we decided to coordinate dinner with them. They are such a loving couple. I love their family. And little JJ surprised me with a giant hug!
Before going to bed, I decided to have a personal inventory with God... or you could say a companionship inventory between God and I. I was just amazed by how powerfully I felt the Spirit, especially as I asked Heavenly Father how I could best help Him and my answer was, "Just be happy." God truly wants each of us to be happy. To enjoy life. We are His greatest work and joy, and He is happy when we are living after the manner of happiness.

I just want to start off by saying how proud I am of how far I have come. I've grown so much in faith of prayer and fasting, and I am now being able to fast without passing out! Also, this morning our solid investigators with baptismal dates dropped us over text message. It was much harder for Sister Benson, who has been meeting with them her whole mission thus far. Anyways, after church and studies, we only had a small time left to go and see people. We decided to go and drop our only other investigator, since he's been avoiding us for about 2 weeks, but he wasn't home. We both felt prompted to knock on his neighbor's door and invite him to church. He was very accepting and nice. We had a wonderful dinner... Cafe Rio style food! And they got me ice-cream for dessert!!!! People really care for me here, and I'm so grateful. At no other time in your life will random people that barely know you cater to you, simply because you're a missionary serving the Lord.

I know this is Heavenly Father's work. This church is organized and lead by Him and Jesus Christ. There would be no possible way we as missionaries could survive if this wasn't the true church. Heavenly Father is a real person, as real as I am. He knows you and loves you so much. He wants you to be so, so happy, and I testify that you can and will be as you live the gospel each day.

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

Funny Southern Moment:
Sometimes people add an extra "s" at the end of words. Everyone called Sister Wall, "Sister Walls." Or they ask, "How many childrens do you have?" Well, our ward mission leader is so funny because when he prays, he says "Dear Heavenly Fathers."

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