Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 42 - Full Mission Conference with Elder Holland

Hey y'all! Today's email is going to be a little different because I really want to focus on Elder Holland's talk on Saturday. It was such a powerful meeting. It felt so unreal: whenever I was looking down to take notes, I felt like I was listening to a general conference broadcast. It was also great to see everyone from the entire mission!

Highlights from the week:
1. We taught a less-active this week. She's been wanting to come to church for MONTHS now, but always has an excuse. We watched "Repentance is Always Positive" from general conference, and she realized she didn't have any more excuses. As we left, she said, "See you on Sunday!" And she actually came! She also received a calling in the Primary and is so excited. 
2. We drove up Friday evening to spend the night in Destin, FL so we'd be closer to Panama City the next morning. It was unlike any part of the mission I've served in... One of the sisters we drove with summed it up accurately: "It's like Las Vegas and California had a baby!" There were flashing lights, tourist attractions, souvenir shops, and the ocean right next to some of the roads. It was pretty cool, but I think I'll stick with the "boonies" ;)
3. On Sunday, Bishop asked me and other youth and leaders to bear a short testimony on what we learned from Elder Holland at our meetings (There were 3 that day for missionaries, leaders, and then the youth). It was such a spiritual meeting. They had forgotten to get my special sacrament during the meeting. I was very sad, then had a thought to ask the bishop if I could get it after the meeting. They were so grateful I asked and apologized that they had forgotten about me. We went into the kitchen, and two priests blessed one corn chex piece and a glass of water (they had forgotten a tiny plastic cup) just for me. It was such a sacred and touching experience, and I truly felt that the sacrament is individual, just as the Savior's Atonement is. I love how caring the ward is. They are amazing, and I feel so loved!

Full Mission Conference with Elder Holland:
-Before the meeting on Saturday started, we all got lined up for a picture with Elder Holland (hopefully I can send it next week) and then got to shake his hand. They spoke about the importance of a handshake. As we shake his hand and he looks into our eyes, the window to the soul, he can sense our worthiness, love and devotion for the Lord, and any sins or things we are struggling with. I had decided I needed to fast the day before, so I felt so peaceful and calm and happy as I shook his hand. I know the Spirit was with me that day, and I know he felt it. 

-Elder Holland started off by expressing his immense love for us. He is hilarious! He would crack jokes and make funny comments, yet kept it a very spiritual meeting. With two words, he could bring the presence of the Spirit into the room so powerfully, and I know it is because of his consecrated life-style and powerful conviction. He then said that this work is the work of Almighty God. We will never do anything more important than this work of saving human souls. It is the reason for the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the Restoration. Being parents might be just as important, coming closer to Christ might be just as important, but never more important. 

-He also said that we are called to serve for 18 to 24 months, but sometimes they only get 15 or 11 months of service from missionaries because they are not converted themselves or they do not realized the importance of this work and give it their all. He said that we are doing this full-time. It's like a race. You run the whole way and give it your all, and when you hit the tape at the end, you collapse. You have nothing left to give. I love the imagery of that. When we go home from our missions, we should be exhausted and worn-out, and then from there we can gain energy and refocus. But for now, this is our one moment. We will never have it again. Senior missions are not the same. Nothing is. He kept stressing just how important our calling is. He wanted to pound it into us. And he made some funny jokes (maybe not jokes) that if he saw missionaries who didn't take their calling seriously or went less-active afterwards, he'd go into a seizure and start flopping around, banging his head on the ground. 

-If we want to double the amount of our baptisms, we simply have to double the amount of people we talk to. The gospel is for everyone. We don't get to choose in a smug way who gets to hear it or not. No. We open our mouths and we speak to everyone. If we don't, we are passing judgement on them.

-The only way to convert someone is through spiritual experiences. We need to learn how to create instant and powerful spiritual experiences. Not only can we not teach without the Spirit, but we should not teach without the Spirit. He really inspired me to increase the amount I testify and use the Book of Mormon in a lesson to help them feel the Spirit. That should always be our goal. There are so many other ways, and he encouraged us to study about them. As we increase in sincerity and conviction, our testimony is more powerful. This makes it so every word we say is filled with the Spirit--and Elder Holland really taught that by example.

-One last thing that he revealed was about the nature of Preach My Gospel. He said that in the past, missionaries would memorize lessons word for word and teach people. Those lessons were made to convert the investigators. The apostles and prophet realized that to their utter horror, many missionaries became less-active after they went home from their mission. "How could that be?" they wondered. Finally, they came up with the idea of Preach My Gospel. Elder Holland testified that it was written to convert us, the missionary. As we became converted to the gospel, we would then be able to convert others. I LOVE that. It is so true. He said he hopes we don't memorize the lessons and become route teachers... because there are no lessons to memorize. Instead, as we study the doctrines and become converted, working by the Spirit, the words will be given to us to say. Every lesson is unique and personal for that person we teach because the Spirit leads it.

I testify that this is the Lord's work. He sits at the head of this church and directs it through living apostles and prophets. I know as we follow their counsel, we will be blessed and protected. There is no greater work or calling!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Quotes from Elder Holland:
"Nicodemus the Nincompoop" (as we studied John 3 together)
"Don't do anything stupid."
"I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel."
"That was when I was young and stupid. Now I'm old and stupid."
"I wouldn't waste 20 seconds of your time if the gospel was a flop, a joke. And I wouldn't give my whole life to it, either, if it wasn't true."

Reunited with lots of friends and loved ones.

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