Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 40 – An Ammon-like Missionary

Happy Valentines! Last Saturday, I hit my 9 month mark. I hear it's all down-hill from here. I'm old :(. This past week has gone by so fast. I really feel that I am becoming the missionary I have always wanted to be. The Spirit has been so powerful the past few days, and there are times when I felt like Ammon. I've really learned that as I purify myself to become a more worthy instrument in the hands of God, He pours out His Spirit through me to bless and strengthen others. Alone I am weak, but with Christ, I am more than strong. 

Goodbyes are truly the worst. After a long day of packing, we stopped by Sister Longs' to say goodbye. She almost started crying and said she was really going to miss us. Afterwards, we went off to Dora's lesson. We decided not to tell her we were leaving until after the lesson, and after we committed her to be baptized. She said she would be baptized!!! I am so excited for her progress! I just pray the elders won't scare her away ;). At the end of the lesson, we told her new missionaries would be coming in, and she was so heartbroken and started crying. It was hard. Then we went to the Wrights. They had made us dinner, and they took the news of us leaving better than I expected (even though Johnny thought we were tricking him about elders coming in). God is preparing them for great things. I'm so grateful I had the pleasure of knowing and loving them these past six months.
After district meeting, we went out with Sister Field to visit some less-active members. We couldn't find one of them (sometimes houses don't seem to exist), so we went to a nice looking neighborhood to tract. After a few doors of rejection, we went further down, and this old man opened his door and waved us over. He asked, "Who do y'all represent?" Me being me, I said, "Jesus Christ." "Come on in!" We went inside, and he invited us to present him with our message. We briefly taught the Restoration, and we could tell he had a bit of Alzheimer's, but I asked him if he would read The Book of Mormon. He told me that I was asking a lot of him. I responded back full of the Spirit, "But it's not me asking; it's God. And if it's coming from Him, then I don't think it's too much." He just sat there for a few seconds and said, "You're right." That evening we had dinner with the Belden/Sumrall family. I will sure miss how funny they all are!

I cleaned so much this morning that I could barely move. I was afraid to stop moving and take a break in fear that I would fall flat on my face and never move again. We then drove off to transfer spots, where we met our new companions. On the bright side, I already knew my companion because she has been serving in our district for the past three months. She has just finished training and is nervous to be leading out the area. She is from California and has 3 siblings. I already feel so much love and connection with her. That evening, we had dinner with the Cass family. They are a cute young couple with three kids, and very much in love. He takes joy in embarrassing her by expressing how much he loves her in front of us. #marriagegoals
Afterwards, we went to mutual and helped the young women work on personal progress.

We went to a general conference devotional at a member's home with some ladies from relief society. They bring their kids to play together, and one of the little girls there, who just turned 2, is my new best friend. Afterwards, weekly planning took forever because I did not know anyone! We didn't quite finish, but we are making so many goals and plans for the area already. We had a relief society craft event in the evening, where I got to know more of the members and make some Valentine crafts. I already love this ward so much and know this is exactly where the Lord needs me to be.

We met with Bishop Welty this morning to discuss the needs of our area. He has a GIANT picture of Christ hanging in his office. He is so bold and loving. I'm excited to be working with him. Later that afternoon, we had a lesson with Jerry, one of our investigators, who is super skeptical. I felt the Spirit so powerfully in that lesson, it was like I was reading his mind and knew exactly what his concern was. He'd been tricked and lied to by people in his past because he was gullible, and now he has trouble trusting others--himself included. I surprised myself by how bold I was with him. The only awkward part of the lesson was when I went to download gospel library onto his phone... he had a very inappropriate picture as his screensaver. But, by the end of his lesson, I had committed him to change it to a picture of the Savior ;). Never before have I felt the Spirit so tangible throughout the day as Sister  Benson and I study, plan, teach, or discuss problems we are having. We did a lot of service today as well, and then that evening we had dinner with the Petersons. Sister Peterson has six autistic boys and handles them with so much love and patience! She is also super nutritious and gave us tons of tips on how to eat healthier. That is such a blessing to me!

Every Saturday morning we play volleyball with the youth in the area and other missionaries. It's supposed to be a great fellow-shipping activity. Well, two hours later and I was so tired. But whatever side I went on seemed to be winning! All our appointments that afternoon fell through because of the pouring rain, so we knocked a few doors. One lady seemed to be a former investigator and had come to church a long time ago. She happened to be looking for a new church, so we invited her to come again. Then I really felt prompted to go home and finish weekly planning. I didn't know why until I saw the area book. It was in MAJOR need of being updated and organized. That alone took over an hour with both of us working on it. Can't wait until we get the Area Book Planner app on our smartphones next week! We had a dinner appointment with another family in the ward, and I feel a big part of my influence in this area will be getting to know, love, and strengthen members. Our purpose as missionaries is to "invite others to unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." This doesn't just apply to investigators. Every member of the church is in the "enduring to the end" stage and can always use a boost. 

After relief society, our meal calendar was already full for the entire month. What??? Crazy, I know. It will be a big change from Brewton! Sister Benson said Pace is known for fattening missionaries up. I got to meet two of the recent converts, JR and Maddie. They are both 16 and strong in the gospel, even if their parents are not supportive. I am so excited to work with them! We had dinner with the Larsens that evening, where I got to see my new best friend. We played with trains together. Sister Larsen said her friend told her that if a kid takes to another person so quickly, it could be because they were close in the pre-existance. What a sweet thought.
My companion said she has noticed a lot of my strengths this week, including that I get along with everyone. I love asking questions to get to know people and show that I care about them. Everyone deserves to feel special and important. As I focus on others, literally forgetting myself as I go to work, everything goes by so quickly! I love this work. I love representing Jesus Christ and feeling so much heavenly love for everyone. I know this is the true church where we can find lasting peace and happiness, and I'm excited to share it with everyone here for 9 more months!

CJ gave me a goodbye hug. I love him so much.
Brother and Sister Sumrall. They are the funniest newlywed couple ever!

Saying goodbye to Dora and Devarian

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