Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 41 - Phones and Pendulums

Howdy y'all!  I am emailing you from my new smartphone. It is weird  having one now because I have spent the first half of my mission without one. It has been amazing to see the Lord hastening His work through technology this week. Shout out to my brother, Sean, who is turning 16 today! #datinganddriving #watchtheroad 

Unfortunately, my companion was very sick today, so she stayed in bed while I cleaned the entire house. Maybe I should pretend to be sick next Monday... ;)

We started setting up our phones today in district meeting to prepare for zone conference. Afterwards, a member took us out to lunch. We then had Ward Correlation meeting with all of the ward missionaries and the ward mission later. I'm still trying to get used to saying "ward" instead of "branch." It is amazing how involved everyone is in missionary work here. We are currently going through a ward roster and talking about every single less-active member and who will visit them. As President Lee stated, "Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the church, and home teaching is nothing more or less then missionary work to Church members."

We went biking this morning. I told my companion that I knew where I was going and decided to lead out... bad idea. A mile later, I had us turned around and we had to backtrack. But all things happen in God's timing! As we got to the right place, no one answered the door, but at that moment, their neighbor pulled up and we were able to talk with him and invite him to church. Had we gone any sooner, we would have missed him.

Zone Conference!  I have gained a strong testimony that the Lord has blessed us with technology to hasten in his work. Technology is His invention, not man's invention. We get to learn how to use it the way He created it to be used: to spread the gospel. Technology is simply a tool for us to use, as prompted by the Spirit, to reach out and bless others. It is not something we should be controlled by or addicted to. We likened our phone unto a wrench in working on a project (or when sharing the gospel). When you are building a car, you don't carry around a wrench and say "How can I use this wrench next?" Instead, you use all of your tools, and then pull out the wrench when it is needed. When the Spirit prompts. Then we split up for exchanges! I got to be with Sister Sjoblom (for the 3rd time) in Gulf Breeze.

I got to see the benefits of technology today. As we met with a recent convert in Gulf Breeze, a scripture from the old testament came to mind, but I couldn't remember where. I searched a key word on Gospel Library and was able to share it with her. It really related to something she was going through. Later in a lesson, the lady was having a hard time seeing the print of The Book of Mormon, so I enlarged the text on my phone and she read along with us.

I finally met our investigators, Samantha and Gary! We had a powerful lesson with them this morning, answering a lot of questions and bearing testimony. Well, the rest of our lessons that day fell through, but then we realized we had completely forgotten to weekly plan this week! That evening we had dinner with the Petersons. She is so hilarious and giving. I love members!

Samantha and Gary came to church and loved it! We asked Samantha how she felt after sacrament meeting. With a giant smile, she said, "I'm just so happy!" The gospel truly is here to bring us joy and happiness! 

In my personal study, I found a passage of scripture that basically sums up my feelings this week: Jacob 4:6-7
   "Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea.
  "Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things."
I feel so powerful with Christ. I know I can do all things with Him and feel so strong. Yet I am constantly seeing my weaknesses and feeling called to repentance. I feel like a pendulum swinging, but I'm looking for the balance. And I'm slowly finding it... with lots of patience. ;)

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

I will send some more pictures next week when I have access to a computer...

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