Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Week 39 - Elder Holland and Transfers

Breaking news!!! We are having a full mission conference this month and Elder Holland will be coming! I am so, so, so excited to be in the presence of an Apostle of God. More breaking news: I am being transferred! And my companion is too! Our area is being white-washed with elders. I will be moving to Pace, FL (where I will be in a ward again) with Sister Benson and Sister Jarvis is moving to Pensacola, FL. I will still be in the same district, though! My goal for this week is to simply find peace outside of my comfort zone. As the saying goes, "There's no growth in a comfort zone, and no comfort in a growth zone." But I believe there can still be the peace of the Spirit!

We did a bunch of laundry and then went shopping before our lesson this morning with the less-active, Sister Clark. Our relief society president was able to come, even though it was at least a 45 minute drive for her! Talk about dedicated members. We were only there for an hour this time, because then we had to go pick up Sister Longs to take her for a lesson with Dora. When we knocked on her door, she didn't answer, and we were like, "Nooo, now what do we do?!" I thought to try some potentials, but no one answered. Then I thought, "We can always visit Lola because she stays home all day." Lola invited us right in, and she told us it was a hard day for her because of a recent death in her family, and now her twin sister is in the hospital and her chances of survival seem slim. She cried, and we were able to talk and bring her some comfort. Sister Longs related really well because she lost her mother almost 2 years ago. We were able to testify to her that God led us to her because our other plan had fallen through. As we left, she said she was so grateful we had stopped by and lifted her spirit. Well, then I really felt like we should stop by Dora's again. She answered the door and let us right in! She and Sister Longs knew each other from a while back and were able to relate. Sister Longs was able to encourage her through some problems she was having and strengthen her testimony about the Book of Mormon. She is an amazing missionary!

Today was a bit hard for me because I was in a lot of pain, but I pushed onward! After district meeting, we did some tracting around the church and had the fun experience of a man with the flu answering the door in boxers! The things you experience as a missionary. We met with one of our new branch missionaries, Brother Taylor, then had dinner with the Beldens. We talked about fun tricks in the Book of Mormon and how much we love studying from it. For example, the church was established in 1830 with 6 members. In Mosiah 18:30, it references Mormon 6 times! I don't know who comes up with these things. And another joke by Hyrum: what do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator! What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a cow with three legs? Lean beef.

Thank y'all for the birthday wishes! I truly had a wonderful day. What you hear is true: Birthdays on the mission are the best ever! In the morning, we went down to the nursing home and helped the seniors with craft-sand art. It was way fun. We visited some people around Brewton, and Sister Wright came with us to a lesson with Alex, who we haven't seen in a while. That evening we drove with Sister Longs to Branch Family Home Evening. We had a nice lesson on the Book of Mormon, and then they announced they were having a closing song. They pulled around a chalkboard that had a "Happy Birthday" banner on it with balloons, and everyone started singing happy birthday. They brought in a cake with fruit on top that they had made so I could eat along with other goodies. The branch members even brought out gifts for me and Sister Longs. It touched me so much and I couldn't help but smile the entire night. I sure love this branch. They are so special, and I will miss them. Fun news: we got pulled over with a warning by a cop for a tail-light that was out. On the bright side, it's not every year a cop wishes you a happy birthday!

We drove to Pace this morning (fun fact, it borders my  new area) to visit with Sister Brand. She has inspired me to travel the world and experience different cultures. Then we went home to weekly plan, and it was so hard for me to stay focused because I felt spiritually and physically sick. But four angel missionaries sent me birthday cards that arrived today and cheered me up so much. Also, prayer is real and so powerful. Whenever I start to feel antsy or sick, I just pour out my whole soul unto God and feel so much peace, love, and comfort afterwards.

I said goodbye to the seniors after the devotional because I had a feeling I would be leaving. We went to the nursing home and painted at least six ladies' fingernails. We then rushed to an appointment with Brian. The Wrights came to it, and it turns out Brian and Johnny are kin somewhere down the line! They really connected, and he accepted a ride to church! We went over to Sister Longs' house to help with family history. She loved the birthday photo album we made for her. We quickly drove to Dora's house and had a lesson. She gave me a birthday present! We'd planned to read from the Book of Mormon, but she brought up a question about how she can know God is speaking back to her. So, we spent the time talking about the role of the Holy Ghost instead. As we closed the lesson, I felt prompted to say the closing prayer. It may have been 10 minutes... I have no clue. It felt like I was raining down blessings upon her and her family, and the Spirit was so strong. He definitely led the prayer. She had tears afterwards and was very moved. Then we went back to Sister Longs' for a delicious meal of grits, shrimp, and catfish. #feelingsosouthern

We had lunch with Sister Fox, Sister Adams, and Chloe, then helped Sister Adams out in the garden. I dug holes to plant potatoes, and let's just say I need to work on making straight lines! Whoopsies. Sister Longs and her sister stopped by to pick some turnips, so they helped out in the garden as well. We went home to finish weekly planning and preparing for gospel principles tomorrow.

I had a wonderful sabbath, and it felt a little like I was saying goodbye. And BRIAN CAME TO CHURCH!!! He loved it! He said it felt like a school of learning, unlike any other church he has been to. He was very touched by the testimony I bore during sacrament meeting and by the lesson we prepared for gospel principles about charity. We had Elder and Sister Price, a senior couple, give a presentation third hour about how family history is changing so much and the amazing ways it can be used in missionary work. It was very inspiring, and the Spirit of Elijah was there! Sister Wright was especially inspired and realized how the family history connection with Brian helped him connect with the Wrights and want to learn more. Sister Jarvis and I received one on one training from Sister Price, and I will admit that I am finally just catching onto how amazing it is... But I'm so excited to do my part in the work. As I fixed some things on my tree, Sister Price said, "There. Now when you stand before Heavenly Father to be judged, and He asks what you have done to help with family history, you can show Him your name next to these things you fixed." That evening we went over to train Sister Wright on family history. It is such a powerful tool and there is work enough for us all!

I think it is so appropriate that I am being transferred to a place called Pace. One of the major lessons I have learned on my mission is about being diligent in the sense of not running faster than you have strength. It's okay to work at a slower pace when you are feeling sick. God created me. He knows my weaknesses. And He called me on a mission anyways. As I learn to find balance in my pace of work, that's when the most miracles occur! I love y'all and hope you have a wonderful week.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Goodbye to Sister Potter

Goodbye to little JJ from the Jay Branch
Burnham Road

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