Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 56 - Church Ranch & Mexico Beach

Howdy y'all! We are short on emailing time because we had an adventurous day! So I'll quickly summarize the highlights, but let my pictures do most of the talking!

We taught our new investigator, Kimmi, the Restoration in her humble home on Wednesday. The lesson felt more like a conversation than a presentation  (as it should be, but not always is). She really grasped onto the concept of living prophets today. It is amazing to see that the Lord has prepared someone for us after much after much hardwork and prayer. I really felt the spirit lead my words as I testified to her. The lesson really connected with her, and she is so excited to read the Book of Mormon!

Saturday was a day full of service! Went to the Methodist community breakfast that morning, and were able to see our investigator Kimmi! We then went to a service project with the young single adults out at the ranch. After some hard shoveling, we had lunch together and played games. Then afterwards we went to play bingo with the seniors. They love them some good bingo!

Sunday was a spiritually rejuvenating day. I really loved the testimony meeting because every single member bore testimony about missionary work and how we had influenced or helped them out. They recognize our light and our spirit that we bring into their homes. It is so amazing to see how the attitude in the ward is changing towards missionaries. They are truly softening! Partaking of the sacrament was also a humbling experience. I made it a goal to truly prepare myself to partake of it thoughtfully, and combined with the power and sanctification that comes with fasting, I feel spiritually re-energized! When we partake of the sacrament weekly with sincere, broken hearts, we recieve the Spiritual strength to endure each moment, to the end of our life.

We were able to go to the church Ranch located Wewahitchka today! It was amazing to learn more about the different ways the church earns money and is so self-sufficient! You could definitely feel the spirit on the ranch. It was a powerful moment to look around at how amazing everything was run and to realize that all of this was done for the Lord, by His organization and guidance.

I absolutely loved President Nelson's devotional to the youth. It was so inspiring to learn more about the gathering of Israel and what our part in it is! It really helped me to realize that this is our life misson, THE most important work ever. Because it is the work of salvation, of bringing others unto Christ. I had been wondering what my purpose after the misson could be, since it can't be the exact same as it is now, and this devotional answered my question. I made a commitment to myself that after my mission, I will always make the gospel a priority, and do things each day and week that further God's work. That will matter in the eternities. What things are you doing each day that will matter 10 thousand years from now? I challenge you to do at least one thing each and every day that will matter in the eternities, whether it be family history attending the temple, simple service, learning something new, going out with missionaries, or building relationships.

Much love, 
Sister Burnham 

@ Mexico Beach. There were so many shells!
You could just scoop up handfuls from the water!
The "10 Commandments" listed at the church funny!

My first time trying clams!

Some Southern sayings clarified! Y'all would be
surprised by how many of these I actually say now ;)

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