Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Week 57 - Expecting to Expect

Howdy y'all! I am short on time again because technology really does not like me today! But, we received transfer news Sunday afternoon, which always means you are either training or going into a leadership position... I had a feeling I might be training a new sister this transfer because we have 11 new sisters coming in, and President Smith said to expect big changes. So yes, y'all, I will be training a brand-new, fresh from the MTC, missionary here in Callaway! I am so excited, but it is also bittersweet, because it means saying goodbye to my best friend, Sister Strong. She is absolutely amazing and has been such a tender mercy to me here. So, you can say I was expecting to expect (have a missionary-baby).

What I was NOT expecting, however, is that Sister Strong is white-wash training in President Smith's ward in Tallahassee!!! She will be in a new area, with a new companion, trying to figure everything out, with President watching over! Kind of stressful, but she is taking it well and is excited to get to know President Smith better! I'm so excited for her and know she will do wonderful.
We had a pretty crazy week! We went out with Sister Cook, a ward missionary, to go contact people at a park. We decided to go to the back of the park, right by the bay, instead of the playground. There we found a cute family that was taking pictures of the hermit crabs in the water. We started talking to the mom and found out that they were on vacation and this was their last activity before they were going to pack up and drive home the next day. We were able to share the Book of Mormon with her, and the Spirit was really strong when I shared 2 Nephi 25:26 with her. It had just popped into my head. She seems really interested and we hope that she read the Book of Mormon on the long drive home. I can really imagine their family joining the church one day soon! 

Sister Cook trying to share the Book of Mormon with the squirrels
We took a youth out with us to go and heart-attack some members, and she really enjoyed it! We know we were also able to touch a lot of people through that random act of service.

Going heart-attacking with Hannah
Adventure of the week:
We convinced Sister Lyle to come out with us Friday night to another church's "revival." You know the stereotype of the pulpit-pounding, fire and brimstone preachers?  Those aren't exaggerated... The topic of the preacher's sermon was "five reasons I don't want anyone to go to Hell." After about an hour of shouting at us about that over loud speakers and pounding his fist, he started talking about how we need to accept Jesus Christ in order to be saved. He also said that we need to repent. "Repentance is a change of heart..." (Yes, the first true thing we heard!) "but not of action." (and... he ruined it 😒...). Finally the senior sister we were with said that we should go, and as we were walking away, we heard the preacher tell everyone to stand up and raise your hand if you are 100% sure you have been saved and were going to heaven. I was glad we left before that. That sermon was crazy. We left feeling beat up and like we had been yelled at for an hour. It really increased my appreciation for the Spirit that is felt in our church building, and for a Prophet that keeps doctrine pure and has the steps we need to take to make it back to our loving Heavenly Father. I never knew I took so many gospel truths for granted! If you want to increase your testimony of this church, go out and visit other churches!
With Elder and Sister Lyle
Miracle of the week: So, my phone hasn't been working properly all week. I just found out it has a virus on it or something. Anyways, we had set aside time to go finish inputting the area book so the new missionary won't be stuck with it. Well, my phone didn't want to cooperate. I decided to kneel down with my companion and pray. After that, my phone worked! Just long enough for me to finish putting in my stack... and now it isn't working anymore. God is a God of miracles, and I'm so grateful for Him everyday. Plus, we FINALLY finished the area book!!! Y'all don't know how amazing that truly is!
I know this gospel is true, and is lead by a Prophet called of God. I know that God will give me the strength to make it through the crazy week ahead. I know everything will work out as I trust fully in Him. My number one goal is to love my new trainee and help her be excited about missionary work!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

With Brother Harris and Elder Lyle in Bro Harris' beautiful garden!
The service project at the ranch last week

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