Sunday, December 8, 2019

Near-death Experience

2 December - 8 December 2019

Hey fam! Before you worry because of my title, I'm alive and well! I've had a great week, even though it was hard to fly in Monday morning from AZ and then jump right back into school, homework, and projects. Monday evening, I was able to attend a work devotional for my job at the MTC, where a couple spoke to us and then they fed us dinner! Plus, we got paid for it, so that was pretty awesome! Tuesday and Wednesday were spent with me just trying to get back into the groove of school and work. Nothing too exciting happened!

Class and work, nothing too exciting. That evening I knew I was sick. My throat was sore and my head hurt, so I didn't accomplish much.

I had a lot of fun plans today, but they fell by the wayside because I felt super sick. Even my essay had to wait because while I did all the research, my brain would not cooperate to write it. I did attend my class today and presented my semester-long project (a book full of pictures of hands that tell a story of someone's life), which everyone loved. My teacher cried at the end of the presentations and said she felt the Spirit as we shared. We learned an eternal truth in the process of brainstorming, planning, and creating, just like God. I also gave my roommate her Christmas present, which she absolutely LOVED!

It was my FHE groups turn to clean the church, and so I went down over at 8am and cleaned all the bathrooms (my mom trained me well). I then worked on my giant essay that I have due on Monday... which is all about near-death experiences! It's been super interesting to learn about, but not fun to put together into an essay. Work at the MTC was pretty awesome today because I was able to film some videos of my co-workers and my supervisor for my YouTube channel! I have some AWESOME videos coming your way! After work, my friend Kathrine drove me to a friend from the ward, Elizabeth's, wedding reception. Afterwards, I went with my friends to see Much Ado About Nothing on Saturday evening. While I'm not the biggest fan of Shakespearean language, the actors were so expressive and did a phenomenal job! One guy was so expressive and hilarious!

Wow, I had an amazing and Spirit-filled day. I drove over to Payson, Utah (which was almost a near-death experience because of the rain and snow) to attend Sierra Stites' homecoming. She was the missionary I was blessed to train on my mission. She did such a fantastic job and shared such a touching poem she wrote about her mission. Afterwards, we went to her house for the homecoming party, and she hugged me and told me how grateful she was that I was her trainer because she needed me and my knowledge to help her become the missionary she needed to be for the rest of her mission. It made me so happy and full of gratitude and love. What a special moment. Haha, then Tanner (formally Elder Argyle) broke us up because he wanted a picture with us since he was our district leader. I also really enjoyed watching the Christmas Devotional, and one cool thing that really hit me hard is that it is our FOCUS that brings us joy. Miranda had invited relief society girls over to watch with us, and while it was a kind thing to do, the girls would frequently talk or make comments that made it hard for me to focus on the speakers and feel the Spirit. I began to feel annoyed and wanted to watch it alone in my room or somewhere else until I realized that I just needed to focus in on the speakers and not let my external circumstance distract or distress me from being able to feel the Spirit. I had to work hard to tune in and listen to the speaker, and I think it made it all the more worth it and spiritual. I need to focus in that diligently to Jesus Christ and the Spirit every single day.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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