Monday, December 2, 2019

Giving Thanks

25 November - 1 December 2019

Wow, just a year ago I was a missionary, about to head home. Last year I ate with a bunch of members in Tallahassee, and this year I got to be home with my family in Arizona. The pies I made in Tallahassee with the Holdaways sure tasted a lot better than the ones I tried to make this Thanksgiving! I have so much to be grateful for this past year since being home from serving the Lord. I am grateful that I feel the Spirit every day. I am grateful for the education I am obtaining at BYU. I am grateful that I am brave enough to follow the Lord's promptings--like starting a YouTube channel, which has given me purpose and direction. I am grateful for the things I've accomplished--I stuck it out with my job as an early-morning custodial, even though I swore I'd never do it again. Ever.

Monday and Tuesday were mostly spent doing as much homework as humanely possible so I could fully enjoy my break with my family. I had booked days of classes and chunked out time to work on projects back to back to back. It was so nice having a full week off of work as well! Now I only have two more weeks more! (and I need to find a new job...).

Being back at home was fun, even though it sometimes felt like I was camping. Because, you see, some days we didn't have running water, and we didn't have a working shower or microwave. So yeah, I had to run across the yard in my robe one morning so I could go shower at my gramps' place. The new kitchen in the house is absolutely gorgeous, just like it came straight out of a designer magazine. I'm excited for what the rest of the house will look like! My mom made sure to spoil me with food, fattening up in preparation for the sure starvation I will face once returning back to Provo.

Thanksgiving day was good. We had Symantha over, and it was good seeing her after such a long time! Also, I worked on a book project for school that took me many hours and caused me many pricked fingers.

On Friday, Lucy went with me to a book signing by Sarah M. Eden, and it was cool to meet her and get free bookmarks and stuff. She is so cute and fun! They had goodies they'd baked and prizes they'd made... future goals for me as an author one day!

Ben Hughes hugged me at least six times at church. He has grown so much! I sure love that family! After church on Sunday, and after dinner, we went down and took family photos. It was funny because we taped mom's phone to a tripod and had it on selfie mode! We make such a cute family, thought, don't you agree? ;) We are just missing our brother Aaron.

All in all, it was a relaxing week and a time for me to love my family and try to help them any way I could--with mindful meditation, massages, or hugs.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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