Sunday, January 10, 2021

Cold or Covid?

 4 January - 10 January 2021

Well, there's not much to report on this week. I came down sick with a cold (at least that's what I hope it is) and have been sleeping a lot and taking it easy. I've watched a lot of movies, taken a lot of naps, and eaten lots of rice and chicken. I also spent more time than ever working because I have two online classes to get ready before the semester starts. In addition to TAing for PSYCH 381, I am also TAing for PSYCH 308 this semester. I am very pleased with the work I have done, as are my professors. I am feeling very competent in my job, which makes me feel good because when I first started the job, I was definitely in the mindset of "fake it 'til you make it." But yeah, I worked five hours on Monday, four hours on Tuesday, and then had two work meetings on Thursday.

On Friday evening, Whitney came over to visit me. We played Harry Potter Code Names and talked. On Saturday, I filmed two videos for my YouTube channel. Also, Jackson Tobler stopped by with all my stuff from AZ! So now I have a robot vacuum, lots of citrus, and an electric unicycle! (Though I need to get better before I go out riding on it). 

I stayed home from church on Sunday since everyone is like, "If you have any symptoms of Covid19 or are feeling sick, STAY HOME!!!" So I didn't want to be a hypocrite. I haven't been able to smell or taste things the past couple of days, and I am very congested, but I haven't had a fever. 

Despite a crummy week physically, I did have some marvelous spiritual insights. The definition of "wisdom" is "applied knowledge." We are to gain as much knowledge as we can, and then God can help us know how to apply the knowledge we gain. With Joseph Smith, he had to study out all the religions on his own and read in the Bible. Then he went to God because after gaining all that knowledge, he still lacked the key to applying it in order to know which religion to join. God was able to give him the answer. In my life, sometimes I feel like God isn't strongly directing my life like I hear with other people, but perhaps that is because I have a gift of wisdom and readily apply my knowledge. God trusts me to continue on and make my own choices if I am doing good, and He is there to give me wisdom when I lack it. It's all about striking a balance between acting for ourselves and turning to God.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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