Sunday, January 17, 2021

It's a Bird! It's a plane! No, it's Covid!

 11 January - 17 January 2021

Monday: Classes started today. I just had physical science (I know, I can't believe I procrastinated taking it until my last semester at BYU... I didn't mean to put it off, but it just didn't fit well into my schedule before.

Tuesday: Well, to answer my question posed last week (is it a cold, or covid????).... it was covid!!! Tuesday morning, I went down to the Richard's Building to take the entry testing Covid19 test that BYU is requiring all students take. One hour later, lo and behold, I get my results back... so that was a bummer! I had to cancel some plans that I had to get my car jumped and my battery checked, and to go shopping. But at the same time, I was feeling rather fatigued and it was nice to just rest and relax since I had to be in quarantine anyway. I met my new roommate Claire today. She had moved in all her stuff, but then was gone and then got back today. She is very kind and fun, and I'm excited for the opportunity to get to know her better. 

Wednesday: Classes are going pretty well. I am only taking four this semester, since that's all I need to graduate, and two of them are on-demand remote. I didn't really like my teacher for my human development class after I met her last night on Zoom, and then I realized I could switch sections to get a new teacher. So that's what I did! I found a teacher who I like much better (you can tell by watching their recorded videos) and now I am feeling very content about all of my courses that I am taking. I like my teachers and the content. Even physical science is very interesting, but it just requires me to think in a different way than what I am used to. But I think I am finally beginning to understand Einstein's space-time theory. Maybe. Sorta. Kinda? Just don't ask me to explain it to you... haha. I've been feeling worse than ever so far because I've had a constant headache that is on the edge of being a migraine. I've been super cold and have very flushed cheeks, but thank goodness for blankets.

Thursday: Well, I got my rejection letter from BYU, and I can't say that I'm surprised. I had a feeling that was not where the Lord wanted me to go, though if I'm being honest, it's never fun to feel rejected. I feel a little lost because I've had my life "figured out" since a young age (being a counsellor) and now I am facing the very real possibility that I won't be accepted into graduate schools. I only applied to two schools, and if one has already rejected me, my odds are not good. But furthermore, I haven't felt good about it anymore. Like God has something else in store for me. So I've been doing some thinking and soul searching. What do I really want to do with my future? Where do I see myself?

Friday: My other roommate Megan moved in today. She delayed moving in since I had tested positive for covid. She seems very nice and knows Claire well since Claire trained her on her mission. It seems like I will have some great new friends this year! My headache has been present for the last couple of days but finally died down today. 

Saturday: I am officially out of quarantine today! So what did I do? Jumped my car and took it down to Sam's Club to get my battery checked. They said it tested good and then recommended getting the alternator tested at Autozone, so I did. Autozone said my alternator was good and recommended getting the longer test at Sam's Club, so I went back and had them recharge my car and test it (which takes an hour). I did some shopping and then looked around at Ross. Finally, they finished and said my battery said it was fine (which was frustrating because why then does it keep dying on me??). But they said my back left tire had a puncture on the shoulder, which was in an area that couldn't be patched and so I would have to get a new tire. Bluahdhflsdkhfa'slhkd!!!!! So then I had to drive down to Discount Tire to have them check my tire and see what they could do. I was started to get a headache at this point, so I walked down and got some fries from Wendy's while I waited. Blessedly, the guy said the puncture wound was just within the boundary of where they could patch it, so I wouldn't need a new tire! BLESSED! So, a total of four hours later, I finally arrived home in a working car (that hopefully remains working). I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 9pm.

Sunday: I got to go back to church today! I felt the Spirit comforting and inspiring me today. I feel so free and hopeful about my future. I have learned some important things about myself--that because I like learning and synthesizing information and creating new things, I would probably enjoy a research grad-school track. I would get to learn new info and then have the opportunity to apply it in creative ways to help parents with their kids and strengthen relationships. That thought is opening up pathways for my future that I am excited about. Furthermore, I realized that I have taken the council of church leaders regarding dating too literally. When they have counselled us to "date seriously, not just hang out," I think I internalized that as "act serious on dates." I try to seem smart and mature and, well, serious. But I am just realizing that I need to BE fun in order to HAVE fun, which is what I want. I want to have a fun, enjoyable life, and that includes being adventurous and trying new things. Laughing and joking and having a fun, silly time. The "getting to know the person" will come along after that, but you first want to know you can have fun with someone and genuinely enjoy being in their company.

Much love,

Emily Burnham 

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