Monday, July 19, 2021

Young Authors Academy

 12 July - 18 July 2021

Monday: I met up with the other counselors in the morning to get assignments and move into Heritage for my job as a counselor over 10 girls in the Young Authors Academy writing camp. I was excited and nervous to get to know my girls. My roommate (another counselor) seemed nice enough, and my girls were very excited to be at camp. It was a struggle finding them all, but we all met in the music room on the third floor (since the lobby was so crazy packed) and they were super chatty. They were also very open about their mental illnesses, which took me aback at first, but was something that bonded them together right away. Then we were off to orientation. That evening, we had a luau activity with dinner. I was in charge of one of the games. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it! We went back early to the dorms to talk and get to know each other. We had snacks and did facemasks to celebrate one of the girl's birthdays.

Tuesday: I took the girls to breakfast and then was off for the day. I had an appointment in the temple to do initiatories, which was a peaceful experience. The temple feels like home. When I walk inside, it is familiar, peaceful, and I feel a rightness in being there. I was back that evening to pick the girls up from class and take them to the conference center for carnival games and dinner. I was in charge of the lamest game ever (guess how many pages are in each book!) but at least I got cotton candy! After, we went to the creamery during our free time.

Wednesday: Breakfast at the cannon center is both the best and the worst. I love all the GF options (especially the bread and muffins) but I'm prone to eating too much junk and then not feeling well. I prepared to teach on the instagram page Instant Institute. I was having trouble what to say, and I felt like I should call Valerie. She gave me some great ideas, and it turned out pretty good. Wednesday night we got to hear from an author, Christian Heidicker. I'd never heard of him before that night, but the kids thought he was hilarious and he did have some good points about writing that I think will help my own writing process. Then we had a Harry Potter make-a-wand (out of a chopstick) activity.

Thursday: It was a looonnnggg day because I had to work all day, bussing participants over to the Provo City Library for a writing conference held by different authors. I sat in on a few of the classes, and they were honestly kind of boring. My feet ached all week from all the walking we had to do (plus the fact that my shoes are old).  

Friday: I left my girls earlier than normal in the morning so I could make it to the temple on time for my shift. Only, after showering and blowing my stuffed nose, my nose started bleeding. Like, a lot. And it wouldn't stop for almost an hour! So I was late to the meeting and was on edge the whole time, breathing carefully through my mouth and hoping it didn't start bleeding again. Prayer helped, because it had stopped bleeding sufficiently for me to go to the temple, but then in the dressing room, it started bleeding again, and I asked Heavenly Father to help it stop so I could serve in His temple, and then it did and it didn't give me any more problems. That evening, we dinner, games, and a movie night out on the grass with lots of treats. Overall, camp was a good experience. It was a bit stressful keeping track of everyone and trying to cater to all of their needs and wants. My bosses were stressful as well. But the girls made it SO worth it. They feel like eternal friends. They were so sweet, empathetic, fun, and goofy. I'm so so glad I got to know them. We stayed up in the hallway, writing cute notes in each other's notebooks.

Saturday: After checking out all the girls and getting myself checked out, I finally got to go home! And sleep in my own bed!! I had a lazy Saturday, up until I went to babysit for the Nixon family. It was only the two youngest, and after putting them to bed, I had the movie theater room to myself and watched A Quiet Place 2 (since they had access to it).

Sunday: I felt a little emotionally empty today. Partly because of physical and emotional exhaustion from camp, but also I think because I missed all the girls from camp. I directed music during sacrament and during ward choir. At reconnect, only three other people came, and Rosie massaged my head because it was hurting. The direct sun gives me headaches, so I will need to start wearing hats, especially when I move back to sunny AZ. Then I made food and took a nap. Only, it didn't end up as a nap, because next thing I know, it's 11:15pm and I missed CFM and Ward Prayer. I went back to sleep, thinking I wouldn't be able to sleep for more than a couple of hours and I'd just have an early day, but when I next woke up, it was 6:30am. What the what?! Guess I truly was exhausted from camp, even more than I knew!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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