Monday, July 26, 2021

Hair Cut

 19 July - 25 July 2021

Wow, the summer is moving along quickly, and I am grateful for that. At the beginning of summer, it felt like I had an eternity of nothing to do, but I'm glad I've found meaningful ways to spend my time thus far, and now I am sorting through items and getting ready to move home in two weeks! While moving back home after graduating college didn't seem exciting or right at first, the Lord has been sending me reassurances over the past months that home is where He needs me. Whether from something that stood out in a conference talk, or revelation received on how I can help and strengthen specific family members.

This week, I've also felt a bit sick with a sore throat, which I'm guessing I caught from one of the many hundreds of kiddos I was around last week. It has only got progressively worse over the week (not that my eating treats and sugar helped at all... hehe... oops), but on Sunday, I couldn't even talk when I first woke up! Fortunately, my friend Becca and my roommate Mira had cough drops and medicine that I could use.

Taco Tuesday was great! The stake hired a taco truck to get to know my ward and another ward as we all ate tacos. I made the mistake of topping my first street tacos with their red sauce. IT BURNED SO BAD and gave me instant hiccups! I felt the burn even 20 minutes later, after I'd sucked on a popsicle! When I went back for seconds, I made sure not to get that sauce again. But they were delicious!

I attended Savanna's bridal shower Wednesday evening, and it was super fun. My favorite game we played was "couples charades" where everyone had a partner and drew a paper that named a couple that you had to act out together (ex: Ron and Hermione, Troy and Gabriella). I was paired with a woman who was seven months pregnant with her first born, and we had a blast acting them out as fast as we could before time ran out. As we finished one, I ran back to my seat on this fake leather foot stool thing, and in my excitement, I sat down with a lot of force and slid off the back and crashed into the wall. We had a grand ole time laughing about that.

Also, I've been thinking about getting a hair cut for months now, and on Thursday, I finally decided to go for it. I needed a change in my life, something to be excited about. And I love how it turned out, especially when I curl it. It's so cute!

I also found out via Facebook that my brother Aaron got engaged... officially! Apparently, he didn't really tell anyone in the family, so even Valerie found out via his Facebook post! I'm excited for him and his fiancé (who I haven't even met yet, lol), and while I'm not going to pressure them, I hope I get to have a little niece or nephew next year!!

I didn't get to work in the temple since I was feeling sick, which was sad. I am also working on learning a fiddle song in time to play at our ward talent show coming up in a couple weeks. Hopefully it'll be decent enough to perform! It's been hurting my hand so much, since it requires a lot of use of the pinky, and my pinkies are shorter than average. In other sad news, my rec center pass expired, so no more free workouts or ice skating :(. Just one more reason to head home sooner than later.

Sunday was good. I got a lot of compliments on my hair. I made dinner with Whitney and we ate together. I stayed for CFM, since I was actually feeling social since I've been alone the past few days trying to get better. Then I went to ward prayer and played hang man and Uno. After, I went to a game night and learned this game called "Skud" (but I think "Skid" or "Skydive" would be a better name) that you play at a pool table that was super fun. I am grateful for the joy I felt this week. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven.


Emily Burnham

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