Monday, August 2, 2021

Candy From a Stranger

 26 July - 1 August 2021

I've started cleaning and sorting through my items this week. My popcorn machine is quite the project to clean... probably because I didn't do a good job of cleaning it regularly. I've packed some bags full of clothes and items to donate, and I'm just hoping and praying I will be able to fit everything in my little Honda Fit. On Tuesday, I stopped by Whitney's house before institute to say hi. They were watching the Olympics women's gymnastics, so I stayed and watched with them, going late to institute. After, I carpooled over with friends to get our "family" picture taken with the friend group, only by the time everyone got there, it was too dark. We had to reschedule. We all made plans to go get fries together. As we were driving back, there was this young man riding on his motorcycle, seeming to enjoy the night. Whitney said that if I cat-called him from the window that she would buy my fries! So, of course I did! Cuz, free fries. Yum :) Since my voice was still recovering from being sick, it sounded more like I was screaming at him, but oh well. Job done, so free fries. We went to a place called The Wash, which was very busy. I got their "shaker" fries, which is a ton of fries in a paper bag, and they give you the seasoning in a little container to sprinkle in the bag and shake around. They were pretty delicious! Everything there looked really good, especially their fancy drinks and shakes. 

I still haven't been feeling completely better (if anything, I keep feeling worse), so I received a priesthood blessing of healing from two men in my YSA ward. I am grateful for worthy men who can bless me through God's power. God really trusts--or at least desires--me to make my own decisions. He has been very clear about that, and again mentioned in my blessing that the path I am on is a good one, and that it is my choice. I think I will find a lot of joy this next year in my decisions. I've been practicing the violin pretty much daily, preparing for when I will play in church and for the ward talent show. I also tried painting with oil paint, which was much harder than I was expecting. I wasn't super happy with how my painting turned out, but it still looks beautiful in its own way. I've also been applying for lots of scholarships!

On Thursday, I added tapes to my violin so I can have more confidence in where to place my fourth finger. I also went down to a local music store to get a new A string for my violin, since the old one was beginning to unravel. I babysat for the Nixon family that evening. They had some family friend kids over, so there were seven kids total. I drove the kids down to a local soda shop on a golf cart and they all ordered treats. Then we went back and watched Black Widow in their movie theater room. I missed bits and pieces due to putting kids to bed and getting other things done, but from what I did watch, it was very... violent. 

On Friday morning, I attended my temple shift from 9:30am to 2pm. I got to do a live sealing for the first time! It was marvelous. I got to lead the bride and groom to their dressing rooms, direct them through the whole process, including taking the bride through the advanced veil ceremony and sitting in during their sealing. It was such a joy to watch their love and happiness. That evening, I drove to our ward activity at Salem Pond Park. It was not well attended by ward members, but it was fun. The food was good and I got to go paddle boarding for a bit, which was so tranquil. 

I was asked if I could sub for someone's temple shift on Saturday, and since I wasn't really doing anything, I agreed. So again from 9:30 to 2, I served in the temple, even though I was exhausted. I had a lot of down time because people didn't show up for their scheduled time or was waiting to do the veil. I was feeling a bit restless. As I read the Book of Mormon while waiting, I started feeling guilty for how I have spent my time this summer, wasting a lot of it on meaningless things like tv or sleeping. I couldn't find peace or feel loved or forgiven. But an hour later, I was sitting in my next assigned spot, when an old man temple worker walked by. I smiled at him. Then a few minutes later, he came back out and walked up to me and held out his hand full of candies for me to choose from. I picked a salt-water taffy and he smiled and walked away. I had a genuine, huge smile on my face after that. I knew God had inspired him to come to me, and I felt God's love and forgiveness in that moment. He had sent someone to come help me because He knew I was having trouble feeling connected to Him. It made a huge difference in the rest of my shift and the rest of my week. Later, I went to visit Megan-Jean and her cute babies. I enjoy holding them. After, I left to go to see Mason's new house he bought along with my other friends. He fed us food. To end the night, I attended our stake activity at the Provo Rec Center. I went down the slides three times! They were super fun. I actually stayed until the activity ended! Granted, it did end early due to a lightning storm approaching. But it was a lot of fun!

I was exhausted on Sunday. I really overdid it the past couple of days, but it was totally worth it. I slept in. I fasted for an amazing job that I will enjoy in AZ, along with some other things. I bore my testimony in church, knowing it was the last time I'd get to speak at the pulpit of the Manavu chapel as a member of the 9th ward. It's crazy how soon I'm moving, but I am also very excited for the future ahead of me. I was reminded today of the important work I have among my own family members to keep promises I made in the premortal life. I attended Reconnect at Bishop's house and completed a lot of tasks from the Family History app on my phone. It is super simple and easy (assuming I'm doing it right...). I went to my friend group Come, Follow Me, and after I stayed with Whitney in her room and talked with her when everyone else left for ward prayer. She was feeling sick from something she ate, and I just sat next to her on her bed and listened a lot and talked and felt peace and the Spirit. It was just what I needed.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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