Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mesa Temple Visitor's Center

16 August - 22 August 2021

Monday: I went to Zumba with my mom. I'm still not good at dancing, but it's fun. I had an interview for a job working with kids that turned out not to feel right. The pay was not in the range I was hoping for, and I didn't click with the lady in charge. For FHE, we went to help organize the Mesa Temple lights. THERE ARE SO MANY STINKIN' LIGHTS!!

Tuesday: We went to Yoga at the gym, which I actually really did not like. The lady was not soothing and acted passive-aggressive. But we stayed and did our best, even though my mom sounded like she was in pain the whole time. I went to the temple for an endowment session. While it was good to be in the temple, I had the hardest time staying awake! I think I may have nodded off for a few seconds. It made me miss the Provo City Center Temple and how at-home I felt there. But the more I go to the Gilbert Temple, the more it should feel like home.

Wednesday: Went to the gym again! We did a weight circuit work out, then we went shopping. I had two different job interviews, both of which revealed that the job was not what I was hoping for. That evening, I was bored and lonely because my parents left and then Lucy was about to leave. I asked where she was going and she said she was going to young womens. Then she asked if I wanted to come. I said yes, then she said that she was kidding! I said she couldn't disinvite me, so I tagged along, which I think she was happy about. They discussed marriage.

Thursday: I babysat for the Tilley's for about 40 minutes, just two babies that were sleeping. It was originally going to be 13 kids for 2 hours, but their plans changed last minute. I still got paid really well!

Friday: I had a tough morning. I wasn't feeling well and I was down on myself. I ditched going to the gym and laid downstairs on the couch. I had a struggle with my dad over trying to ask for a blessing, but I humbled myself and re-asked instead of being stubborn or angry. I felt peaceful after the blessing, and one of the main things I remember from the blessing is that the Lord desires for me to be married and has someone in store, but it will be in His timing (it always mentions His timing with marriage, so I'm starting to think that maybe it's gonna be another 10 years. Only God knows!). But I know the wait will be worth it. 

Saturday: I attended our Relief Society water aerobics activity in the morning. I invited Lucy to come with me and Valerie, which she did. It was good! Honestly, I miss the Provo Rec Center. They have all sorts of classes I miss, plus the free admission to go ice skating! That afternoon, I had a date from a guy I met on mutual. We met up at the Mesa Temple's visitor center, which was newly renovated, then got fries after. We found out that we were third cousins when we did the family history activity on the top floor of the visitor center! While the guy was nice, he was not my type.

Sunday: I saw Sydney Langford at church today and sat with her! I am slowly feeling like it is my ward now as I get to meet new people. I loved listening to Elder Stevenson's talk about kindness (Hearts Knit Together in Unity), which we discussed in Relief Society. It reiterated to me how I want a husband who is kind. Kindness heals. Val, Briesa, and I were all wearing green, so we got a picture together! I think that I am better at being myself, goofy and open and fun, instead of feeling like I have to be reserved. 

I love my Savior and Heavenly Father! I am grateful for Their example of kindness and love.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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