Monday, August 30, 2021

New Hair, New Shoes, No Job

 23 August - 29 August 2021

On Monday, Mom took me to get my hair colored at Aunt Shelli's place. I wanted to go for a balayage style, so I got some highlights added in and went lighter. The red tint is mostly gone now, and the blonde does a great job of covering and blending with my gray hairs. Because yes, Burnhams tend to go gray earlier than average. Much earlier. Then I went shopping with mom afterwards and got a new pair of running shoes that don't irritate my feet. They were expensive, but mom paid for them and said I can pay her back. I've been keeping track of how many hours I've been cleaning, and mom will pay me at a minimum wage. That will go towards paying back for my shoes. I still haven't had any luck with securing a job, though I have had many interviews. 

On Tuesday, I went to the Musicology interview, and I did not have a good feeling after the interview, like I knew they were not going to hire me. The lady barely even got to know me. I've been squeezing lots of limes though! I've squeezed at least 18 cups of lime juice thus far, which goes towards drinks at Aaron's wedding. In the evening, I went with mom and Lu to the gym for an aqua fit workout. It was okay, but I still really miss the Provo Rec Center! Wow I did not realize just how lucky I was there. The best part was after class when we sat in the jacuzzi for a bit. On Wednesday, I went to the temple to do sealings. I also have started working on Aaron and Briesa's wedding gift. I am painting them a picture that they can hang in their living room, and they are going to LOVE it. I just know it. The tricky part is working on it when Aaron is not home. When I was having a hard time this week emotionally, I wrote in my journal, read my patriarchal blessing, and prayed. I felt a lot of peace and reassurance. I helped mom clean up a lot on Friday, and I got ready for my date. I was actually really excited to meet the guy from mutual. I drove to the Mesa temple where I helped pick weeds. He was a bit late. When he finally got there, I was very disappointed to see he did not look like the pictures he'd posted. I was so bummed and didn't enjoy the rest of the date because he wasn't what I expected or attractive. I felt so sad for a few hours afterwards, and my dad and mom comforted me. This is all part of the process of finding Mr. Right, and I know he is out there. My mom says when I finally find him, she will kick his butt for taking so long, lol. 

On Saturday, we celebrated Grandpa Burnham's 80th birthday. All the cousins and families came, and it was actually very overwhelming for me to see all the people I haven't seen in years all around, and so so so many little kids. I played with some of the little ones and escaped a bit of it by going shopping with Valerie. 

Sunday was a great day. I woke up with period cramps, and I didn't want to be social at church, but then I thought to myself that I go to church for Jesus, no one else. So with that determination, I went to church. During Sunday school, I made comments and felt the Spirit as I spoke, and then I talked with a couple guys afterwards that I could relate to. One guy commented that he served in Alabama, so I asked about his mission. The teacher commented that he was going into marriage and family therapy, so I talked with him about that too. I'm feeling more confident in my ability to befriend others and make the ward my ward. Make it feel like a second home. It's the best when you go to church for the Lord, not for yourself.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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