Sunday, December 26, 2021

Then One Foggy Christmas Day

 20 December - 26 December 2021

What a great week! We had a marvelous start to the week with my FHE group activity! I did so much prep work to make it a success. I combined with another FHE group (that way, there would be enough to do an activity, since only two people showed up the previous time!!!). We split everyone who came into four groups and assigned them to make a Christmas-shaped dish. We had candy cane (and other Christmassy shapes) pizza, a Christmas tree cheeseball, a wreath shaped salad, and Christmas tree/Santa's face fruit platters! I also had everyone write letters to children in hospitals and to old folks homes during any down time. People really enjoyed it--especially the part where we got to eat all the food. It was all very delicious, and everyone loved it!

Tuesday morning, I woke up a bit after 5am and got ready to go to the temple. I went to the 6am endowment session, and I loved it. It was the first time in a couple of months since the Gilbert temple has been closed, and it was a peaceful and spiritually strengthening experience to remember and think about Jesus Christ. I got to go to work at noon today, so I picked citrus for my coworkers for Christmas gifts. I also had time to play racquetball with my family. In the evening, I went to a wedding reception to see Becca Strong Harper. Her friend got married and had a reception down here, so she was in town. I was happy to get to visit with her, and I'm always so pleased when it feels like no time has passed and you can easily chat with old friends.

On Wednesday, we had a work meeting about the upcoming tax season, and though I wasn't feeling too worried or stressed, I definitely did after that meeting! Mainly because I didn't know a lot of what they were talking about... but I took lots of notes and have some time to prepare myself. Then we all went out to lunch at Charleston's, and it was absolutely delicious! The boss's wife gave us all Christmas cards, and mine had a $100 bill inside! I was surprised by how much food was wasted by others. I was the only one who ate all of my food, and only two others took food to go!

On Thursday, my two coworkers Kelli and Jill got me Christmas gifts. Jill got me the cutest bread teddy bear! She said even though I couldn't eat it, my family could enjoy it. Kelli got me a $10 gift card to Chick-fil-A. I spent a lot of time reviewing my notes and getting a feel for what I needed to learn. We got to leave the office early. I got a note from Valerie in the morning that my Christmas gift was coming early and to be ready by 6pm for an adventure. I was excited. She took me out to dinner at a new place in Chandler, and then we went to the Chandler Fine Arts Center... to a David Archuleta concert! I had no idea it was happening and was pleasantly surprised.

I didn't have work on Friday. We played racquetball in the morning. I went home early because I wasn't feeling well (since it was already 10am and I hadn't eaten). I ate and cleaned up a bit. Then Symantha came over in the afternoon. We played games and ate a yummy Christmas Eve dinner of smoked ham, potatoes, etc. I found a recipe and made gluten-free monkey bread.

Saturday was Christmas day. We all slept in! Lucy didn't get up until 7:30am!! I got ready so I'd look cute before coming down. I looked outside the front door with Lucy and Valerie and saw white everywhere... I almost thought it was snowing! Though it was just fog, we had a white Christmas! ;) It was spiritual to watch the nativity video, and then fun to watch everyone open presents. I was surprised Valerie got me another present, since she spent so much on me Thursday night. She got me a really cool necklace that has a stone you can peer in to see "I love you" written in every language! We had junk food for breakfast, then made pizzas for a late lunch. I ate so much stuff that I think my stomach grew three sizes too big! ;) I got exactly what I asked for, plus some lip gloss and a game from Lucy. Symantha and her friend came over to eat with us and play games after. I just relaxed the rest of the evening and ate way too much stuff. The present I gave to Jesus this year was that I would treat every day like Christmas. I know that sounds cheesy, but as I was pondering and praying about what I could give Him, David Archuleta's song "Christmas Every Day" kept coming to mind, and I thought about how much happier and excited and kinder I've been this past month. Christ has been spoken of so much more in preparation to celebrate His birth, people have been in the Spirit of giving and are more welcoming to each other. I want that spirit to continue and to be with me throughout the whole year.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...

Dad opening his gift from Sean by throwing tissue paper up in the air
Dad measuring how fat he will be by putting his Christmas snacks under his shirt.
Grandpa looking through my necklace stone to see the "I love you" message

Now don't I have the cutest sisters?!

On Sunday, I did not feel all that well. I slept in late. We had one hour church, which was kind of nice so that I could go home and crash after. It's been so nice to be around family. Sean has been so sweet and loving, and much less annoying and troublesome. I felt the spirit during church and had a new thought come to mind about how I spend my time. Sometimes I am bored or wonder if it's okay to do something on a Sunday or whatever, and instead of asking "what sign am I sending to God?" I am going to ask "How can I show God I love Him?" It is much more clear to me, and answers the question of what I should be doing. Something that shows Him my love.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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